The Quincy School Board announced today that during the QHS football games this year that if the team makes it over the 50 yd line, that will count as a score.
In addition, any play that is run and results in negative yardage, the team will be allowed to run it again without any loss of down.
After all, "we need to work with them to make sure they succeed."
You forgot to add they don't have to show up for practice or learn the playbook either.
and if per chance they
Hey! That 50-yard-line photo has gold in it!
Has the QHS football team ever made it past the 50 yard line?
Eric Bush did !
Waht's the over/under on the Alton score tonight?
What we have in the QPS is the inmates running the asylum. Apparently the teachers today are incapable of teaching to the level of 20 or 30 years ago, so instead of getting their act together and teaching the kids they want to dumb down the system. Why the Board would allow incompetent teachers and admistrators to set their own rules is crazy. Looks to me like we coul dsave a lot of money by bidding out the teacher's positions since it's not about grades anymore just going through the motions. Don't need someone with a freaking Master's to teach kids who don't have to preform.
If I was a teacher I would be PISSED ! I see the rational of universal grades set at 93% or higher an A , and so on and so on .
But the fact that we are universally setting a low standard where personal actions do not count is taking away the teacher's trump card.
This "master the material" is total horse shit. These kids are in school to learn and work , not be hugged or coddled.
This program will punish the outstanding teachers and reward the lazy got tenyear teachers.
I see this as the single WORST policy ever.
It's all just a bunch of feel good fluff. For most of the demise of the QPS, the board has always gone along to get along. Even last year you would have probably not heard a thing about this. Recent changes to the board's makeup are a positive change.
I can't imagine any teacher worth their salt would be for such a policy.
...also, seeing the usual suspects on the school board go along with this policy can only bode well for a Bemis, Mays majority next goround. Hell, even Unkka Koo Koo agrees with Mays on this one.
Half day today ? Most of the free world found out mins before the kids were to be let out. Some serious bull fucking shit !
The administration is the enemy here, DO NOT blame the teachers- they only found out about it shortly before the public did.
Whenever you hear about something stupid happening in the QPS system, you can just assume it's a top-down decision- the teachers have ZERO power.
Regardless, I can tell you definitively that the teachers are practically in revolt at this point. I know of at least one (tenured!) QHS teacher who will be handing out zeros the same as he always did, damn the consequences.
Good !
Tell them that Jeff & Glen are their best friends on this issue no matter what the Union says.
" I can tell you definitively that the teachers are practically in revolt at this point."
Then who were these people:
"Assistant Superintendent Patricia Sullivan-
Viniard, who received a standing ovation from
teachers and staff after presenting information
about the new grading practice, said it’s designed
to make students succeed."
210-I watched the rebroadcast of the school board meeting. Rodney made the "standing ovation" a little more impressive than it was in reality.
The chairs in the audience were mostly empty. There was a group of teachers in the back, hard to tell how many. My guess is 10-12 who were cheering. They must be the teachers that suck.
or the ones who are up for an Admin job !
235-that's redundant
I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Why don't they just make the policy that all the students ARE smart? Just say they are smart and send them on. Then the students will succeed.
It's so simple. It's like how you people can't figure out that we should make healthcare free and then no one will die.
I will karatee chop and smack you bitch americunts. You will seethe with the rage when I make sex with yoor women.
Teech your children to be dum, and I will slap them so very hard as too. I will keep my vigil on the night fence of righteousness. Funkdoleva...
Hey, balljackers, you should pay more attention to what 8:52 had to say. He makes more sense than the rest of you monkeys.
Quincy Public schools SUCK and blow Mike Vick's failed fighting dogs
I am a product of Quincy Public Schools. Luckily, I was already smart when I got there.
But, then they made me real dumb. Now I just eat tar and violently masturbate all day. DAMN YOU QPS!!! DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!
By the new grading approach QHS did beat Alton last night . It is not about touch downs , but mastering the subject .
QHS will be 10-0 this year !
I agree, QPS sucks, the Catholic Church people in this town relieves them of half of the task, and 172 still is broke. What would they do if it were not for the Catholic Church people?
It's kinda of hard to screw up a job when all that is required is a half-assed effort, but QPS seems to have pulled it off.
The Catholic Church people are the problem with Quincy. Quincy is a place that lacks any true cultural diversification.
Just think how sad it is that so many people in Quincy think the KofC BBQ is the greatest show on earth. That is sad news!
Dont be be bitchin about Catholic Church people, you heathen! Go be a First, Second, or Third Baptist, or whatever you are. And go pray to your 600 ft Jesus outside of Tulsa, OK.
Catholics think there is no other religion and no one will get to heaven except them.
They are hypocrites at best.
I am atheist and proud of it.
As for prayer and the fact that prayer does not work, go to
It will all make sense to you then.
Maybe you can eat your fish tonight while you learn something worth while at that website.
you dumb asses i play on the blue devil and we kicked alton last night. And if i remember right we beat qnd at the mizzou camp. fucking dumb asses
ha im a player for quincy high and we beat alton last night. we also beat qnd at the mizzou camp. dumb asses
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