Thursday, April 13, 2006

9-1-1 again asking for $$$$....

Steve Rowlands, director of the Quincy/Adams County 911, said the new "enhanced" 911 system is expected to boost operating costs by about 20 percent because of greater technology demands.


Anonymous said...

This 9-1-1 funding is out of control.

Anonymous said...

911 financial management is non-existent. As was pointed out by several alderman, over an 8 year period of time their director, much of the problem, promised to pay for the 911 enancement out of internal county and City funds. The 911 governing board has abused both bodies and the taxpayers. They have used the funds for a building that was not neceassary, but if anything should have been financed it should have been the building.

Having spent like a drunken sailor on the building, they then unilaterally decided to borrow for equipment and technology that has a short shelf life. They borrowed 1.3 M and you the taxpayer will have to pay an additional 260,000 plus in interest for their poor financial management. At the end of the process, you'll have a pile of junk and a bill to boot. You'll also have 2 less streets or blocks of sewers.

Give the director credit, he unapolgetically promises to spend at least 20% more and he won't assure there won't be more cost overruns. But fear not, if he does we all know who will pay.

Credit to those who have the guts to speak out, it's a shame that people who refuse accountibilty still have a job. It's also a shame that some on the Council and County Board who know what should occur won't take action.

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