Wednesday, May 20, 2009

This thing is F****** Golden !

Director of Administrative Services

Check for Job listing here.

Place your bets.



Anonymous said...

My bet would be Duesy, so he can pat himself on the back and tell himself he's doing a "good job year round".

Anonymous said...

I don't think we need to let LM dictate who's on our school board.

We need to bust that goon squad teachers union, the one that's on the radio wanting to raise taxes (they say "revenue" to avoid the T words).

Nice timing, everyone's broke, and you turds want to raise taxes. Guess they don't teach economics at 172.

Anonymous said...


Have you looked at the other taxing bodies ? JWCC just handed out a 5% raise, the city too.

Anonymous said...

Who was the highest contributor to the Spring re-election warchest?


Your in!

Tspud1 said...

A question that needs to be asked, Will new person on the job get the same salary even though they have never held the position? City needs to save money on this job position.

Anonymous said...

It will be Phil Featheringil.

Anonymous said...

Spring just announced it, he's appointing Jim Murphy to the position just to piss everyone off.

Anonymous said...

My money's on Mentesti. Might be a false presumption though.

Anonymous said...

ABC on DISH!!!!

ABC on DISH!!!

As of May 23, if you have DISH locals, they are throwing out ABC(via KHQA) on Channel 29 DISH!!!

Oh happy day!!! Yey!!!!!

Also, for sale, one nice converter box, w/ a 55db gain amplified antenna, cheap LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the union goon squad at the CC meeting, they'll do to the city what the UAW did to the domestic auto industry. What a bunch of turds.

Union Member 822 said...

Hey tuff guy instead of running your mouth on here come to the meeting and say what you think to are face. Get ready the unions are on a move and we are coming after your Industry.

Anonymous said...

Union thug 822

Great idea dipshit. Then all industry can end up like the automobile industry.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's just what we need. A bunch of overpaid aldermen's sons sleeping in their city vehicles talking to their girlfriends on city cellphones.

Anonymous said...

or some more union protection so they can boink the secretaries during work hours, get the secretaries fired, and then keep their jobs and get raises

fucking beautiful

Anonymous said...

Yes, we keep hearing about the $ woes of school district 172, and who do we have looming in the background? The wonderful, gratuitous teachers union!! You know, the union on the radio asking for a tax, oh excuse me, a "revenue" increase.

Maybe the school district will end up like Dodge and GM.

Anonymous said...

Then the mayor can brag about how he hired and promoted the retiring Fire Chief and tell us what a "trific" job he's done.

Anonymous said...

UM822 -
"say what you think to are face"

Are you kidding me?!? Did you join the union because you failed out of school?

Anonymous said...

You'll have no problem recognizing these fucking retards at the meeting. They all dress up in their gay union yellow shirts, that were most likely free just like the rest of their trip through life.

Go over to QuincyNews.Onion for your briefing on how to a teatsucking whore for life. Joe Hagstrom has perfected living off the hard work of others.

Anonymous said...

We need unions in every industry so they can be as successful as our school system that is run by teacher's unions.

Anonymous said...

um822's alderman father-in-law likely had to fill the application out for him.

Anonymous said...

From the CC meeting:

"I see Teatsuckers, everywhere."

"They don't know they're Teatsuckers!"

Anonymous said...

Nice pants, JJ.

Anonymous said...

And the Head Teatsucker In Charge Duesterhaus was their champion. He's probably a member of the same union that he was sticking up for. Can you say, conflict of interest?

Anonymous said...

They should just wear those shirts while they are putting up Spring signs. It's the same bunch of yahoos who crybaby whined when they did the worthless vote about prevailing wage in a TIF.

Tspud1 said...

I got the impression that few of the yellow shirt crowd were from Quincy. The ones close to me didn't even know the aldermen's names, that includes Dhaus.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing out the hypocrisy of the council members that voted against the meager pay hikes. None of them are struggling. None of them had to take a paycut or worry about losing their job. Its just a game to them. Thank God they lost and thank you Mayor Spring.

Anonymous said...

Just who called or emailed Alderman Moore about the non union raises? In fact, did anyone really call or email him on anything?

Anonymous said...

Quincy Officials are just all out dirty. Why would spring say that he wonders why anyone would want to tarnish the cities reputation.

Firefigher rairoad cost: 400k

McQueen issue: Civil rights?

Sting operation at the veterans home way back in the 90's

He needs to just keep wondering.

Anonymous said...

These guys are a shameless bunch of thieving pricks. Not one volunteered to refuse their raise. Murphy took his well earned increase. The new fire chief took the one that Walker earned with his stellar supervision of his people fornicating in the closets. Pat them on the back when you see them around town, but don't bend over to pick anything up.

Anonymous said...

I see teatsuckers, everywhere! They don't know they're teatsuckers.

Anonymous said...

just to let you know jj is interviewing for the job on Wed.

Anonymous said...

just to let you know jj is interviewing for the job on Wed.

Anonymous said...

Nice pants, JJ!!

Looks like the Nepotism Fire is still burning!!!

Maybe you'll be able to charge some Dockers w/ the credit card they'll give ya. Dept Head meetings at the pub? How bout some 12 OZers on the floorboard of the city car?

Anonymous said...

IAM 822 need not be bashed. Those of us that work in one of their shops can attest to the benefits that is gained by union orginization. In other words, blow your anti-union sentiment out your ass. Unions are making a strong return and we will be recognized as we once were. The city is run by morons who line their pockets at our expense and most of you are not smart enough or just don't care enough to do anything about it. John Spring, Dave Bellis or anyone else that is or has been connected with the city in anyway should not be Mayor, Alderman or any other position. Elect Johnny six-pack or a term. A normal guy for a change that knows what it is like to come home to a dark house because he did'nt earn enough money and had to choose between lights or food. Not some well to do business owner that has leeched off the city for years. One a side note; Spring acts gay.

Anonymous said...


How'd unions work out for GM, Dodge? How are they doing?

Anonymous said...

The unions didnt bankrupt the auto makers. The union bargin collectivly. The company has the right to bargin and the union votes it in. It is obvious you have no concept of how a union works. The automakers weree swimming in money in the 70s. 80s and 90s and now when the well ran dry they want to blame the unions. Where did all that $$$ go? It went to high paid ceo bonuses and salarys. They ruined the automakers not the unions. Unions built this country and the middle class don't forget that. Were it not for the unions in this town us middle classers would be forced to work for low wages for Morry Taylor and his group od bandits.

Inform yourself first before you go making blanket statements about unions.

Anonymous said...


Screw you, idiot ass, union turds in Detroit making 70 an hour for doing nothing, that didn't hurt the industry? Get real, your union turd attitude sucks, all unions like yours do is hold up the taxpayers for more money. Go try and put a union in on morey Taylor. Least the guy has some business sense. Maybe Morey ought to run the city and the crap-ass school system 172.

If you had any balls (you don't) you'd start a shop at Morey's. Since you are a gutless, spineless union turd, you'll keep at your "union" sucking dry a TSE (Taxpayer Supported Entity).

You'll never be anything more than a deer tick on the taxpayers.

Get out there, your "brothers" at Titan need you, you little bitch!!!

Anonymous said...


Hope your happy, asshole, the taxpayers are now paying pensions and benefits for "Government Motors" dickheads that couldn't cut it like the Japs and Koreans could. Now they just a bunch of welfare whores, these retired auto-workers, just like you, you blood-sucking deer tick on society.

Proud union member said...

Titan Wheel will be a union shop inside of a year. There is orginizing going on as we speak. Watch your beloved news paper (if you can read). Mr. taylor has about as much business sense as he had presidential sense. Zip, zero, nadda. Stay at your 14$ hr job and continue to pay for your health benefits while I cruise by with free health care and higher wages. Best part is when you retire you wil lget SS and that's it. I wil lget SS and a nice pension from my employer thanks to my union and collective bargaining. I think there are some houses for sale down around 3rd and Elm you may be able to afford on SS. However, I suspect that is where you crurrently reside. How's the crime and drug rate in your area? The only time my area gets hit is when one of you non union workers slither into my area and steal something because you cannot afford to buy anything on non-union wages. Have a great day scab...

Anonymous said...


gotta love the scabs that have real work ethic and appreciate work.

You spineless, ballless twit, you couldn't get shop at Titan if your life depended on it, Morey would ass f*** you so hard you'd love him if you even tried. So keep sponging off the taxpayers with your pissy ass union.

You're nothing but a union bitch.

Titan Wheel orginizer said...

Your shop will soon be under our control and there is nothing you or anyone else can do about it. Your employees are behind this action and have already begun the process. It will be nice to see a union insignia proudly posted in your shop. Long live unionization on Spruce street. It has been a long and arduous process but we are in the final leg of the race.

Yours truely


Anonymous said...


Nice attempt to spread a rumor that would never, ever come to fruition.

And to be honest, Titan workers are much more deserving to have union representation, JT, than turds that you that bleed TSE's dry.

Proud union member said...

I will not disclose the union shop that I work in only to the point that it is fully union and it does take care of the members. Our wages far exceed those of Titan Wheels. You can resort to name calling if you so desire but the fact remains; union shops are safer, higher paid and have better health benefits than non union shops. i will not even go in to job security, retirement and overall working conditions.

Not my real name or initials.

Anonymous said...


"JT" - That's cool we'll call you that.

Which TSE (Taxpayer Supported Entity) does your union bleed out?

My main issue is that the original purpose and function of unions was appropriate, but somewhere along the line, people the worked for TSE's saw organizing as a way to fleece the public with impunity, knowing that a govt can not do what it should and bust the union, the govt is bound to play by nicey nice rules.

Be honest, which TSE does your union suck from?

You don't, nor would you ever, have the clout to organize @ Titan, and you know that.

My only wish would that there be a referendum to vote out/bust the unions of the city and school district. That's about as likely to happen as Titan going union!

J.T said...

I do not work for a Taxpayer Supported Entity, I work for a family owned company that is very well know in teh city, state and dare I say country. We are not supported by tax dollars, we receive no government funding and our union relationship with the company is one of mutual respect and understanding. You can't base your opinions off of the city and how they and their union interact. i am a staunch union supporter and I can see the cons as well as the pros. i am in the same local as the city workers however that is where th similarities end. The city, like the automakers have the choice on how they bargain with their respective unions. If the city dont want a pay raise they have the option of saying no during contract negotiations and take their chances on a strike. Same with the union, they can ask for more money etc but it is up to the city to decide if they want to risk a strike or not same with the union. Unions do not want to see their members out on strike. Unions would much rather have their members working productivly. However, strikes do occur. When my company negortiates a new contract and it gets ratified and I am not happy I grin and bear it like a man. Majority rules, united we stand, divided we fall. Unions are looked upon negativly because of few bad apples. using that same critieria the military should be judged the same as they have bad apples, the police the same thing and so on. So what i am trying to convey is there are good points and bad points in everything it is up to you to sort the wheat from the shaft and form an opinion. I have worked at Titan years ago and let me tell you that is a shit hole place to work. They can fire you for any reason they see fit. No union protection. It does not matter how good of a worker you are, if they get a hair up their ass and for some reason you piss them off.. you're gone. My shop has union protection. We have a set procedure for disciplinary actions as defined in our contract. So if I for some reason make one of the bosses mad they cant retaliate against me and fire me. Can you say that about your place of employment? You say unions fleece the tax payers. Show me an example locally where that has happened. Were it not for a union presence in this area wages for factory workers probably would not be where they are. In order to compete for skilled employees a non union shop in most cases will increase their wages or benefits in an attempt to sway skilled workes to work at their company. So unless you are a white collar worker you benefit from unions. unions built the roads that you drive on every single day you travel the streets of Quincy. Would you want low wage people building your roads? Not me said the king. Unions instill a sense of pride in workmanship, non union shops instill the bottom line. Unions instill productivity, the more productive you are the more competitive your employer can be and that will bring more jobs and job security.

Anonymous said...

JT, thanks for the discussion! I'll out myself as white collar non-union(able to be canned anytime, for any reason). My main issue is that TSE contracted unions have stolen and bastardized organization, overall. I agree fully with your thoughts and Titan, just good luck on getting a shop there! One example of fleecing is the teachers union fighting having to pay for health care costs to such an extreme, and constantly holding the kid's education hostage in their negotiations and wailing.

Another would be city workers union setting up a political machine for one particular party, stumping and hauling wter on the taxpayers dime, etc.

Thanks again, great how the debate matured for once in the blogoshpere!!!

Best of luck w/ Morey, I like rooting for the underdog. Tell you what, we'll let Titan go U-shop, and take one away from either the city or the 172 teachers LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

jimmy goehl should get the job i think he deserves it don't you think so too

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