Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It's all about the children

Are Quincy's teachers gonna strike?

Should they?

Shouldn't they?

What say u?


Anonymous said...

The IFT Quincy Union is trying to pay $12 hr to make calls for Hare . How can they teach about the Constitution , yet support and pay for campaign activities for someone who has stated that the US Constitution didn't matter .

IFT are enemies of the Republic

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No they should not strike. They should be thankful they have a job with excellent benefits, lots of time off and get a pension (those are hard to come by anymore). Let's not forget the most important thing, it is not healthy for the kids, not to mention the burden it puts on parents.

Anonymous said...

I hope they strike then we fire them all . A ton of college grads with Ed degrees in this state . Fill the schools with NonUnion teachers .

Anonymous said...

Why does the School Board force the teachers to negotiate a contract at the beginning of the school year

Anonymous said...

Yes,they should.Maybe then the youth of today will see what happens when you have Champagne taste,and a beer budget.The REAL teachers will will stay on and tighten their belts. The union teat suckers will jump ship. Well, maybe.Maybe they will talk big,like Jodi Steinke,and then take another teaching job at another school.

kate said...

Can we talk about Christine O'Donnell?

PLEASE!!! Pretty please!!!!

Anonymous said...

They had it on Lary King last night, it's the ADULT COMFORTS that are ruing the school system. enough with this "Kids First" crap, they should say "Greedy Teachers Union members that are big on the adult comforts" first.

Gotta love the good old greedy teachers union. It's dang near 1929, and they're asking for more money, and they're too important/sacred to pay for their health care, they want to put that on the backs of the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Christine O'donnell is HOT! Plus she can use witchcraft to fix the economy!

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