Now that Bret Michaels is done making the Quincy cougars moist, what will the Local Q have to report on now?
I wonder if they will refer to him in every story about him now as "Bret Michaels, who appeared in Quincy in August, 2010" like they do every other person who ever took a shit in Quincy?
"Caren Kemner three-time member of the U.S. Olympic volleyball team"
went down past the new "old folks' home thurs nite BACKWUDDERS... i saw all the skank hoes from the harrison pub, sweaty , caked makeup running, for some reason the seagulls were circling them, hhmmmm..... all to see bret michaels, wow bret at backwaters, next he'll be doing a MTV unplugged at the Elks. From new york to quincy il, next he'll be in maywood mo. its just so sorry that quincy makes a big deal out of something like this, a washed up performer, watched by a bunch of washed up , used up, dried up , wannabe hoes again, they should have saved the ticket price and just met at the pub , they could,ve met up with another washed up person ............you know who that is , do i even have to say it..
Anon 11:46
who dat?? don't get to the pub often enough to be acquainted w/all the skanky hoes!!
JJ!!! Nice pants!!!
Quincy Fire, Quincy City Desk and Funnions all agree on one issue.
Just say no to Bret Michaels.
At least you cats can finally all get along!
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