" ... I don’t know why people spend time tarnishing the city’s reputation and just trying to hurt people in the city.”
1. Five fired ex-city employees and a demoted firefighter might ask you the same question?
2. Don't have no tarnish, won't be no tarnish.
3. Seatbelts, Seatbelts, Seatbelts.
4. Puppygate.
5. City job hiring process.
6. Nepotism.
(please continue in numerical order)
7. It requires no effort.
8 QPD spending habits
Nice cover up story in the Whig tonight. Murphy said "five nonprofits are now on the city server: The St. Jude’s Quincy to Peoria fundraising run, the city and county library systems, Quincy United, and the Mary Weems Barton Foundation." Make note of the ones that absolutely have nothing to do with the City except for Murphy being the common link: St Judes and Quincy United. Both were hosted for his own personal gain. The Mayor may have given permission to host Quincy United, but did he also say the site could be worked on during City time, and that City resources could be used? Come on folks!
Is that #9 ?
10 - City's ability to control the local media as what to report and what to ignore.
Jedi mind tricks.
Ok then. Tell us all what reports the local media is ignoring, and how you would go about reporting on them.
Servergate: QNO started this 9.28
QHW didn't print anything until 10.7
(jedi mind hand gesture)
The city's server is secure.
There are no answers.
anon 10:22
You didn't number your post. No soup for you!
11 Pay no attention to the man behind the server.
I want to see QNO do a story about harassment in our local area.
#12 Cover up of credit card use at Civic Center
# 13
CB tag
14. Personal cell phone use while on the taxpayer dime.
Google "Priceless" and you will likely see a mass emailing from a well known United Soccer Club member to a number of other members reassuring them that Murphy has the best interest of the club at heart and the firegate 6 have brought this on. Here's the priceless part. This idiot sends the email to members including the club president at jmurphy@quincyil.gov and a second member also using a city email address. I know Murphy thinks this guy is an idiot and has said it often to others. Here's your sign. The way I see it is the United Soccer Club is not under attack. Nobody is taking shots at the club that does great things for our young kids. What is being questioned is the time spent by an individual who gave many hours of time. The problem is, it really wasn't his time. He was supposed to be working for the city. The same person who sent this mass e-mailing to these members would make frequent visits to Murphy’s office to discuss the soccer club. So when this gets brought to light during the firegate hearings this idiot wants to point blame at the 6 accused. Don’t be mad at Murphy for the time and effort he has given. Be mad that he has drug the soccer club into a possible FBI investigation. I’m sorry you said someone hacked onto the city server and while they had access to probably anything they wanted they chose to allegedly change an email address, or was it change back, or was it change, oh heck I give up. Quincy United, cut the strings and save the respect our members have earned through hours of volunteered time. Our kids deserve more than the unwanted attention by our so-called leaders.
Will the City host QCC and SLCC ? They host a private club now , why not all private clubs ?
I can't find anything on Google that links "priceless" to Qcy Utd. Did the email come from that famous Eurche card the left bower.
I think it was just a figure of speech, the google "priceless" part. I've seen the email. It must be making the rounds, I've gotten it from two different sources.
This is one of my favorite lines
"so ....if you see him out in public please speak to him but about something other than this."
QUSC All Families email addresses
I am writing this letter in hope of answering some comments or questions you might have involving some things you might have heard about OUR club. Most of you know the case with the fireman and the city. Jim Murphy works for the city in the IT Dept and was doing his job when told to investigate some wrong doing and since he is a computer wiz he was told to check out the problems that arose. Now that he has done his job and we know the outcome some very upset people have decided to come after Jim and his family and QUSC and that is wrong . They have brought alligations against Jim for QUSC having our website on the city server. We as a club asked to do this years ago for several reasons . You can put your web site on the city server if you are a non-for profit org. which we are and we have also done it for the youth of Quincy and promoting our 2 tournaments that we host. When team are interested in coming here to play in either of our tourn. they can click on our website and get hotel, motel info eating info, maps. etc... know more than what we do when we go to other cities to play. People were saying that Jim was doi ng this while using city equipment and wanted his job because we were on the city server and I want to help clarify anything been said out there with your help. Jim has done nothing wrong and we as a club need to support him and his family in this rough time. Speaking with Jim he wants all this behind him since it is all senseless and would rather not talk about it for now , so ....if you see him out in public please speak to him but about something other than this. We had to pull our website off line for a while as it was hacked into and the hackers moved some things around . It is now repaired and back up and running and the State Police are looking into and will find the hackers. So in closing please help out and stick togeather and get through this time that have alot of people talking but remember we or Jim and his family have done nothing wrong and we need to support him. thanks for your time and attention to this matter TB Dir OF Opperations QUSC
F-ing hackers.
Who attacked the club or his family? Who wants his job?
Murphy used city resources on city time for personal use. Six others were charged for the same violation. Not the content nor the sheer volume but for abusing city resources. Let’s be serious. Murphy's e-mail traffic far out weighed the firegate numbers. If I see him in public Terry, I'm going to ask him where he gets the nerve to help prosecute while doing the very thing the accused were being tried for. I will go out of my way and ask him how the Mayor can look him in the eye and honestly say he is protected at all costs. Spring will get to that point and will cut him loose if backed into a corner. Then and only then will we hear Murphy's secrets of the hall. I bet he could write a book on the countless number of scandals he was told to cover up. Now maybe some of you doubters can understand how our local government operates.
I think the dogs are hunting
If ever a wiz a wiz there was the wizard of IT is not because.....
I hope the FBI does investigate the "hacking" and arrests Spring and Murphy for filing a false report
I enjoyed watching the Bears.
What are the Rams now? 1-4 ?
It is likely the city thinks this is a problem that will go away since all the other media is not covering it.
Considering the potential for a wrongful termination lawsuit (Jury Verdict Research Series indicates that the average wrongful termination compensatory loss is $532,016) this isn't a trivial matter. The things this IT director may be doing are the same as what several other
city employees were fired for. One of these ex employees may find an out of town attorney willing to chase the city for a percentage of the settlement. That is the downside for the city & taxpayers as well as the IT Director seems to not be competent. Even if the city won the case
the legal expenses would be considerable & a unproductive drag on the city budget that would have to be paid by taxpayers.
The most likely reason he hasn't been terminated or demoted is he has a lot of dirt on many at the City & County
15. Cronyism
16. Patronage
17. So you can have the city build you a garage, stock it with free tools & then quit.
Happy for the 1 in the 1-4, likely all we'll get! Glad to hear you enjoyed the Bears game, congrats on winning two more games than the lowly rams.
getting a password on this site really sucks. took me over 15 minutes
i typed a long comment , where is it???????????????
i typed a long comment , where is it???????????????
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