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Also, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time as I come to learn more and develop my understanding about the things and issues that I am blogging about. This blog just provides a snapshot of the knowledge, views, and opinions that I hold at a particular point of time and these might most probably change over a period of time. I reserve the right to evolve my knowledge, thoughts, and viewpoints over time and to change them without assigning any reason. My views presented here are my experiences, and knowledge from my readings and learnings.
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Most of the individuals who post here are some of the best and brightest. The opinions expressed here, while probably right and certainly smart, are their own, and are not necessarily reviewed in advance by anyone but the individual author. Sometimes, the author is audacious and decides to post an opinion without a buddy reviewing it, and at other times, he/she may seek counsel of a friend. Regardless, these opinions do not necessarily reflect the view of Quincy Fire or any other person or company. Quincy Fire might agree with them - or might not.
My blog includes links to other sites/blogs operated by other parties. These are provided as a means of convenient access to you to the information/opinion contained therein. I am in no way responsible for the content of any other sites or any products or services that may be offered through other sites. This website may inadvertently link to content that is obscene, prurient, useless, hate-filled, poisonous, pornographic, frivolous, empty, rotten, bad, disgusting, hostile, repulsive, virulent or infectious. This website in no way condones, endorses or takes responsibility for such content.
Did your Lawyer take away your cock & balls ?
What's this all about Fire? Is someone threatening you?
My "lawyer" would probably advise me to moderate comments.
I believe in free speech. (like you)
Just don't want to be responsible for everyone else.
But I have been neutered. (not by a lawyer either)
Too bad Fire !
Sometimes BALLS are fun to have !
I have a whole box for of BALLS !
;) Wink
Hmm...maybe Fire's employer found out?
No, not yet.
But just in case.....
I don't Blog about my work because unless you were in the same business, you wouldn't understand.
Fire ,
Smoke a Cig , Drink a single malt scotch & reflect !
Then realize that sometimes Quincy is the Matrix and like RAGE AGAINST (the Nepo) Machine sang " Wake up "
Just think what would Neo do ?
The red pill
The Blue Pill
or the GREDF Kool Aid
The choice is yours
Smoke and beer, Yes I am.
I feel like UMR responding to every post.
IKES !!!
Check email :
And UMR replies to all like 4 days later !
ps : Call my Morph
Which one of you jerks threatened to sue Fire? Bitches.
Everybody, make sure and come out to John Wood tonight and rally against the Ameren pig, he's going to try and take a bigger bite out of your ass (if that's possible). Come out to John Wood at 7:00 p.m. tonight, Tuesday 2-26.
The part about evolution of thought is really important. None of us is static, nor are the stimuli we take in. You are wise and mature to acknowledge that consistency and intellectual honesty are not always the same things.
Continued success.
Get's me thiking, who is Fire? We know this much about him at least:
Bears Fan
Cubs Fan
Male (friom the pics of broads he used to put up)
Has a vested interest in bar/bev industry locally
He's too cool to be Gaybe
Not an Asscar fan
Who is Q-Fire? The world wonders!
Also, he's a QHS supporter, and doesn' like QND.
He's not in favor of a tax increase for schools.
Lot of Bears and Cub Fans.
Could be a lesbo.
Maybe just hates smoking ban.
Ex wife/girlfriend could have went to QND.
far as the comments go, you're protected by the 230 rule.
Just google "eff 230"
Truth also is an absolute defense when needed.
Heck, I wonder who half you guys are!!! I wonder who tookie is too! I've been reading you folks! Most of the blogs that most of you support, I've been to and read through. It was a lot of fun I might add. Looking forward to getting thru school and coming home. Keep 'em honest guys!
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