Monday, March 03, 2008

Going Down ?

SPRINGFIELD, ILL. (AP) -- Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich appointed two elevator union members to a new elevator safety board about the time the union gave him a $10,000 contribution.


Anonymous said...

Hey just like the City of Quincy. Donate to the Mayors campaign, get a promotion.

Anonymous said...

look at Head of Central Service ....then look at Spring's biggest LOCAL $ man .........

Partners at Kr**g**s

TOOKIE said...

Friends of Mayor John Spring
D-2 Pre-election Report
2005 CE
1/24/2005 to 3/6/2005
Allen, Larry
Occupation: Owner
Employer: Krieger's Sports Bar 4305 Hampton Lane
Quincy, IL 62305 $2,000.00
2/17/2005 Individual Contribution
Friends of Mayor John Spring BEEBE, MIKE 3227 CRESTVIEW DR
QUINCY, IL 62301 $250.00
2/17/2005 Individual Contribution
Friends of Mayor John Spring BEEBE, ROD 2105 VAN BUREN
QUINCY, IL 62301 $200.00
2/17/2005 Individual Contribution
Friends of Mayor John Spring

QUINCY, IL 62301 $250.00
2/17/2005 Individual Contribution
Friends of Mayor John Spring

To play connect the DOTS ......

BEEBEE is best friends with JJ

Also he is partners with the TURN Coat Repub Tony alderman on Central service Board .

Two Promotions post election

You do the math

Anonymous said...

Anyone interested in an update on the fired fireman? I hear one of the fired guys got busted STILL cheating on his wife with one of the fired gals! What a shocker there. Yeah and those poor guys got a bad deal! I think not. They are a bunch of LIARS. All 6 of them. What a loser!!!

TOOKIE said...

Frankly if a fireman was f*cking a sheep I wouldn't really give a sh*t how he/she gets his/nut off .

Hell Spring acted like a 700 club repub , Government in the bedroom or airport washroom .........

Whatever ?

This town seems the Hotspot for stray dicks & open legs .........

It's their business and I don't give a shit

Anonymous said...

Was the Pub on the list? How much did the Pub kick in?

Anonymous said...

Funny how many private sector HR departments discourage gifts to the bosses, but it looks like gifts are required at City Hall.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Mustache is quickly becoming more and more of a big joke.

Anonymous said...

It's the Quincy way!

Anonymous said...

Anyone interested in an update on the fired fireman? I hear one of the fired guys got busted STILL cheating on his wife with one of the fired gals! What a shocker there. Yeah and those poor guys got a bad deal! I think not. They are a bunch of LIARS. All 6 of them. What a loser!!!

I thought we were done talking about the whole thing, it is so old. You must have a bone to pick. Leave it off this blog and quit boring us with that same ole crap. Its old news, get over it LOSER.

Anonymous said...

I guess were still doing MLB NFL style "negotiating" with LL & the school board.

Anonymous said...

From Dick Tuck's

I hear O'Donnell got a better offer. Somewhere near Kansas City. Lemon thought they low balled him (somewhere between $150-$165). He's reconsidered, they'll give him a little more to get him real close to the departing Leahy's salary. He will be the next Superintendent.
Where else but in the school system can you start unproven at the same salary as the guy you are replacing?

Anonymous said...

School System ???


What about:

City ?

County ?

State ?

Only in the private sector do you have to prove yourself before cashing in on a fat salary.

Anonymous said...

You have to remember that Leahy's salary has increased 12 percent over the last two years because of his retirement deal.

So take off 12 percent from $180K (about $21K) and you'll probably get what they'll end up giving Lemon. I'm betting it will be

Anonymous said...

It may be in the 155K range, but with the way that school districts can pay you 155K is not always 155K. It depends on what they do with TRS, insurance, et.

Anonymous said...

It's going to be $160k/yr straight up salary w/172 paying at least $15k/yr
to his retirement.

Anonymous said...

Another rumor is that the School District's first offer was $150K, but Lemon had to make his own TRS contributions (instead of the school making them), which would be at least 10 percent of that.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

QHS won the WGEM academic challenge.

QND came in second. They usually call that the loser.

Suck it, QND kids are smarter guy.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe QAND has ever beat QHS in the academic challenge or Quiz Bowl. What gives?

Anonymous said...

Comcast cable raising rates.
I switched to DISH last year and have been pretty happy with DISH.
W/ Dish upper tier, it is less than comcast. I'm not haulin water for DISH, but have been happier w DISH than I had been with cable.

DVR is the best invention known to man.

Anonymous said...

at least least QND still plays even tho they lose

Anonymous said...

Don't know quite what you are getting at, but tell me about the wrestling forfeits vs. QHS last year...then make your statement again.

Anonymous said...

Really I don't follow either school. I just like getting you Devils all worked up over QND.

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