Pool 21 level: 17.23
Tail water : 17.10
Total head for this photo:
00.13 feet
Total head needed for power:
> 2 feet
Total power produced in this photo:
Congressman Phil Hare, please send $200,000 for this study to:
Porkbarrel Projects
c/o Quincy Fire
(only one person was employed during this study)
What about the rest of the year? What if they were actively trying to maintain a head?
What do we all need?
I'd like to apply for a job doing the next study. I'll work for $25,000 per hour. If we only work 10 minutes, that's ok.
No more head jokes, this is serious business.
Alright, one more.
Do you suppose Hare knows what Head is?
No, he doesn't... and his wife will kill you if you tell him.
lol, that's funny right there, don't care who you are
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