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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Mill Creek is not the citys backup water supply. The city can make mill creeks water supply for one day in 43 minutes. They do buy water from the city when their demand is high.
page 5a sundays paper says emergency backup.
What will the ac unit at the QPL backup?
The city makes water?
The city produces clean water.
They don't even know how much AC will cost. Guessing based on city hall's cost seems lame. How does it compare to the cost of the complete new Adams Co Health Dept building. Hum... somebody isn't a good shopper.
The taxpayers produce clean water.. the city doesn't do shit. Unless the city managed to get a job sometime in the last few days.
Wow, Anon 4:24, try to keep up with the news, would you? A month ago at the council meeting they said the hvac would cost $2.698 mil. Not based on city hall, based on the work of their architect (yes, who is on the board).
Mill Creek serves 6600 people. QPL serves 40k people in the city and about 80% of the rest of the county, and the other 20% can use their services just by visiting the library (though admittedly they can't check out materials).
Even with the Mill Creek improvements, they will only be able to give Quincy about 2-million gallons of support in an emergency (of which there has never been one). And they admit they don't actually NEED to do these things, just that it's their plan to upgrade to be ready for future growth.
All moot now of course, the County Board voted $5.5 mil to the library and $950k to the water district, and recommended they both pursue the 35% Build America bonds to make up the difference.
Don't remodel the house when one of the bread winners is unemployed.
..and how many of the 40K people use the QPL EVERDAY ????
How many use water EVERDAY?
How many use 911 everyday?
Didn't stop them from having a backup there did it?
The HVAC costs include for the entire structure (the current building plus the expansion), all the ductwork which must be upgraded, part of the cost of the sprinkler system, and a couple of other smaller items I don't recall.
$2-million for a large scale HVAC? Yes, well within reason for a structure of that size.
I see Dolan says they will try to make up the remaining 1-mil through donations and grants. Good for her.
Even at the amounts approved last night by the County Board, Mill Creek will be getting $360+ per customer, while QPL will get $65+ per customer. Gee, WHO is being subsidized here? Hell, I'll go give QPL $65.
A month ago at the council meeting they said the hvac would cost $2.698 mil. Not based on city hall, based on the work of their architect (yes, who is on the board).
And this doesn't sound fishy?
THE TAXPAYERS PRODUCE CLEAN WATER. I have to agree with what the City doesn't do, but it should be the water customers produce clean water. The Utilities Dept(Water Pu-fication and Waste Treatment)sole means of support is the quart-
erly bill payments. They receives no General Fund or tax monies. Op-posed to popular belief, this Dept is ran like a business, not only do
they support themselves, but help finance several other City Dept, which helps your tax rates. I'm still confused though by the pri-vate firm operating the waste treatment(whose contract expires in 2 months, should be interest-ing). Is paying someone 1 1/4 mil-lion dollars a year to lower the cost 3/4million dollars a savings?
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