Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Pike Officials Want Pay Hike.....

From the QHW

Some Pike County elected officials are looking for a raise to bring their salaries in line with counties of similiar size. The officials surveyed 36 counties of similar size, but no formal recommendation has been made.

If teachers do this, it's robbing the taxpayers. If elected officials do it, it called salery adjustment.

Here a hint: Doesn't matter WHAT you call it or WHO does it, it the taxpayers who pay it EVERY TIME.


Rocky Cola said...

a funny local site, maybe not as political and somewhere that we can make fun of each other or strange things..Quincy and surrounding area. I have added your site as a link already..


Anonymous said...

Sheriff Petty could kick Fisher's ass !

Paul for President

Anonymous said...

"Somewhere, somebody is making more than me!", "it ain't right", that's the attitude the local teachers union has. Always here how much more they make in Chicago.....

Attitude seems to prevail with all public service workers, keep making the tax payers pay, more and more...!

Unresolved petty juvenile greed and sibling rivalry is the root of this , "Mom always did like you best!" "How come Bobby got more candy than me!"

This is why the state is broke.

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