- Quincy Fire and Local Bloggers will have 4 more years of incompetent fodder from local officials to Blog about.
The Bad....
- 4 more years of the same administration......
The Ugly....
- Millions of taxpayer money being wasted on Hydro, Servergate, Firegate, Puppygate, Amtrak parking, City Hall improvements...............
stay tuned !
Does it matter that there are 4 R's as Alderman?
Check your stats on the city council. The ratio has changed
i must be missing something
Ward 1-D
Help me?
Quincy News is saying the council will be 7-7 so I will go with that.
there are two aldermen in each ward skippy.
still knocking off two D's is always a good thing.
(my brother is Chunky)
Well, if nothing else I think this proves that a totally negative campaign doesn't work.
a totally honest caompaign must not work either.
Bullshit does!
we have a city and county that constantly elects Bud Niekamp as the highest votegetter for the school board.
No disrespect, but Bud is not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.
And our city does deserve what they get.
Funny, funny shit.
Funny as you may see it, I think this is pretty sad.
Only about 1/3 of the registered voters voted and I bet half of them did not research anything about the candidates before they voted.
Sad sad sad day for this city.
But hey, I do thank you for stopping by. Some people still care in this city an do seek out information where ever it may be.
It is funny because if I think about it too much I would cry.
I do care about the city, but the politics in this town are a joke, there are sooooo many more qaulified people in the private sector. And the D's walk around town like they own it, not realizing that the private sector IS QUINCY!!!
All the families that feed off the tit of the rest of us realize that if the city did not employ them, they would have a hard time in the private sector.
That is what is so funny.
You win some you lose some ...........
Tis life .
bright side for bellis- everyone knows about Bellis Construction...business should go up, right?...maybe not city contracts though...
Tookie, where'd your blog go? Don't tell me some sore winners are getting you down!
"Tookie, where'd your blog go?"
Whatever it takes to shut that Senor Dumbass up works fine for me.
I'm sure Fire will welcome Senor to this site
Come on and sing along everybody....
"Where O' where did our Tookie boy go?"
"Where o' where could he be?"
"All that money he blew, all the hate he could spew."
"Yet Spring kicked his ass through and through!"
I am sure there are reasons to his methods
He spent his money, Spring spends/wastes other people's money.
Just out of curiosity, what is wrong with more parking at the Amtrak station? Lots of people ride that. Also, what is wrong with making city hall more energy efficient if it saves money? I've also never heard of puppygate.
Amtrak parking: The city is leasing undesirable (to others) property for a handsome sum of money from the contractor. Sure, there are low upfront costs but long term it will cost more. It is like putting something on a credit card to save money. People also say that the city could have purchased cheaper through imminent domain and built it. Unless they were trying to get around using union labor but I don't see Spring's campaign contributors being happy with that practice.
Puppygate: Quincy police officer attempted to breed K-9 dog and sell the puppies.
I haven't heard any complaints about city hall energy efficiency projects. The only way I could see a problem is if it was not put out for bid.
BTW, you don't know about these bids unless you subscribe to the Whig. The city should put them online instead. Available bids, awarded bids and who received them. Also a list of professional services recently awarded but not put out to bid.
Drive by the Amtrak station any time of any given day. The extra parking spaces are not used. Shortsighted on more than one level.
I was by there last week and all but 3 or 4 spaces in the new parking lot was occupied and every spot in the old lot was occupied.
12:29:00 PM
swing by there today, tell us what you see
I imagine that the free space fluctuates but when they run out people are peeved. I took Amtrak and the new lot was practically empty but the old lot was practically full.
I would say the station needs some overflow but how much is too much to pay for it? I think they could have thrown down some gravel for the overflow parking and been fine but they do need security lights.
12:29:00 PM
swing by there today, tell us what you see
Could gas prices have anything to do with this? Last November I took Amtrak to Chicago for the weekend because a) I went by myself and b) it was cheaper than gas.
But next time I go to Chicago by myself I'll drive because gas is cheaper.
Cheaper gas = less Amtrak, right?
Hey Leftwingassfucker,
Your dumbass townfolk re-electing Mayor McDouchestache isn't going to shut me up.
I was out of town with the kids on their Spring Break. (My six year-old wants to tell you that you are a fucking prick.)
I actually look forward to another four years of pointing out to worthless shits like UMR and Oracle how they'd better keep Spring's and Scholz' cocks deep in their mouths, because they can't make a decent living in the real world the rest of us occupy.
Sleep well, teatsuckers, you got four more years to underachieve and overconsume. You fat fucking pigs.
Senorita Dumbass,
You didn't understand a fucking word I said. I couldn't give a shit less about King Spring either.
I would've been fine with Tookie shutting his blog down over an Alabama football beatdown or a broken shoelace; as long as it meant your dumb ass wouldn't be around.
If you are pissed because Spring got re-elected and I'm pissed you still exist, then we've got something in common.... can't win 'em all.
I'd be washing that kid's mouth out with soap too.
Senor Fucked-in-the-Ass,
How's it feel to back a loser you lowlife cocksucker? And don't give us this crock of shit story that you were out of town with the kids either. You fucking went into hiding with Tookie so you could suck each others dicks and cry about how Spring skull-fucked you pricks.
Do I wish your douchebag of a mayor had lost... yes. Do I wish that all you teatsucking fucksticks had to go out and find real work and move away from Quincy to a place where nobody cares who your dad is? Yes. In Springfield, the Target needs people to keep the shelves stocked, and with the right training, people like UMR and Oracle might be able to do a decent job of it.
As for leftwingbabykiller, it is amazing that you would wish me dead. All I wish is that people made it on their own steam, not the steam created giving puppet douches like Spring hand jobs.
Also, I lived in Quincy when Chuck was Mayor. What was so fucking great about him anyway?
And furthermore, while I would have loved to see McDouche go down, I still have a job that I will go to. This job does not depend at all on sucking up to any elected official. So, yes, you fuckers won this time, but you have to sweat over your jobs again in four years. Some day, the guy whose dick you suck will not be in office. And your world changes that day. Quincy could elect a fucking trashbag as mayor and it wouldn't change a thing for Tookie, me or even Dave Bellis. Suck on that, welfare whores.
Why does this guy always think he has to have the final word? He's no prophet.
It doesn't take a prophet to see what an unethical bunch of robber barons run the city of Quincy.
Wait a minute Senor,
If you don't even live in Quincy anymore then why are you bitching about it? Why do you think your opinion should matter? It shouldn't be your problem.... and this town already has enough residents telling us how shitty our town is.
Thanks for telling us how much we suck. Asshole.
Senor Takes-It-In-The-Ass,
As long as the local GOP has fuck-ups like you, Tookie, Ehmen, Bellis and Nuessen running things, our fine city can look forward to many more years of Democratic rule. Why not roll that thought around in that empty fucking skull of yours. Also, I can't imagine why anyone would want you dead either. Hell, your worthless, pathetic existence is punishment enough. So pucker up and kiss my liberal ass you arrogant prick.
It never ceases to amaze me how if it's your man wasting the money, you are fine with it. $400,000 could have stayed in Quincy and you are proud that Spring did it and says he will do it again. My bet is that he will, several times over.
What would you have done different?
I've talked to numerous lawyers in town (both Democrat & Republican), and each one of them said their is no one in Quincy with the background or expertise to handle that type of situation. So I'll ask you again, what would you have done differently? And if you're going to say they didn't deserve to be fired, then we can stop this discussion right now, because if they did what they did in the private sector, you and both know they would be terminated. I realize you don't like Spring, but please tell me what he should have done differently?
Dude, for $400,000 you could have sent someone to lawschool, allowed them to specialize in employment law and then pay them to be on staff for about a decade. So, it was a waste of money. An, I know a bunch of attorneys, and a good employment attorney could have read the contract and told the city they couldn't fire the guys for about $2,500. (and I mean a REALLY good one). Whether they deserved to be fired or could be fired are two different things. Your boy Murphy deserves to be fired, but he won't be.
I have family that lives in Quincy and it bugs the shit out of me to see people abuse public coffers the way the dem machine in Quincy does. Not only is your town shitty, you should be embarrassed to have fucking Boss Hogg and Roscoe P Douchestache running the fucking place.
Jackass 12:45,
You have no idea what my existence is like, so really, fuck you. If you are a liberal, though, I can see that you are engaged in what is called "projection". See, we conservatives don't measure our worth on anything but our own accomplishments... while you feel you have to use the government to tear down others, take what they have earned and give it to those that have not. Anyone I have ever met that is proud to be a liberal has always proven to be an insufferable prick. I am arrogant because I have accomplished a great deal on my own terms on my own steam. I'll bet a thousand dollars, (dollars I fucking earned), that you have not.
Anon 10:02, I always have the final word... because I am SENOR FUCKING BADASS. That's why. Suckit, teetyboyz.
word is:
that that the union spent 34000 on this job and WON yet the city spent $400,OOO K and lost.
Have they released copies of the bills? What the hell cost $400,000?
Poor Vern crying at the Herald Rag again
My name is Vern and I like to cry on the shoulder of Ed Husar .
Senor Licks-My-Ass,
The only thing you've accomplished (besides bedding your sister) is proving you're a loud-mouth blowhard who hides behind a computer keyboard. As for your little bet, I pay more in taxes than what you make in a year you fucking coward.
I wouldn't want a rotten mouth like Senor's licking my ass..
Be careful.
How do you post anon and then accuse someone of being a coward? You are a hypocrite. And, no, you do not pay more in taxes in a year than I make. Redact your social security number and post your tax return, liar.
But, seriously, shut the fuck up about calling out someone as a coward. You can post your name any time you like.
Senor Gerbil-in-the-Ass,
Let's see your name big boy. Oh wait, you won't do that because then you wouldn't be able to act like such a bad ass while hiding behind your keyboard. You're a gutless fucking coward you self-absorbed prick, and anyone with half a brain can see that. You talk a lot of shit, but the first time someone called you on it to your face, you'd turtle up like a frightened school girl. The only thing you've probably ever hit in your life is your wife or your dog. Hell, my 15 year son would kick your ass and not even break a sweat. Now shut the fuck up you mental defect!
senor...if i could buy you a beer i would....you are right fucking on point with everything, this city is fucked with spring at the helm.....it's awful nice knowing our tax money goes to drycleaning and laundry bills to keep the mayors, firefighters and cops uniforms clean....that's just a tip of a gigantic iceberg..fucking sucks....
05:24:00 PM
but the first time someone called you on it to your face, you'd turtle up like a frightened school girl. Are you retarded or just fucking stupid, you fucking jackoff? You're fucking anonymous you fuckface. Post your name or shut the fuck up, pussy.
pissed off
I say we all get together and watch my 10 year old daughter beat the shit out 5:24 pm and take his wallet. I doubt he has enough in there to buy us all a beer, but it will make a good start.
My name is Ryan Ehmen. Everyone on these blogs but you knows that. Put up or shut the fuck up, anon.
And you think you are the first person to "call me" on something I posted here? Get over yourself and move on. Fuck you. How's that?
Ryan Ehmen,
I think I fucked your mom once. You might want to call me dad.
That was your sister.
Go back across the river.
Anon 9:59-
You are a pussy and queer.
And a dumbass
Oh, and a retard.
did I mention that you were a pussy?
Ryan Ehmen
PS- you are also an assqueer. Fuck off.
Hey 9:59, are you the one who was calling me out to post my name? Now I fucking dare you to post yours. Fucking faggot. And if that's not you, then Anon 5:24... take your ball-less pussy and go back in the fucking basement. Asshat.
these blogs are being driven down the drain by a select few who feel it necessary to always put the same filth in about each other when it doesn't even go with the topic. I for one am tired of your rants and raves about nothing but the same filth on every comment you make......sure I don't have to read the blog but some people do have interesting comments but yours hurt all blogs that you comment on. Please rant to yourself in a letter to yourself so we don't have to hear the same lame stuff over and over............
Fuck off.
I absolutely could not resist that. Tookie, if you're reading.... come on... you know I couldn't resist that.
Nobody says anything interesting on these blogs because most of those posting are complete morons. Complaining about my filthy posts is like complaining about too much vomit in a toilet full of shit.
Do you really think the hard-ass routine impresses us? I'm sure I'll get a typical response from you involving vulgarities and name-calling, but all you're doing is proving how mentally deficient you really are. You may think by putting your name on here that it gives you some sort of tough-guy credibility, but the reality is, it makes you look ignorant. The ability to debate someone without getting in the gutter, is much more impressive than using the foul-mouth technique you have embraced. At your age, I'd have thought you'd outgrow this immature behavior, but sadly, you continue to prove otherwise every time you post on here.
Look, these Quincy blogs are not the place for serious debate and you know it.
How can enlightening conversation even happen? You have this Oracle character who has worked for government in some form his whole life.
His ability to comprehend possible solutions to complex problems is no better than that of my children. When I tell my daughter we don't have enough money to go to SeaWorld again, she says, "why don't we just go to the bank and get more money?".
This is very similar to Oracle's solution to just about everything. This makes nearly anything he posts an absolutely worthless contribution to a discussion. There are a few more like him that have an equally limited worldview. Go read Oracle's other site... not the Onion thing, but his "serious" site. Read him attempting to discuss serious subjects. These people sound like freshman poli sci students.
Also, I did not post my name to increase credibility. I have always held that, (should one accidentally be made), a good point is a good point regardless of who made it or whether or not you know who made it. I posted my name because some moron broke the fourth wall of the nasty blog namecalling and I wanted to prove that I will play the game at whatever level is required. This guy will not. Most of you knew who I was anyway.
Finally, I am not concerned with impressing you. I post those things because it makes me laugh. It makes my friends laugh and when I call Tookie or my brother... we have a big laugh about it.
I don't believe these blogs are a forum suitable to solve world problems or have serious debate with a bunch of clueless welfare recipients any more than I think that by playing Madden I am somehow going to make it to the NFL.
I remember when your dad gave you a job at Fisher Business Equipment about 20 years ago. It was generally assumed by most of the people that worked there at the time that it was lucky for you that you had a dad who owned a business. I thought you were an immature brat then, but held out hope you would eventually outgrow it. As your posts on here prove, you're still the same self-centered, spoiled brat you were 20 years ago. I can only imagine how proud you are making your parents right now.
You don't know a fucking thing about me except for what I post on these dumbass blogs, dude.
One thing you are right about, though; my parents are very proud of me. See, they are a little smarter than to judge me by assinine posts I put on a blog they don't read.
I made minimum wage the entire time I worked at Fishers, so I am not sure what was so "lucky" about my connections that allowed me to spend my summers doing menial labor for the minimum amount of money you could legally pay someone.
Also, I was 18 years old when I got hired there... of course I was an immature brat.
So, instead of trying to guess how I might be based on obscenity laced blog posts, be assured that I am doing wonderfully.
I mean, if we are just going to judge people based on what they post on blogs, someone might determine you are a petty, jealous whiner.
I won't waste my time asking who you are, as you will not answer... but I must admit that I am curious. Maybe you could post some kind of clue. Then I could tell you everything that was wrong with you twenty years ago.
I know your dad pretty well. I have a hard time believing he's proud of the language and insults you routinely toss around on here. As for being 18 and immature when you worked at Fishers, that doesn't hold water with me. For one thing, I was working 40 hours a week and going to college full-time when I was that age. I didn't need daddy to give me a job. And as evidenced by your posts, the immaturity you showed at 18, is very much evident 20 years later.
Obviously, you'd rather impress your friends and guys like Tookie than show the maturity and class that one would expect out of a nearly 40 year-old man. Trust me Ryan, while your friends may be laughing with you, most of us are laughing at you (and sadly, it's been that way since I first met you 20 years ago).
Look, dude, I don’t really care that some random anonymous guy on a blog thinks I am immature. I am curious about your identity, though. You basically know who my dad is, that I worked at the store, my approximate age and that I write dirty words on blogs. So, you could be just about anybody from Quincy.
You don’t know my dad very well if you think he is ashamed of me because of the few minutes a month I spend typing dumb shit on a blog. Is he proud of the posts, probably not. But, you know him so well, you ask him if he’s proud of his son. Ask my dad how ashamed he is of the son that just made partner in his firm, put himself through grad school and got his CPA while his wife was able to stay home with the kids. Ask him… you know him so well. Give me a call on my cell (622-7807) and let me know how the conversation went.
As for me being immature not holding water with you. Who gives a shit what holds water with you? Are you the determiner of things that hold water? Get over yourself. You went to college full time the summer after you graduated from high school? Good for you.
I am not trying to impress Tookie or anyone. I am trying to make them laugh. Most of them do. Who is this “most of us”. And why are you laughing AT me? What the hell does that mean? I mean, I understand the WITH vs. AT bit in the abstract, but in this case… elaborate. You think I am unaware that my posts appear foolish? That’s kind of the point.
Again, I admit that I am curious. I have to know who’s world is so small that they have the time to let their imagination run wild about someone they barely know because they don’t like the dirty words he posts online.
What's next, you're going to tell us about how much money you make and what kind of car you drive? You were stuck on yourself at Fisher's too, but as I said earlier, you were pretty much a running joke with most of the people who worked for your dad.
As for your educational and professional accomplishments, congratulations. Frankly though, I'd have to question any firm that would make someone as immature as you appear to be a partner. I'm curious, how many of your clients do you show your little blog postings to? "Gee Mr. Smith, looks like you're going to get a nice tax refund back. By the way, have you seen my latest blog where I call someone a cocksucker?"
You see Ryan, when I got married, had children and started my own business, I put away childish things. I enjoy reading these blogs, but I don't need the thrill of calling people names and pretending to be Mr. Edgy. I see a lot of insecurity in your posts, and I'm guessing there's something about your life that bothers you, and the way you deal with it is by being some tough guy on these blogs. Again, you really haven't changed much since the first time I met you about 20 years ago. You might want to try therapy Ryan, I sense some serious issues that you probably need to deal with before you do something you'll regret. I'll be glad to recommend some quality professionals I know over in the Springfield area.
I drive a 1996 Ford Taurus. If you must pry.
You have determined that I need therapy based on a few blog posts? You are amazing.
Do I show my clients the blogs... no, do you bring your clients or customers in when you have sex with your wife? Your point is pointless. I have a private life and a professional life. Luckily I live a city large enough that not everybody needs to know my business.
As for whatever it is you thought of me, great for you. You have no idea how mature or immature I may be now, no matter how much you want to read into some blogs.
I was stuck on myself at Fishers because I was a badass. I feel okay saying it... and it's okay for that to bother you.
Did you used to work Fishers? Are you going to tell us who you are?
You can leave it on my cell phone.
If you're not going to fess up... keep your mental evaluations to yourself.
Trust me, at 18 you were far from a badass. You were a goofy kid that most of your co-workers made fun of.
As for your anology, pretty weak attempt from someone who's made it a point to let people know he completed grad school and made partner in an accounting firm. Having sex with one's wife is a loving, natural experience. Calling someone a mother fucker on a blog on the other hand is childish, and perhaps even irrational. I assume that my clients know I'm having sex with my wife, however, I'm sure yours have no idea you frequent these type of web sites and spew profanity and insults. Here's the litmus test Junior, I don't have to worry about losing clients because I have sex with my wife. Wanna guess how many of yours would leave if they saw this website?
9:15:00 PM
You're full of shit. Call Senor and maybe he'll let you be the big spoon. Otherwise, pack it in.
My dog's not in this fight and I could argue for anonymous and for Senor, but one thing that Senor said that appears to me to be a truth is that he lives in a city of suitable size that no one has to spend their time worrying/gossiping/prying into his life for their own personal satisfaction/entertainment. Quincy and all if its bedroom communities are rife with nose-trouble (I know, I live in one). How sad.
And even now that I know his name I still don't know who Senor is.
With all due respect, what does the size of one's community have to do with civility and respect?
Shouldn't a person hold themselves to a higher standard than simply using the excuse that "I live in a bigger city so I don't have to worry about people knowing my business?" I've got news for Mr. Ehmen, in the internet world, EVERYBODY knows your business. And what does it say about the lack of respect this knucklehead has for the community he grew up in that he feels so comfortable using vulgarities and profanities, and yet, has no concerns about who in Quincy knows it?
I'm sorry, but I knew this guy when he was 18, and he still acts like an immature brat 20 years later.
I'm not defending him, because I'm not. When I first happened upon him and his blog and his comments I was put off and I'm no angel, but it does seem that you have a personal axe to grind with him. So be it. Who am I to argue that? I've got plenty of my own personal axes to grind, so who am I to tell you that you can't grind yours?
I said that I could support both sides if the argument... As far as civility goes it doesn't matter the size of the town, but for lack of anything else to spend their time on the inhabitants of small towns love their gossip!
I respect your comments, as it shows we can have civil discussions on these blogs without the name-calling and profanity that Ryan Ehmen wears like a badge.
I really don't have an axe to grind, I just knew Ryan when he was an 18 year-old immature kid, and I was disappointed to see that 20 years later, he still hasn't grown up.
I, for one, LOVE to read Senor's comments, and I consider myself to be a democrat! I am a 40 something female who has lived in this town my entire life, and his comments just crack me up! Don't ya'll get it? It's a complete release! Haven't you ever wanted to call someone a fuckstick? I know I sure have! Maybe he was a jackass when he was 18, perhaps he still is. I don't really care, I don't have to go home to him, fix him dinner or do his laundry. But it makes me laugh out loud to read the things he posts. Lighten up!
Well said 40 something
I usually agree with him though
And I agree with him as well, even tho I am a democrat.
02:20:00 PM
You must be some chick that Senor told he had a nice time and would call, then didn't. Life experience dictates these are the only kind of people that are so emotionally anonymously disappointed in a blog comment section. Either that or he boinked your girlfriend. Get over yourself. Senor is funny. You bring nothing to discussion.
anon 1;37,
You ever see your mom naked? If not, I've got some pictures I'll sell you (however, the one's of me coming on her face will cost you extra). I'll sell you the whole lot for $50, or half what you mom paid me to give her what your lame-ass cross-dressing dad couldn't.
4:36:00 PM
Sounds good numbnuts. Post your name and I'll be right over with your fifty, bitch.
I am shocked to know that senor badass is you. My CPA suggested I contact you to see what type of suggestions you would have for my portfolio. I, under no circumstances, would want you involved in my finances and will let my CPA know about your blogging next time I see him.....education doesn't ensure class and you have none. Any client with any large portfolio wouldn't hesitate to pull it after seeing your ranting
Don't bother to use your cussing in an answer to me.
01:15:00 AM
I doubt that you're shocked or that you even have a CPA. With the remote chance any of it is true, you should probably tell your mom on him too.
I was shocked and do have a CPA but my mother is gone but I bet Ryan's mother is embarrassed by the words he uses in public or private....he must be very angry/insecure that he has to been attention to himself that way.
Then go tell his mom, and quit being such a crybaby.
Boo Hoo
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