Nebraska firm hired for Adams County zoning.
Tookie mentioned of this a while back on his blog.
It has some real truth.
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Free Tookie, call your local juror and tell them Tookie is innocent!!!
I can hear the jury selection process already: "Do you know Tookie, are you a blogger, do you read Quincy City Desk, Oracle, Fire, if so, we thank and excuse you from this trial"
Hell, we ought to have somebody doing this stuff that knows what they're doing. Nobody around here does, for sure.
At least they won't be related to anyone. You know, the way everything else around is done.
it's not the experts' fault if Quincy - excuse me THE REGION - is full of morons who don't know their SUV from their wife
Fire, can we get a countdown to justice timer, countdown thing like you did with some other big, important local events? Tookie's trial is slated for Monday morning, April 14, at 9:00 a.m.
How bout it, Fire, can we get a countdown-timer on fire? He deserves it, for not letting the man push him around and making a stand for ind rights & freedoms! It would really be appreciated!!! And it would be funny! A count-down timer, PLEASE!!!!!!
Thanks, Fire!
Yes, a "countdown to justice" timer would be great, set to 9:00 am Monday morning. Please Fire, a countdown if you may!
Trail has been put back to June 9, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. Will justive ever be served? The "Big File" is getting bigger.
Fire, how bout a timer to June 9, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. please?
I'll see if I can work on it this weekend.
That was a pain in the a** by the way.
Dudes I got a lot more on my mind than an OV trial .........
what did tookie do?
Tookie played Public Enemy "Black Steel in the Hour of chaos " at a level that was deemed too strong for QPD on a sunny day .
Jesus read it up on County site lazy ass
Timer is up !
(unless tookster doesn't care for it, then I will take it off)
Can we get a timer on how long it takes the Whig to apologize?
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