Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Fair and Balanced ???

I see by reading the Quincy Notre Dame Herald Whig that August must be Quincy High School Bashing Month.

  • Tort Fund
  • Grading Scale
  • Low ACT scores

What's next QNDHW ????

Update 8/16:

WGEM jumps on the QHS bashing bandwagon "

A former Quincy High basketball player is in custody of U.S. Marshals".....


Anonymous said...

They seem to bring it on themselves.

Anonymous said...

yeah....and nothing like that happens at QND?

Give me a break.

QNDHW just LOVES to jump on stories like this.

Anonymous said...

I almost wrote up the same thing fire .


Anonymous said...


You have a point. A good point. I would rather see them cover more at QND than less on the QPS.

Anonymous said...

They're only fairly reporting on how your tax dollars are being spent. QND doesn't get your tax cash.

Anonymous said...

Anon 14.27

In 1999 the Illinois legislature established a tuition tax credit of up to $500 for families whose children attend private or parochial schools. Though poor families were supposed to be the main beneficiaries ofthis law, in fact higher-income households have made the most use of it. Taxpayers earning more than $80,000 annually have utilized nearly half of all tuition tax credit dollars. Since it was enacted, the tuition tax credit has cost the Illinois treasury nearly $200 million dollars, money that might have gone to the state‘s public schools. Through tuition tax credits, then, the State provides subsidies for private schools at the expense of our already strapped public ones.

Anonymous said...

Anon 14.27

First I never went to nor have any of my kids ever gone to QND but to bitch about a $500 tax credit going to families who send their kids to private schools is pretty petty. These same families pour in thousands of dollars to the public school system and relieve the public school system of the responsibility of educating thier kids. Who is getting the better deal?? The bloated educational system that now has to lower the grading scale because they suck at teaching!! Give me a break!!! That burns my ass!!! The best thing that could happen is to give education money to the oparents and let them decide what school they want their kids to go to.

Anonymous said...

It is a free country.

If you don't think your children would get a decent education in public schools, you are more than welcome to sent them to a privite school.

Think what Fire was pointing out here is that everytime bad news comes up about the QPS the QNDHW jumps on it like sh*t on stink.

Slim to No news squeaks out of the halls of QND. Not saying it don't happen, just doesn't make "the news".

Anonymous said...

No homework? This can only end well for the district.

Anonymous said...

354-If you would kindly return my tax dollars so I can make the choice of where to send my kids, you would have an argument.

Anonymous said...

17.05 - give it up, it's not the speak.

Anonymous said...

I don't use the Quincy Public Library. When I want a book, I buy it. Where do I get my $500 tax credit for not using tax funded services.

The point is the framers of the Constitution called for publicly funded schools. It is unfair to give tax credit for attending a private school, regardless of whether or not is is church related.

This invites the question of whether those who fund their private school choose to always vote no for public school referendums.

Anonymous said...

Now that I think about that, I didn't use the Police or Fire Dept at all this year.

I also pay BFI to take away my trash.

Where's my $1500 check ??


Anonymous said...

Guess it's simple!! QND isn't spending your tax dollar to dumb down the grading system! They educate more with less. Now it's bad ACT scores!! The fix is to pump in some more money!! Ask Baird to explain that one... Wonder what excuse the brain-drain house on the hill will come up with?? Damn, bet we need a referedum!!! Sad!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:12 AM

Where, in the Constitution, is there mention of education?

TOOKIE said...

Well if he did once hoop at QHS , then wouldn't it be correct to say "former QHS basketball player "

Frankly we're off on the wrong direction here . Should we be mad as F*ck that after pissing away all the money they do , our scores are going down and the way kids are measured in their studies is going down the rotting sewer .

Who is in charge ? And why aren't they and others out on their ass looking for a new job ?

Anonymous said...

The point is WTF does him being a former QHS basketball player have to do with being arrested ?

I don't remember the arrest records in the QNDHW listing:

Joe Blow 51, former QHS wrestler, was arrested for DUI form a March 23 incident ??

I thinking the media puts it in there for a dig.


Anonymous said...

Anon 9:12 AM

Quit searching. Here's your answer

There is none; education is a matter reserved for the states.

TOOKIE said...

But the QNDHW sends most of their kids to QHS . I am not sure how this is a dig .

I could see you using City of Quincy payroll QND mafia ........but I am not seeing the connection to QNDHW .

But I do need an afternoon coffee .

Anonymous said...


Sports page from QHW:

High School Football Headlines:

(filled with huge front page photos)

3 pages back....

East St Louis Whips QHS 21-20.
(small article - just larger than a city of quincy job ad)

That's not biased ??

TOOKIE said...

Well QND has turned into a Football power house. When I decide to go watch HS ball , I hate to admit it but I go watch QND.

I lost enough at QHS I don't want to watch another one.

Also the QHS AD dept is so nuthugging soccer & hoops that Football is a 5th tier sport.

They hire a coach and never really support the guy in doing what has to be done .

QHS should have stole Coach Jim Conigs once at Highland and a Culver stand out. He is young and throws his heart and soul at a program .

Hannibal STOLE Jcon !

I hope QHS's new coach pans out , but frankly QHS needed a hard headed Coaches coach .

So I see your point but in Quincy on a Friday night , the best chance to see a team win is at QND.

I wish Il would make Soccer a spring sport like Iowa has it . Then for once we could compete with rock island .

Anonymous said...

Tookie-That's a great idea if you think the soccer players would make the football program better. Try and remember who the soccer stars were when you were in high school. I know when I was there the soccer players played soccer for a reason. Mostly because they were too afraid to put on the pads. Oh don't get me wrong, there were a few who would have made excellent tailbacks, not enough to make a difference. Good points tho.

TOOKIE said...

Soccer guys are speciality players say D backs , wide outs , etc ....

Lets take Greg Reis as an example ! here's a guy who went D-1 for Soccer . He is a genetic HORSE , He may have had the natural talent & size to go D-1 and farther as a TB or LB .

Every Soccer team has Middies & Fullbacks that could play ball .

Keokuk and Ft Madison's soccer team is filled with their football players .

I LOATH soccer ! I seriously hate it . It sucks ass .

But somehow or another QHS needs to do something and the Queer ass folks in charge aren't doing it yet .

Would QND's coach been able to do what he did at QND at QHS ?

Hell No ! The panty brigade would have shut Billy C down .

Would he to keep him been named AD ?

F*ck no again !

The nature of the beast is the panty ass nuthuggers doing their "admin' thingy !

Anonymous said...


With the outstanding athletes there will always be exceptions. Hell, Bruce Douglas would have probably been an all state receiver or all state soccer whatever position he wanted. Rank and file soccer guys who serve you drinks at the local bars or fill potholes for the city wouldn't have helped. It's those big mother fuckers who roamed the halls wanting to fight the athletes who need to be motivated to play.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:12 AM

I hope you're not teaching this crap to our kids in your classroom.

TOOKIE said...

It's those big mother fuckers who roamed the halls wanting to fight the athletes who need to be motivated to play.

8/16/2007 04:19:00 PM

I could not agree MORE ! But that is the panty waist beast of QHS ! P*ssy Admins breed the environment where the new Coach can't blackmail those Thugs into padding up.

See the Coach should be the meanest f*ck in the school , and flat out tell a kid either play ball or sit in ISS .

Then if the Admins would NUT up and untuck their C*cks ..maybe they would stand behind said coach.

Then we would have a football program and most likely save some kids from the wrong path .

Thus why I say p*ssy ass queer tuck admins are the root cause .

Anonymous said...

Remember QND gets to kick out anybody they choose to. Then they show up at QHS. QHS, the public school has to educate all of the nimrods. Guess what drags down the ACT scores?

Anonymous said...

I swear this is true.

(Way) Back in high school, a QND student was caught with drugs. When it showed up in the paper it said QHS student.


Thats where he was going to school from now on.

Anonymous said...

600-How many nimrods do they kick out each year? Doubt it has any impact on ACT scores. And it still doesn't explain why QHS is so much lower than the statewide avg.

Anonymous said...

So let me get this straight, QHS test scores are low and it's QND's fault, The Whig reports it and that's QND's fault. A former basketball player gets arrested in Florida and the news reports it, and that's QND's fault. That makes a lot of sense now. Anything that's wrong with QPS is QND's fault. But didn't the Whig and news report about the Bocke kid? Yet, I don't recall hearing one thing about why Watson is a FORMER basketball player. Wasn't there an incident at Gus Macker? Also, in the fall what's the biggest sport? Football. Who's the better team at football? QND. Let's be honest here, do you want to read a headline about QHS losing to Rock Island 24 to 0 or about QND beating Canton 36 to 14? It all comes down to what sells. Winning sells. Pure and simple. If QHS doesn't like it, Tookie's right, stand behind your Coach and let him do his job. The only thing Tookie is wrong about is who to blame. Try looking at the parents at QHS and you will find the problem with the football team.

Anonymous said...

That guy, from what I hear, would never have played for QND. He would have been kicked of the team before he turned into a for real thug. QHS has always molly coddled scumbags, why sweep it under the rug. The taxpayers deserve to know what kind of thugs they are sponsoring. Ever here of freedom of the press, Fire? Start you own newspaper and buy your ink by the barrel, if you want to. And print any god damn thing you want.

Anonymous said...


4 the last 2 BONEHEADS !

Fire never said it was QND's fault. It the REPORTING from the local media that ALWAYS dogs QHS.

Please tell me WHY then does it matter why it is important for the media to list a criminal as a FORMER QHS basketball player ?

Did QHS make him that way?

Is he a current player?

Does ANYTHING that he got arrested for even remotly relate to why his was a QHS student ??

Then WHY was it reported that way?

TOOKIE said...

former Quincy High basketball player is in custody of U.S. Marshals after skipping a pre-trial hearing in Adams County last week.

17-year-old Quentin Watson was picked up in Florida. He faces several charges, including aggravated battery to a police officer, after an altercation with Quincy Police during last May's Gus Macker tournament.

Watson is expected to be returned to Adams County soon. ( and this is QND's fault)

Damn you QND damn you ......hahahaha

Quincy Fire said...

See this whole post went south.....

Anonymous said...

10:32 no. Fire didn't say it was QND's fault. But he did imply it by say "QNDHW". That implies that QND has the HW in it's pocket which is simply not true. QND has just as much bad press. Look at what I said about the Bocke kid, was that covered up? What about the QND students who broke into the school? Remember all the press about that? And why does it matter if it's a former QHS basketball player? Well are you telling me in this gossip fueled town that people wouldn't want to know that? Right, wrong or indifferent, I'm sorry to say, that's big news for a gossip town like Quincy. I hate it, but it's not going to change anytime soon. That's why it was printed like it was. It's not QHS nor is it QND's fault. Lay blame where it belongs. The HW, not the QNDHW.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...


That he was wearing shoes when arrested would be a fact.

That he had two eyes when arrested would also be a fact.

The FACT that he was a QHS student has no bearing on the story what so ever. He could have been QND, CHS, or HHS.

Does the FACT that he is a former QHS student make him guilty?

Why was it reported?

TOOKIE said...

That was not in the WHIG -- it was the WGEM write up !

Sorry to confuse you folks !

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hey Fire: you want us to reread your SPEAK so we all understand it?

Couldn't resist. Good SPEAK...

Anonymous said...

Big orack em I brought a ron paul flyer back from Gurnee days parade !

but this dude handing em out screamed Right wing NERD ! I think we got a crackberry pic of "him" , undecided he/she was more of the SNL "Pat" type

p.s. : You still have a huge pussy for taking your site out of the sandbox


Anonymous said...

If Fire asks real nice I bet THE ORACLE would come back. (;

Anonymous said...

Instead of asking real nice, I would suggest something like say, telling the Oracle to go fuck his worthless self. How about that? Doesn't that sound better?

Anonymous said...

Still suffering some Oracle envy over here boys?

Anonymous said...

Yes, we all want to be do nothing teatsuckers that sit around with all our gay friends and cry about how Bush has continually kicked our asses.

Anonymous said...

Will the QNDHW ever break the story about the QND girl that recently overdosed? Of course not. It's too personal. After all, it's the QNDHW.

Anonymous said...

It must be awesome to be you.

Anonymous said...


Why don't you overdose.

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