Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Most of the individuals who post here are some of the best and brightest. The opinions expressed here, while probably right and certainly smart, are their own, and are not necessarily reviewed in advance by anyone but the individual author. Sometimes, the author is audacious and decides to post an opinion without a buddy reviewing it, and at other times, he/she may seek counsel of a friend. Regardless, these opinions do not necessarily reflect the view of Quincy Fire or any other person or company. Quincy Fire might agree with them - or might not.
Sarah Palin. Wikileaks. Earmarks. Christmas shopping. Anal fissures. Snow. Family Guy. Bret Michaels. The Biggest Loser. Chris Duerr.
Snow? Really?
Spring and his'stache
Family Guy?
What ever is in the water here that makes public employees hump their co-workers .
The fact that we sold a good percentage of jobs to China and India and now unemployment checks are drying up. We are all suppose to train for "green energy" jobs to replace what we lost, right. Watch your back everyone, crime is going to jump off the charts as the unemployed attempt to feed their families anyway possible.
What burns my ass:
High School and College Sports
What a complete waste of money / resources / lives / health / etc
A wise man once said: We give you sports to keep you from thinking too much.
That Gwyneth Paltrow married someone else.
What burns my ass? People that sit in front of a computer and bitch about what burns their ass. Stop looking to validate your bitchiness, step away from the keyboard, and get some fucking exercise.
11:53 you stupid dumbass
you just bitched
quit lurking around the school yards for your exercise, you perv, remember chris hanson is always watching.... you dipshit
Don't know where you get pedophilia out of routine exercise, but it sure does set the tone of intellect (or lack thereof) around here.
Ohhh sick burn.
Oh no, Mitch is back. Get ready for broad generalizations, unfounded accusations and drunken rants.
Ohhh sick burn.
The democrats acting like it's the repubs fault that the Bush tax cuts are going for another two years. Were they not in control of both houses for the last two years? Why did they wait til after the election? Obama is acting like this came up all of a sudden. I am incredibly disappointed with them.
Ever been near Mike Flynn and his bottle of "water" at 9am? No plant would survive that kind of drunkenness!
WOWZA. Get that guy some rehab!
oh no anon 7:57.....12/4... is back
some one who loves taking it in the ass, and then bitches cause he didnt get a reach around
go fuck your grandma
Oh mitch, let's get off of grandmas! I just got off yours! By the way, sounds like you're quite familiar with gay sex.
My apologies to all gay guys out there that have to put up with us.
Lying, Draft Dodging, Womanizing, Dope Smoking Democrat & Republican Politicians
They are the blood sucking scourge upon America
PS: forgot "homos" in my last tirade
What's with the homo bashing?
What burns my ass?
Bigotry and homophobia.
What burns my Ass?
Homo Lovers & Bigot Hating Do Gooders
What burns my ass?
Bigotry and homophobia.
Yeah, Yeah, whatever 7:38 said.....
Wouldn't it be wonderful to help people who are in need? It is good to know that there is a course such as fire warden training. The course provide participants with the knowledge, training and practical skills to effectively perform the role and responsibilities of Building Fire Warden.
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