Friday, June 13, 2008

100 K

100,000 hits on Friday the 13th ?

This can't be good.

Thanks to everyone who stops by !!!


jlb said...

Happy Friday. Quit being a stranger danger.

Quincy Fire said...


Least I go out more than once a month !

jlb said...

Oh whatever. I'm a homebody. And I'm getting old. I'm going out tonight, though. See you?

Anonymous said...

I think we need to discuss how decided to go ahead say Obama was coming in today, however, they are not saying where they got their information from.

If you ask me, how can you be a trusted news provider if you don't release your source or report unconfirmed news. Simply saying your group has confirmed does not validate a "trusted" news story.

If the QHW, KHQA, WGEM, and other media outlets WON'T POST THE STORY, because they can't confirm...should quincynews...?

I don't call that responsible journalism.

there is my two cents! Congrats on the hits yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:48

Since you are so worried about "trusted news provider" and "responsible journalism"

What is your take on the QHW editorial as plagiarism?

Yes or No.

Q Pundit ran this for 50+ days and not one person defended the Whig.

Is not plagiarism one of the top sins of responsible journalism?

Anonymous said...

Well, I probably did not check that site because this is my first day on any blog site of any kind....

And what makes you think I would defend the Herald-Whig. I trust their writing, their staff, the advertisements and the product they put out.

If there is a question of plagiarism then the federal government should get involved...not a group of people on the Internet.

They have been doing this for over 100 years for this community, what has Q Pundit done...? Anything?

Enough said, I am going to go sandbag and do my part for the community


Anonymous said...

That was not Yes or No.

TOOKIE said...

Obama at 2 pm at the OLC

Anon sit & spin BITCH

Anonymous said...

No, I don't believe the QHW plagiarises!

Now, go do something useful for your community and sandbag.

Anonymous said...

Well Well Well

Looks like the Whig can't use their "First reported on" on this event.

Chalk one up for !

Anonymous said...

The Whig waits until they get an absolutely true confirmed source. If the Whig would post something without a source, and it turned out to be completely false, the bloggers would also slam the paper for posting the wrong things. The paper can't win in this small blog world.

Anonymous said...


I think the Whig started this race with the little "First reported on"

Also with the footer ads stating several stories that were reported First on

Checking the QNO site, they currently have no such jabs like that.

It's a bitch when compatition shows up, huh?

Anonymous said...

Competition, you mean.
It's not a bitch; it's good for everyone. I think QNO has its sign, "QNO original" or something like that on their stories. Which is good, too.

Anonymous said...

Obama was in town today, right?

Not a good thing when the press is in bed with the government and keeps secrets.

Anonymous said...

I heard all kinds of stuff about this on Friday. Some guys from the city told me yeah, he was coming, but another guy said maybe, and another guy said maybe on Sunday. So it was all kinds of rumors flying around. Throwing that up on a news website is dumb. The only smart thing is saying that some people told you that, and not that it IS happening. That way you have an out if you turn out wrong.

Anonymous said...

Obama was in town on Saturday, right?

Anonymous said...

Great Lakes pulled out of Quincy, right?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Obama was in Quincy. No, Great Lakes didn't pull out of Quincy.

One thing is for sure, nobody is as perfect as us anons!

Anonymous said...

Same Difference.

Sunday June 15th.

Ken Cantrell, the city's director of administrative services, is a practical man. When asked Friday if Quincyans would be wise to start turning their taps and setting aside some fresh water in the event of a worst-case scenario, he replied: "I would."

He added: "I'm not trying to scare anyone. But if, for some reason, we go down, we're certainly going to start rationing water. So if they can stockpile some water, it would be a smart thing to do."

Monday June 16th

Mayor John Spring said he believes Quincy's water filtration plant is as protected as it can be from the threat of rising floodwater.

"At the present time I feel very good about our ability to keep the water flowing," he said this morning.

Same Media Outlet - 24 hr change.

Anonymous said...

cantrell is a reis dick

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