"It's going to be a tough pill to swallow for our community, but like anything, we will get through this and do our very best to assist folks in any way we can, try to bring some additional education to them so they can retool themselves, market themselves to a new position hopefully with a company here."
Mayor John Spring
I called the re-educate today !
Then in the statement Spring says the good news is they didn't close the other plant.
Well I bet those 48 folks who got shit canned see that glass half full view.
Spring doesn't need to retool. He's a helluva tool already.
I heard after the announcement that the laid off employees raced out Broadway to Buffalo Wild Wings to apply for a job at the last big industry to land here.
At least all of Spring's family and friends at City Hall will be getting raises. Sweet deal.
Would they be qualified for a Mexican restaurant....the restaurants are going to have trouble soon if not already as is everyone else....it is called the "trickle down" effect, Jim and King Mayor
I'll have a number 3 without onion with a sprite to drink, two pies, and a hot fudge sundae.
Your total is 7.34 please pull up to the first drivethru window.
Maybe the 48 jobless workers can run out to Baldwin International Airport and fire up the closed restaurant.
Seems to be the only thing Spring is worried about.
I know for fact that there are another 8-9 non-Prairie Farms drivers whose jobs are on the brink of elimination because of this.
What does this say for the dairy industry in this region? Anderson-Erickson just closed up the gas station at 48th and State too.
Anderson-Erickson closed up the dairy. They never owned the gas station. It was purchased by Wilco last year from the Deter's family and remains open.
Just wanted to clarify.
This site needs a post about all the news people who screwed up that story about the airport. Worried me for a minute.
Nobody has screwed up anything, at the moment.
Curtis repeated a statement that he had heard.
Howell had made a promise that this was false and a 4th flight will be added.
Spring did a quick exit to avoid comments.
These are all TRUE statement at this time.
The key to playing media poker is to see which one of them folds first.
Great Lakes notifies the city of a 90 day pull-out.
No new flight is added.
Spring pulls a Houdini on negative airport news and goes AWOL.
This is where the QHW fails and blogs, like this and others, call the players bluff.
I think the trap is set.
I find it irresponsible that news was saying this as it was a story. A guy was mad and said things that were wrong. KHQA acted like they were beating the bushes and working hard to prove the story they reported was wrong. Quincynews totally deleted their wrong story and replaced it with a different one, like it never happened. No one should have reported something like that without being sure.
Being sure of what? Curtis said what he said. Even the Whig reported that.
The story wasn't deleted, the headline did change. It's the internet, try to keep up.
Maybe you would like to link us to the original story, then. Web articles are usually not quietly changed. New articles are written. If the Whig had reported this hearsay last night without confirming it, the blogs would have been jumping all over them and there would have been a day count demanding an apology.
Sorry. I got out of hand there. I will just drink the koolaid of the republican-backed news website and shut up.
Go back and read Anon 10:06.
Where is the problem understanding this?
Curtis made a statement at a city council meeting.
Blogs said it. Whig printed it.
Howell was contacted and made a promise that this was not true and was adding a 4th flight.
Blogs said it. Whig printed it.
Spring made a quick exit from council meeting.
Blogs said it. Whig didn't.
These are all true statements at THIS time. What do you need to confirm? The Rumor, The Promise, and The Actions of our leader all happened. This is called NEWS. You seemed to be pissed for no apparent reason beyond logical thought.
The fun will happen in a few weeks.
Who will be lying?
If Great Lakes gives the city notice that it is leaving, that will make Howell a lier and Curtis was correct on his rumour.
If Great Lakes doesn't add a fourth flight, That makes Howell a lier still.
My doubt is why would you make a statement about adding a flight when some media outlet was contacting you to "confirm" a rumor that you were pulling out of a local airport?
Funny time to make a "big" announcement don't you think?
Think Great Lakes was just throwing out a bone to the Whig until they can get their sh*t worked out.
The clock ticks.
You sound like a QNI employee.
Even if you are or are not,Then why do you stand up and shout for such high and ethical standards for the blogging community when Q Pundit is doing a count up on a almost textbook example of plagiarism out there?
It can't be both ways.
Unless you ARE a QNI employee.
Whats the Company Motto there?
"We'll TELL you what we want you to hear."
11:45 -
I agree. An incorrect story with information that couldn't be verified was first published. Yet when the story was reposted (a correct one) there was no mention that a wrong story had been published on the 'news site' to begin with. Why is it that if the TV stations or the newspaper make a mistake, they get blasted. But if this 'greatest thing ever' QNO site makes mistake (and it has) nobody even blinks? Yes it is the internet, and it can change quickly, that's nice. But it also seems to mean it's no big deal if something incorrect is posted.
What was incorrect in the story?
Why do you have to be a QNI employee to challenge anything the bloggers might say? Why do you have to be a QNI employee to think that this new QNO site isn't that gold? Anytime people post any sort of opinion on these blogs that backs up the paper or WGEM, they are assumed to be a QNI employee. I think that is a wrong assumption. But that's just my opinion.
Signed, a non-QNI employee
Mostly because you haven't backed up anything. Where were the QNO and KHQA stories wrong?
Technically, they were not wrong. What they were is irresponsible. An unconfirmed rumor posted immediately after it happened is not news. Nor is implying that Spring ran away afterwards. You can\'t look around for a guy, then call him once, and act like he ran, just to withhold a comment. Maybe he had to take a crap...we have no way of knowing.
Most stories on Quincynews that are updated have a little banner that says UPDATED. This story did not...it was just replaced. Then there was a defensive blog entry, blaming Curtis for what happened. They should step up and take responsibility for dropping the ball in a self-serving attempt to state WE WERE FIRST.
Whig printed it, along with the denials of Great Lakes and other officials. They did not run right over and put a huge headline on their website implying that they are pulling out.
Did Curtis say what he did? Yes. Does that make it ethical to report that without being sure there was any truth to it? No.
How is that not "ethical"?
"Yes. Does that make it ethical to report that without being sure there was any truth to it? No."
You're holding up QNI with this absurd statement. They print stupid shit our local leaders say every day with no fact checking.
Is a wrong assumption like a Jim Mentesti false presumption?
Or like Spring saying that the airport is busy, with some sometimes average stats to back it up. Me Ed print no ask questions.
Can we all agree that the airport is an Oakley pet project? Now that we have that common ground, let's see:
Non-Oakley companies (WTAD, KHQA and the new Quincynews blog) run story on guy (who is married to big Oakley/Lindsey company shareholder woman) running mouth when mad the city didn't give them their way.
Oakley tv and newspapers holds story until given permission to run it by bigwigs.
Had that story been about a non-Oakley pet project and not had Oakley/Lindsey involvement, don't you think they would have run with it?
"Does that make it ethical to report that without being sure there was any truth to it?"
From the Whig today:
"I was told what was in our basement was the equivalent of having 5,000 people come in and use it as a toilet,"
Who verified this?
Anon 12:01
The silence is deafening, ain't it?
A terrible comparison.
A quote from an angry resident which has zero effect on the story cannot be compared to a quote from someone saying the air service is being shut down.
It makes no difference if the crap in the basement came from one person or 5000. Would it change the story if they went and found an expert who would say no, it came from 3000?
Now, would it have changed the other story if there was a strong effort made to contact Spring or someone else? Or if there was an effort to put out facts like Great Lakes cannot legally pull out without getting someone else to take their place without voiding the contract?
No one is saying the whig is perfect. If you want to defend Knaphiede and Nuessen and the rest of them running that website then go ahead.
You really think the mayor was going to say anything without talking to his master Durbin first?
QuincyNews.org's report has nothing to do with ethics. It has everything to do with careless, sloppy reporting. It was sad to see QuincyNews.org blame Curtis for the problem. To quote: "As the FBO, Curtis should be a credible source. That's the bottom line."
Check out this link from the Columbia Journalism Review: http://www.cjr.org/politics/politicos_onesource_wonder.php
QuincyNews.org could learn about the pitfalls of quoting one source.
That article while interesting was semi pointless .
And I would also cast a vote that the FBO of our airport would be a Credible source .
But frankly I drive to STL to fly so I really don't give a damn .
"QuincyNews.org could learn about the pitfalls of quoting one source."
Are you fucking kidding me?
Here's some quotes from recent printed material.
Heilmann acknowledged that students were kept inside the building during lunch from 10:53 a.m. to 12:33 p.m. Thursday, in part “because of the pouring rain.”
NWS at Baldwin International Airport in Quincy reports that weather conditions Thursday between 10:54am and 11:54 was overcast, 61 degrees and only received 0.17 inches of rain.
Comcast: We will not increase your rates.
30 days later, rate increase.
60- 80 plans fly in and out of Quincy a day.
Tieken was described as an archaeologist, but when I checked the website of the North American Archaeological Institute
The printed press is NOT perfect.
Sorry 11:14
More silence.
4:20. Nobody's perfect but YOU, of course!
From Jan. 2 H-W ... Comcast representatives told Mayor John Spring the company has no plans to change prices in Quincy "at this time." The comment came in a Dec. 16 letter sent to the mayor by Comcast's Brian Spangle, manager of government affairs, and Noreen Ligino-Kubinski, manager of community affairs.
From March 5 H-W ... Less than three months after telling Mayor John Spring that there were no plans to increase prices "at this time," Comcast will hit Quincy cable subscribers with a 6.6 percent rate hike, effective April 2.
It wasn't 30 days.
The QNI guy might want to look at the fact that the QHW editors plagiarized an editorial. What do say about that? Huh? Plagiarism. Biggest sin in the Biz. And they won't even fess up.
#2 reason I'll never be a journalist?
I wouldn't be able to put up with everyone scrutinizing every damned word I say... yeah, if I had a degree in journalism I should know the rules and ethics or whatever... but These Quincy blogs are the outright fucking WORST. The only way you bloggers would be satisfied is if someone set KHQA, WGEM, WTAD, QH-W, and now QNO on fire and we had to get our news from StL, Peoria, or Springfield.
Don Henley said it best that the media is all about dirty laundry, and there's nothing you can do about it because they're all private entities. Monopoly or not.
The #1 reason I'll never be a journalist?
I just wanted to say the word fuck.
That's all.
Hate to break this to you but Quincy news is not about dirty laundry, it's about fluff, softballs, and feel-good news.
Please name/link/re-print ONE article where ANY of what you listed as news outlets did an in-depth interview with ANY city official on something they said that could not be backed up by facts.
You and I could both easily do these re-print "interviews".
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