Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Are you ready?


Anonymous said...

I've already cut my disposable income spending so I can pay my increased taxes. Whoopee for me!

Tspud1 said...

I changed all my future 401K investments to only safe plodding along choices.

Anonymous said...

I decided not to build a new house. That sure doesn't help local builders or material supply companies or their employees. Don't like it but hey, no idea where economy is going or my income by way of taxes.

I have to believe my case is being repeated all over the country. Not just in the case of building a new house, any major expenditure is on the back burner. It sure as Hades isn't confined to the "rich" because nobody knows really who has the target on their wallet .

Is this trickle up or trickle down?

Anonymous said...

I'm quiting my job so all of you can support me!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the most of you are going to be a part of the problem. Spend your money, don't hide it under your mattress! That's not how we get out of the mess we are in. Keep doing what you were doing, keep the wheels of progress going (or get them oiled so they start moving again) By all means, help out your fellow American, buy American, Keep Americans working! Change IS coming, have faith and help! Be a good American and do your part!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the entire amount of my 401K !

Anonymous said...

Hope you're all happy, we got to see the Rams get blown out, Chiefs lose a tight one, and the Bears and Bad Rex lose. Careful for what you wish for , just may get it.

Anonymous said...

Spend your way out of it like the govt spent our way into it! Spend $ you don't have a sure way to bankruptcy

pravoslavniye said...

Ah, but the secret is to only spend what you HAVE, not what you can BORROW.

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