vol•un•teer [ vòllən tr ]
1. somebody who works for nothing: somebody who works without being paid
2. somebody acting voluntarily: somebody who does something voluntarily, especially something undesirable
I would like to open up the post for comments on some of the unsung volunteers that have helped out this year in flooding of the
If you know of someone who has donated their time and effort, please take the time to leave them a word of thanks.
James Scott.
F--- Scott, he's in jail, where he belongs! For life, or two life's. How the food there, Jimmy? How's your cellmate Luther, how you two getting along?
the first two posters need to get off their asses and see what a volunteer is, not a volunteer blogger. How insensitive to turn a nice forum into sh*t....hope you two feel better
Just to let you know I posted 10:38and also did my part helping. Interesting that you assumed I didn't. I will be at the Oak-Lindsay Center tonight, if you'd like to take it up further. No one says anything more unless one is scooping and the other is bagging. What's the old saying about assuming...?
Also, the recent book that came out on Mr. Scott is an interesting read.
I would be there but live far away but recently had my farm flood in the Lima Lake district....I send $$ and prayers. I am sorry I took your posting the wrong way.
I give credit to myself, because without me there would be no you.
That's okay, we lost the fight in Warsaw, co-worker lost everything, but we tried. We're gonna get him a place that is not RIGHT NEXT TO the river.
Want to meet NICE volunteers ? Go to West Quincy ! Want to laugh a ton Work with a Haerr
do you really think james scott caused the break in 93, if you do you are an idiot, he was a patsy, poor norman haerr and the rest of the god-fearing people in west qcy, how much did they get thru insurance, i helped in many places in 08, i'll never help those self-rightous bastards , they can all drown
Norman and his family are wonderful people !
I guess we differ . Didn't James burn Webster school to the ground ?
Or did the school board collect an insurance payment there also ?
I've been thinking about this for some time. Why are we spending millions and millions of dollars protecting this private farmland. We let the levies get so high to protect the farmers that we let cities go under because we keep the water artificially high. Put in gates that open every 20 miles on each side of the river, let the water flood the original flood-plane, write the farmer a check for his crops and cleanup and go on. I'm not advocating flooding WQ, but, there has to be a better way than me paying for people to live and farm in flood plane. I chose to live on the bluff, so you won't have to write me a check.
Ok then how do we move the roads, railroad, and bridges ?
Great deep thoughts Einstein !
Did you get a Phd in Les and Sachs ?
Relax, take a deep breath.
The flood-plain release would be situated in non essential areas (and there are a lot of them) with minimal economic impact.
I know you have been working hard on the levies, but I'm talking long term, and future planing.
I am just tired and some anon bitching about Norman gets my BP rising .
I know 90% of those farmers in West Quincy and they are great people . S. Haerr is one stellar guy who if you get the pleasure to know would give you his kidney .
Don't doubt it for a minute.
Levie just broke in Winfield Mo.
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