Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy 1 Year Smoking Ban

Gov. Rod Blagojevich announced Tuesday that a new campaign will highlight the success of the Smoke-free Illinois Act. He said there will be ads on television and radio about how the smoking ban has improved lives.

“People in F*****g Illinois no longer have to put their F*****g health at risk while at F*****g work or when they go out to a F*****g restaurant, F*****g bowling alley or other F*****g public place,” said Blagojevich.



Anonymous said...

On the other hand, I have saved tons of money by not going out to the bars...

Anonymous said...

I was at the bars and restaurants last year MORE last year because of the smoking ban.

But I admit I am probably in the minority.

Anonymous said...

Also, probably drank more at that bar...
Made a fortune for the state...
Sin Tax and all

Anonymous said...

Has been a stinkless year, love it!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Anybody know where we can find out how many local bars closed and bartenders thrown onto the streets due to the smoking ban?

Anonymous said...

It's the same amount of people who didn't get cancer and became healthier.

Anonymous said...

Smoking ban + DUI crackdowns...not good for bar owners.

Although getting a DUI seems to help you get promoted in some circles.

A former director of a local civic center got promoted to a state job after getting a DUI in a car with government plates (nice pants).

A local media company just promoted a guy who got a DUI in a car registered to that company.

Drink up!

Anonymous said...

Remember the local high ranking "Talking-Head" transferred AND promoted & after being discovered fornicating with *&^%...

Anonymous said...

It sure has been a wonderful smoke free year!

Anonymous said...

Okay, we know who the civic center guy is but who is the other?

Senor Badass said...

I can't wait to find out what our political class is going to prevent us from doing next. Yay, we love being told what's good for us. Yay.

Maybe we can get rid of fat people next. yay.

Senor Badass said...

Anon- 4:04, I hope yours is the first house they bust into to make sure you pantry has all healthy food and that your thermostat is not set too high or low. You love being taken care of, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Sorry Senor if you are offended that I don't miss the smoke in the bars. I find nothing wrong with removing a killer from bars. You can still kill yourself outside, in your car along with your kids, at home and tons of other places. But you can't blow shit in my face anymore. Sorry.......

Anonymous said...

I cain't smoke in pubs no more........

Hope I can still eat boogers at Walmart.

Anonymous said...

Be right back, going out for a smoke.

Anonymous said...

Hey Otis Campbell, how's the "choice" issue going in West Burlington? How's that workin out for ya?

Anonymous said...

They sent my man Roland back the f--- where he came from! Just now, on CNN! Who that Sergeant of Arms think he is, anyway?

Hope Roland had a round trip ticket! Otherwise, he gonna haf to buy him another ticket.

Tspud1 said...

Why haven't the nonsmoking hypocrites taken our cars, trucks, buss', trains, semi's, lawnmowers, chainsaws, etc away yet? It is the exact same logic. We all must breath that exhaust and I as a pedestrian must breath the air that Anon 4:04 forces on me from his car. His righteous indignation of smokers is misplaced. The country is headed down the same path. Make a law to take others rights and money and then feel good about it.

Anonymous said...


Tell Otis Campbells, maybe he'll give a fat rat's ass about your measly rights.

You and Otis can have a pity party in his closed up joint.

Tspud1 said...

I don't smoke nor do I know who Otis Campbell is. Why do you think you should be allowed to pollute my lungs with your car? Answer the question, Richard 3:34

Anonymous said...


Cause everyone drives, and at least w/ using a car, things get accomplished, like going to work, getting groceries, etc.

Smoking serves no purpose other than to make sure snot nosed high school punks in North Carolina have Porches in the parking lot of "Philip Morris High".

Otis Campells is the joint in W. Burlington that got shut down for a period for letting people smoke.

so the score is: non-smokers 2, smokers zeeero.

Anonymous said...


You won't get an answer from Richard on this issue. Zombies just follow the leader until they wake up in 1984.

Senor Badass said...

So, I can do things that harm others, as long as you think it gets things accomplished? Can I steal food from your house? That accomplishes the procurement of food for me.

I don't have the right to blow smoke in your face wherever I want. The guy that owns the bar should have the right to give me permission to blow smoke in your face. If you don't like that, you can go somewhere else.

NO, you do NOT have the right to go into a privately owned building and not have people smoking. I have heard all of the arguments and they lead to the fact that a dumbass like you will soon welcome the government dictating your diet and other activities. People like you suck.

Buy a fucking bar and don't allow smoking. Nobody owes you anything just because you are a big giant fucking prick.

Anonymous said...

Klingner said the sites at Clarksville and Winfield are actually more favorable to hydroelectric than Locks and Dams 21 and 22 because of the water's flow and head, which makes for better conditions for generating power.

Fire, did he not read the post on the dams?


Tspud1 said...

Not everyone drives doofus. Did you graduate grade school or are you still in 6th grade?

Anonymous said...


Who's driving inside? You can smoke outside, and drive a car outside! Get it, dipshit?

You’re likely a bilingual illiterate, unable to grasp concepts in Spanish or English.

Anonymous said...

The stress of reading comments by idiots such as yourself will kill me faster than my second hand smoke will kill you. The rights of a smoker and bar owner were taken away. Now that the door has been opened with the smoking ban, it will happen to you someday with SOMETHING. Get ready...

Anonymous said...


tell Otis Campbells, maybe he'll give a shit about your stress level.

Stay outside with the animals, dumbass, with your "rights" and all your smokers. Start a "smokers rights at 10 degrees Fahrenheit COPD pneumonia catchers" club. Have your own matching 02 tanks.

Tspud1 said...

I guess you missed the part where I said I was a non smoker. Many of the arguments about smoking inside was about the poor employees that had no option but to inhale the smoke. Well that argument is the same for people outside inhaling your exhaust. I point this out to show the hypocrisy of the smoke nazis argument. Since you are a self righteous asshole, I don't expect logic to make any difference with you. Cars can kill or injure you quicker than 2nd hand smoke. I am not advocating for outlawing cars just pointing out the fallacy of the argument. You said "Cause everyone drives" and I pointed out that not everyone drives and you ignored that truth. Just what the hell does speaking or not speaking Spanish have to do with this? That comment really raised the level of your post to confirmed retard.

Anonymous said...


They all say they're non-smokers.
You wouldn't gives shit if you weren't a butt sucker.

Nice try, moron. Seems like you're losing rights left and right these days, why would even stay around. You're just a dumb-ass sour grapes I lost the pissing contest and want to whine about it shit for brains smoking = "rights' idiot with the business sense of Otis Campbells. Go have a smoke w/ Otis, just stay 15ft from the door, dumbass.

Anonymous said...

I've got some free time on my hands, and I'm eligible for food stamps this month, due to my dumbassedness, I'll be sucking off the state for the next month.

Anonymous said...


They're coming for your fat ass next. Get back to your parents' basement and start stockpiling the Cheetos.

Tspud1 said...

Can you answer any questions? What does Spanish have to do with this?
Your post seems incoherent along with juvenile. There are plenty of non smokers who dread seeing the government start down this path. It's a slippery slope. The next will be your Big Mac or your cell phone in your car or maybe you firearms or your 401K.

Anonymous said...


I sold my gun, lost 40 pounds, don't eat Big macs don't use cell phone while driving (out of respect for others, there's an interesting concept).

Meanwhile, enjoying smoking ban!!! 2 states out of 3 ain't bad, we'll get MO next! And I narced a local pub recently for smoking!!!(true) How are things going for you on the "choice" front,you moron?

Anonymous said...


Wow, what an angry little troll you are. Why? You got your wish... but you don't need to prove what an idiot you are. I imagine those around you already know...

Anonymous said...


You're damn right I got my wish.

750.00 worth of fines to my credit, violations of the IL Clean Air Act. Looking to add to the total.

Senor Badass said...

How long were you married before your wife left you?

Are you petitioning the government to pass an ordinance that forces her to come back to you?

Is it your small penis that makes you want to bug the shit out of everyone else?

Anyone that would narc on a bar for allowing smoking should go to hell for being an insufferable prick.

Yes, I enjoy the occasional smoke.

No, I didn't go to bars before or after the ban.

Yes, I am one of the good guys that just minds my own fucking business.

Tspud1 said...

If you are so proud of your accomplishments, why not post your name? As far as taking credit for turning in smokers, I say prove it. Anyone can claim someone else is smoking. Hell, I thought I saw the mayor smoking in city hall the other day. See how easy that is. I for one do not believe you have the guts to turn anyone in. Punta

Anonymous said...


Why is it so important for you to keep looking like an asshole? Do you need the attention? Maybe that's why you're in a bar so much staking out all of the law breakers - no one can stand you at home. Or maybe Senor is right... small penis. Either way, get over it. Who cares if I can't smoke in a bar anymore? I never went to a bar anyway because of idiots like you. You spend more time making an ass out of yourself than you do believing in your "cause". You're a joke.

Tspud1 said...

Can you say "Bitch slapped"

Tspud1 said...

Come to think of it, an aquarium at
North Second Street would overlook the river.

Tspud1 said...

sorry, wrong topic

Anonymous said...

To my knowledge, you still can't take 'em out of my hand at my residence. So I'm fine, thanks.

Anonymous said...


You're as gullible as you are stupid, Mr. "Choice".

Anonymous said...


You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead if it makes you feel any better. I'm an easy target. Yeah, you're right, I talk too much. I also listen too much. I could be a cold-hearted cynic like you... but I don't like to hurt people's feelings. Well, you think what you want about me; I'm not changing. I like... I like me. My wife likes me. My customers like me. 'Cause I'm the real article. What you see is what you get.

Senor Badass said...

That may be the creepiest thing ever posted on a blog.

It sounds like something someone would say to the dead body of the girl they had been stalking while chopping it up to get it into the trashbags.

Re-read the post, everyone, with that image in your head.


Anonymous said...


Senor, I posted it, a lttle trivia, what movie is it from?

C & P ed right off of the imdb! Think, you know! Glad it got ya, though! think 80's!

Tspud1 said...

Planes, Trains & Automobiles
"Family Guy" Baby Not on Board (2008)

Anonymous said...


I had you bastards!

Senor Badass said...

Sorry. I should have caught that. But, the guy that rats out smokers is so downright creepy and weird, I assumed it was him. Good post, though.

But that guy, that "$750" worth of fines son of a bitch..

Man, I hate that motherfucker.

Senor Badass said...

fuckin' hate him.

Anonymous said...


Senor, i got you with that too, look at the fines, there is no way you can get to 750.00 with the fines. I was gonna put 1100, but thought 750 was a nice, round #. But there is no way you can arrive at a 750 dollar fine for smoking.

I live to piss people off.

Anonymous said...

You love me Senor, i'll F--- you till you love me.

Senor Badass said...

Look, I don't fucking know. Someone writes pretending to be a stupid jackass, how the fuck do I know?

Oracle posted dumber shit on his retarded blog every fucking day. Not hard to trick me here by pretending to be a fucking stupid asshat.

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