page. I just want to point out several quotes from it.
Chief of Police is quoted as:
"DUIs may be a concern in the Quincy area"
"We haven't had a surge"
"not more drunk drivers"
"50 percent above last year's DUI break."
"The Quincy Police Department is confident the number of DUIs will be down by the end of the year"
I don't know about the rest of the city of Quincy feels about this, but I for one think time and effort is being wasted for the the all mighty dollars being generated off of the DUI cases. Lets face it. Quincy is a German town. The people of Quincy like to drink beer. Can you explain why the K of C BBQ is one of the largest in the state ?? Why the majority of events in the city serve beer at their events?? We like BEER!!! Now don't get me wrong, DUI is against the law and violators should be prosecuted....BUT, to sit in Taco Bells parking lot and wait for the poor sucker that doesn't use his signal to turn onto Broadway as he leaves is almost entrapment not enforcement.
Meth is a much larger problem in this area and you can read about it here.
.....and as I write this I see that the QPD is stepping up the K9 force by 1. Good start.
What amazes me is the with all the technology out there, we can't have a "methalizer" that drivers would blow into to determine if the driver is under the influence of Meth. I mean come on...with all that toxic crap that is used in the making of this stuff, no one can come up with anything better than a urine sample ??
Guess for now, I will have to watch how much I drink and watch how I drive home, but for once...just once, I would like to see patrol cars lined up on Broadway as I approached and have the officer lean in my window and ask " Have you been using Meth tonight?"....just as I glance over to see a line of outdoor toilets on a portable trailer...............