Monday, April 09, 2007

Show Me the MONEY !!!

Tourism director Holly Cain says the event generates about $7 million for local businesses--more than any other event that comes to Quincy.

About. Ever take your wife to the doctor and have him say, "your wife is about pregnant"?

I have little doubt that the WFFC raises this kind of money for Quincy.

What I would like to see is some HARD FACTS !!!

No Estimates. FACTS ONLY PLEASE !!!

Here is the Airport info for Rantoul.
Here is Quincy.


Anonymous said...

You know what FIRE .....

Your on the wrong side of this . Working your way out of a school zone ticket ? Maybe a Broadway ticket ? Did you marry into the GruessyDuesseySprings and get yo bad self a city job ?

Just trying to figure it out Fire .

Anonymous said...

Spring declares skydiving immoral and takes a secret poll to determine that our region does not desire this type of event. Any guesses on why he really opposes it?

Anonymous said...

Spring did bad politics 101

First Let Kenny , Jeff , or anybody at City hall fall on the PR sword.

Second instead of open hostilities toward the NON-Brother-in-law OLC Director , just declare post 911 we can't host it in private.

Third winning a few minor battles doesn't make a Mayor Sun Tzu ! It is just showing the public how bush league our current admin is.

Anonymous said...

Your statement according to the 2000 Census is that105 million households earned 42,000 average. That adds up to app 1.8 trillion.

Not true

Anonymous said...


Are you lost?

Anonymous said...


You're right. It was a little bizarre watching Spring explain how "we" don't want this event.

Fire- just like smoking, if you don't like boobies, stay home.

Anonymous said...

Spring the MORAL Authority of Quincy ????

He is against the WFFC on Moral grounds . Like smoking , if you don't want to see the local talents "puppys" , don't go to tent city at night.

I for one am PRO Puppys in any format.

Anonymous said...

I propose signage with a picture of a
nice rack, circled with a line through them

Underneath, NO WFFC.

Spring could sell them at City Hall, all proceeds
could go to the Hotel/Motel owners.

Quincy Fire said...

It's only the wrong side when it's not your side?

No School ticket. No Broadway ticket. Not married to current or past city officials. Not even related. No city job.

Didn't say I didn't like boobies. Didn't say if I was for or against the WFFC. I could argue, like the non-smokers, that it is my RIGHT to go to the WFFC. But I don't.

Quincy Fire said...


After 8 comments, no one has answered the orig post.

Where is the money?

I have become ever increasingly annoyed that when someone stands up or is quoted in the media that they have some FACTS to back it up.

I just finished my taxes and didn't use the words estimated, about, around. is covering this like the city just lost a major industry in town.

Anonymous said...

"Additionally, there were some financial issues that were never resolved. The free-fallers didn't necessarily stay in our hotels, didn't necessarily use all of our restaurants; they certainly used the campground that they created there at the airport."

Anonymous said...

Deb Carstens has worked in Quincy hotels for a decade, and she's never seen the business that comes with the World Free Fall Convention.

"The economic impact for our hotels alone was huge," she said. "August was, during its heyday, our highest revenue generating month for both the Fairfield Inn and the Comfort Inn. It's no longer that."

Anonymous said...

Look we know the Moral Authority Mr Spring is anti Titty ! He does not believe in tittys nor jumping out of perfectly good airplanes.

THE OLC should make their stand and become anti tittys too.

Anonymous said...


Every resteraunt in town made a KILLING for those 10 days. The wait staff also made a killing. Certain local firms also made pretty good coin off the WFFC .

A few local Const companys did some projects on the WFFC paid upgrades.

So there was money made and tossed around the local economy . BUT isn't it the OLC's job to try and bring in events ????

It's not the WFFC , but the way the Mayor dictacted what and how things are going to be.

It comes down to pure contempt for the population of the City of Quincy. it also shows total disrespect to the new OLC head.

This isn't Mr Spring's first time playing Hitler. A skunk always shows his stripe sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Every resteraunt in town made a KILLING for those 10 days. The wait staff also made a killing. Certain local firms also made pretty good coin off the WFFC .

To the tune of 7 million ??

I think Fire is asking where is the 7 mil at??

Anonymous said...


"August was, during its heyday, our highest revenue generating month for both the Fairfield Inn and the Comfort Inn. It's no longer that."

If August made one dollar more income than July, this would also be a true statement.

Anonymous said...

jet fuel , hotels, food, rental of the "airport" , food service companies making runs to the airport, Beer sales, cigs, condoms, film sales for boobs , etc etc etc

Adds up pretty fast !

Anonymous said...

How much did the GEMS bring in TOTAL for the years since the wffc has been gone ???

I bet the WFFC brought more income in few days than the gems do in 5 years.

Anonymous said...

But this is the same Mayor who cut Mayor Scholz off at 5 mins .

Anonymous said...


So what is your point. They are all lying, tourism and hotel owners, so they can see some boobies? What's your theory?

Anonymous said...

Didn't say they were lying did I. Just said if they made a dollar more in that month it would be a true statement. FACTS are what is missing here. NOW, if they said we made $200K more when WFFC was here and had FACTS to back it up......

Anonymous said...

JJ was the head of the OLC then and like soccer I bet he "didn't put a pen to it"

Anonymous said...

The TSA is very particular about certain things that happen at airports now, that just can't take place now, unfortunately, as opposed to several years ago," said Interim Airport Director Jeff Steinkamp.

JUST like the "learn to ride a motocycle class" that SIU puts on on the same run ways ??????

Goose MEET Gander

Anonymous said...


It's a class of about 40 learning to ride cycles in broad daylight, not a group of 4000 drunks at midnight thinking they can ride bare breasts.

*shakes head in amazement

Anonymous said...

But is there a difference between them to the TSA ???? I am sure not many planes are landing at BOOB Central at that time of nite .

Anonymous said...

"I don't want it here," said Quincy Mayor John Spring. "I don't think I could make it any more simply stated."

Anonymous said...

Well I don't WANT to PAY taxes !

Shit in one hand and WANT in the other !

Senor Badass said...

Stop hiring retards and inbred monkeyfuckers to run your city and try hiring qualified people who understand money.

Don't let the teatsuckers make you believe I am angling for any of their bloodsucking jobs... Turd ain't taking a paycut just to help you river city mopes who let a bunch of old catholic families rob you blind.

Quincy is like that city in Roadhouse... you guys need some Swayze-esque philosopher / bouncer to come save you.

Anonymous said...


After 8 comments, no one has answered the orig post.

Where is the money?

Get off your ass and find them if you don't believe them. Call UMR, he'ss set you up with a FOIA request form.

Anonymous said...

Kevin Blickhan in tonights QHW spits out ANOTHER figure w/ no facts. 6 million. and where does HE come up with that figure ?

You freaking sheeple believe EVERYTHING you hear ! WAKE UP !

Anonymous said...

F*ck the money !

SHOW us the anti moral BOOBIES !!!!

Anonymous said...

"You freaking sheeple believe EVERYTHING you hear ! WAKE UP !"

You don't know that it's not true. If you do, show us where you got your figures.

Anonymous said...

and show us some tits & ass

WFFC t&A style

Quincy Fire said...

Speaking of ass, I did not make the statement that it brings in X amount of dollars. If I did, and someone questioned me on it, I would have some data to show.

I still have seen none.

Anonymous said...


I doubt she reads this. Call her up and ask her where she gets her numbers, then report back.

Senor Badass said...

You're right fire. And they are asking you to prove a negative. This is the oldest rhetorical trick in the book. I will say that Oracle ate two more pounds of shit last week than he did the week before. You would then say, "Oracle doesn't eat shit"... and I would say, "Prove he doesn't". The burden of proof is not on the person questioning the one who makes the claim. So those insisting you prove it's not true should fuck off.

And eat two pounds of shit.

Just like Oracle does.

Anonymous said...


Fire is the one asking the logical question , so does that mean fire eats shit ?

Fire is Mr Private property but is losing his troops over T&A !

Join us fire !

Boobs are good and fun too !

Anonymous said...

Fire serious question for the day .

Did a sky diver have adult relations with your ex girlfriend ? Your pretty rabid against the WFFC and siding with "King" Spring !

Not the norm for you Fire

Quincy Fire said...

Anon 6:27

Serious Answer of the day:

If a skydiver DID have adult relations with my ex girlfriend, why would I care? She's my ex.

But No.

You all are reading WAY TOO much into this. I NEVER said I liked or disliked the WFFC. I've been there. I've went several years.

Any time ANYONE opens their mouth and wants to get a point across, they blurt out some line of BS that can't be backed up. It has burned my ass for quite some time. This just happened to deserve a post. And the question I am asking is some PROOF that the WFFC brings in 6, 7 10 million dollars into the Quincy area??? Is it that hard to prove?

I don't believe that if you repeat something enough times, it becomes the truth. I need some data.

P.S. I'm not Normal.

Anonymous said...

It would take some digging because the data is pretty old but places to start . Hotel - Motel tax , ask a Mclean they are real good at recalling data, ask a Kohl or Area dist , etc etc ......

Start small and see if people are willing to dig through old files for a moot point.

But glad you aren't all pissy over an unwashed sky diver !

Enjoy the night Fire

Rocky Cola said...

asking for specific stats on this is like asking for specific stats on the $ that would be lost to bars and restaurants in Quincy if they banned smoking.

No one can really come up with them. But sometimes, you just gotta believe.

Anonymous said...

The best part of the WFFC was the FREE BEER.

Get another event in here that has FREE BEER, and all will be happy. No boobies, no kids drinking, just FREE BEER!

If we can't smoke, can we still have FREE BEER?

Anonymous said...

No Estimates. FACTS ONLY PLEASE !!!

Does this statement with lack of documentation burn your ass too?

"The World Free Fall event is not the type of event that our city or region desires," Spring wrote in a letter to Rob Ebbing...

Anonymous said...

I liked Nora on the afternoon Les show saying" If the Mayor wants to crack down on under age drinking start at the Beu Arts ball"

I laughed my ass off !

You tell them Nora B

TOOKIE said...

Just wanted to let you know I am back from the grave

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't remember a big uproar when the skydivers didn't come back a few years ago. The prevailing attitude that I recall was good riddance.

Anonymous said...


Do they have FREE BEER at the Beau Arts ball?

Anonymous said...


What's that have to do with anything?

Anonymous said...


So you think the Mayor has handled this well?

TOOKIE said...

Yea Big O ,

Do you think the King has issued another "5 min mark" from his Throne ?

The King says "we don't want the WFFC"

The King has spoken

Anonymous said...

Your request, answered.

5,000 skydivers (not including vendors and spectators) X $150 per person per day, (which is what the Illinois Bureau of Tourism states a tourist attending a sporting event spends each day) X 10 days = $7.5 million dollars to the local economy.

This figure is not counting the money spent at local businesses for the WFFC's golf carts, camper rentals, city police hire backs, airport fuel,local paid convention staff, on site food & beverage vendors... What about the local FFA groups that provided tours, the the list goes on....and the dollar keeps turning over.

Is it that hard to figure out the economic impact to the city of Quincy when people are visiting the city for 10 days from all 50 states and 52 countries?

International advertising and media exposure is what is hard to measure, the 5,000 skydivers is not.

The WFFC is not a party for all participants, maybe for the locals, but for the skydivers it is a sport and a leisure activity.

Anonymous said...

Damn good work fellow bloggers ...

More work than I was willing to do . But alas it may be for naught , for the King has spoken .

So let it be written so let it be done !

King Spring does have an opening for a new Court Jester

Anonymous said...


There's the money. Now bitch about that.

Anonymous said...

5,000 skydivers (not including vendors and spectators) X $150 per person per day, (which is what the Illinois Bureau of Tourism states a tourist attending a sporting event spends each day) X 10 days = $7.5 million dollars to the local economy.

You assume too much.

You assume that all the skydivers spent the night in a Quincy Motel. Most of the skydivers camped out at the airport.

You assume that everyone spend $150 a day. Most of what a die hard skydiver spend his money on is drops. This money goes to the plane. It flys back home with the cash after the event.

You assume that every hotel/motel was filled to the brim, every night with skydivers or people to watch the skydivers. Rooms were filled more on the weekends than during the week.

You assume that the cost of living is the same in calif. as qcy. Not true. Does qcy even have a $100 dollar a night place?

You assume that a person from every state and every nation was in attendance.

You assume that the negitive press that went out in the media did not harm the event more than it helped it?

You assume that bringing the event back to Qcy will increase it's attendance from the 800 it had last year to the pre-9/11 era of 5000 ??

Anonymous said...


What's your point? Who gives a shit if it makes 1, 7, or 10 million.
You can choose to stay at home in your parent's basement.

Anonymous said...

economic impact study by hired consultants from political power usually estimates only positive aspects, which means benefits both economically and socially. They never measured substantial economic costs and potential social problems. For the side of economic impact, only gross benefits rather than net benefits are measured and reported. In the case of non-economic impact, negative social impacts including such as traffic congestion, vandalism, environmental degradation, disruption of residents' lifestyle, and so on are rarely reported.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Behold my loyal Apostle small minded fools. I send Turd Mediocritous to spread The Word of Turd throughout the web. Listen and be free! Listen as he jumps from the first airplane when the WFFC returns to Quincy. Listen as he lights his Marlboro in Elders after the smoking ban is in effect. Send him your checks and money orders that he may continue spreading The Word of Turd*

Anonymous said...

Anon ,

How the F*CK do guys and gals jumping from a plane 10 miles outside of town effect the citizens lives ? I know they land off target at a few farms but other than that impact !

If said citizen's daughter is giving it up at the WFFC , I would bet she 's doing the same in said citizen's basement "watching movies" with some pimpled kid from school .

Underage drinking ??? Get the crack pipe out of your air hole , this is Adams County they will drink any way .

Anonymous said...

Here's what I think it comes down to. Spring realizes that IF the WFFC was to return, he'd have to spend a lot o' the city's money to host it, i.e. more security, etc., etc., and he just doesn't want the hassle of dealing with (and coordinating) it.

I'd rather him come out and honestly say, "Look, it's too much of a pain in the ass to host, so I'd rather it not return here."

Anonymous said...

My limited understanding is the WFFC paid for security and all other aspects that YOUR SAYING SPRING would have to pay for ( Funny I thought it was tax payers $$ and not KING SPRING's )

Anonymous said...

"he'd have to spend a lot o' the city's money to host it"

In the Fire spirit of "Show me the money", how much does it cost the city to host it?

Anonymous said...

Oh wait maybe your saying these folks are good at watching the TAX payers money !

Like 18 years of paying for the recycled products to be TAKEN by a private contractor and processsed and sold .

Then POOF ---the same guys finally realized the product was worth money .

Anonymous said...


If that's what he thought, that's what he would of said. He objects to it on some kind of moral grounds that he doesn't really want to into, whatever that means.

Anonymous said...

It means King Spring has spoken and if you bitches want to keep your city jobs you will shut up and dance for the King.

That's the Moral of the story .

Anonymous said...

Can't you see, they don't want mother-fuckers comin in here, jumpin out of airplanes, welching out on Blessing ER bills, bangin underage ho's, starting brawls, spreading VD's, smoking cigarettes, causing drunken riots.

They don't want mother fuckers........

Anonymous said...

"This money goes to the plane."

A portion of which goes to a locally owned firm by the name of Heetco who has the fuel contract at quincy Regional.

"You assume that the cost of living is the same in calif. as qcy"

Now your just plain twisting words. The CA statement was made in a completely different context and did was not intended to refer to anything more than an example of a camptive audience. Nice try.

"Does qcy even have a $100 dollar a night place?"

Yes, Stoney Creek Inn.

Anonymous said...

King Spring has spoken that he will now BAN HOG BACK events on the "moral ground" of nudity and under age drinking .

"We don't need those types of boaters around here " King Spring

Anonymous said...

You may as well add every Catholic parish picnic to the list of banned events if you're gonna throw 'em all out on the grounds of minors drinking.

Anonymous said...

I hear we are banning all DVD rentals because it leads to under age SEX in basements

Anonymous said...

King Spring is banning PORN now and has outlawed people from going into any place that ever has had porn .( so 90% of past present and future teens need to turn their pc & mac's into Commrade Copley)

Buildings that are now a class X fellony : Any Freese's video , family video , and gas stations that have sold SWANK mag .

The Moral Crussade of King Spring will lead us back to the Kingdom of heaven

Anonymous said...

Sounds more like Footloose to me.

Anonymous said...

Way to go anon ......

King Spring just banned dancing and the show dancing with the stars today during breakfast . He said dancing leads to drinking which leads to underage sex in basements and tents which thusly leads to SKY DIVING !

Anonymous said...

And sky diving leads to assholes leaving town without paying their bills. We have to find a way to make the mother fuckers pay.

Anonymous said...

To The Herald-Whig:
I am writing to offer some perspective
on and support for Mayor Spring’s
recent decision not to pursue another
contract with the World Free Fall Convention
as it seeks to revive its event
and find another venue.
First of all, the city of Quincy determined
the WFFC had breached its
agreement with us and accordingly
issued a notice of default. To execute a
new contract after a significant violation
of the previous one had occurred
would not be wise.
Secondly, serious law enforcement
problems were encountered by various
agencies and the event organizers were
unwilling or unable to rectify them.
Finally, our airport today is very different
than it was in the 1990s. The
increase in commercial and general aviation
is dramatic. The airfield access
today is severely restricted and totally
controlled by the Federal Aviation
Administration and the Transportation
Security Agency. The prospect of thousands
of skydivers from around the
world making tens of thousands of
jumps under these conditions is totally
Much has been made of the economic
impact from the event. Any benefit
to the hospitality industry pales in
comparison to the importance of maintaining
our commercial and general aviation
to support our regional businesses
and attract new employers.
Charles W. Scholz

Anonymous said...

and a casino in Quincy would have never worked....

Anonymous said...

How about a new topic ? The King has proclaimed from his throne at City Hall that morally we don't want the WFFC . It's dead in the water unless 8 to 9 aldermen bring up the topic and press the issue .

Looking at the Council line up I doubt we could get 7 to bring it up .

Anonymous said...

All I know is that my property taxes have gone up since the WFFC was ousted. Granted, there are other affecting matters causing it, but it seems as though they're finding more time and excuses to reassess the local properties.

The revenue for the city from the WFFC would have helped at least in some way either directly or indirectly. Not to mention that the locals are now pulling money illegally out of the tort fund for the overpriced teachers salaries as well. I wonder why?

Free Fire Pointer Orange MySpace Cursors at