Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A rare Apology and Delete....

In the previous post (now deleted) I was simply asking what happened to a local blog that just disappeared from existence.

I had no knowledge of anything happening , was just asking what happened to it. So many Blogs pop up, go like hell, and then usually hang around without adding anything for months, but stay up. ( hint, hint fellow bloggers)

This one just vanished.

I enjoyed reading it and had added it to the links and thats when I found out that it was gone.

After reading some of the comments left here, I can assume something may have happened that I do not care for me or this Blog to be involved in.

I started this Blog for "poops and giggles" and enjoy everyones comments on current posts, but reserve the right to delete posts and comments if it gets personal.


TOOKIE said...

A rare day indeed my friend !

I went moderation ! So you know it is a rare moment !

and TY Mr Fire

Your friend and fellow Pain in the Government's Ass blogger


UMRBlog said...

I could tell you were not trolling for trouble and guessed you were surprised by what you got.

Good move in unusual circumstances.

Continued success

Anonymous said...

The lead on today's blog is what happened to Bob. Folks respond and
the big mouthed blog sponsors fold up tent and hide? Shame. This whole blog thing is a scam.

UMRBlog said...


Yes, these local blogs are not worth what you pay to enjoy them.

TOOKIE said...

Anonymous said...
The lead on today's blog is what happened to Bob. Folks respond and
the big mouthed blog sponsors fold up tent and hide? Shame. This whole blog thing is a scam.

10/10/2007 09:38:00 PM

Yep folded up tent ..........No we're fucking Human !

Anonymous said...

You are hypocrites and loud mouthed cheap shot artistts.

TOOKIE said...

Anonymous said...
You are hypocrites and loud mouthed cheap shot artistts.

10/10/2007 09:50:00 PM

That is like saying "Yo momma wears combat boots"

Way to go Mr Anon !

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I wondered where THE ADMINISTRATOR went. Based on your last paragraph, he must be working for Fire now. Good luck old friend.

Anonymous said...

Why rush to cover up for an organization thats duty it is to, on occasion, drag you, me, and everyone, through the mud?

Not trying to be insensitive, just a thought.

Free Fire Pointer Orange MySpace Cursors at