So before the overhyped launch of "The Local Q" (which tells you where the Cheeseburgers are going to play next and when Bret Michaels is taking his next shit in Quincy) the QNI hype machine gave us MidwestAgNet.com, which was supposed to do everything for farmers except milk the cow.
But I saw the pics of the chick who was running MidwestAgNet.com and I'd let her shuck my corn! Notice I said 'chick who WAS running MidwestAgNet.com.'
It looks like the QNI servers only have room for so many Websites, so to make room for Local Q, the farm site is GONE or, excuse me, is on 'indefinite hiatus' as of June 23.
You mean with all of those free TV, radio and newspaper ads this site didn't succeed? Really? Don't be surprised when Local Q suffers the same fate.
Somebody tell the Whig/WGEM gang that people are tired of their take on things. Also ask where Laura Johnson and Tyler Tomlinson went. And how the fuck did you let Nora Baldner go to work for KHQA?
The moral of the story: The next time you see one of the Oakley Mafia telling somebody how their shit don't stink, ask them how the farm site is doing and if the chick who was running it is free Saturday night.
I love how they left the recommend button on the post. Priceless FAIL!
This just in !
Bret Michaels is taking a shit in Quincy.....with the CHEESEBURGERS !
Concert will take place in Washington Parks new restrooms and will be sponsered by Northern Bathroom tissue.
Seating limited.
i heard that bret michaels is playing at PORTS PLACE, although he is opening for Sonny
I bet Nora spent her no-compete time working for the Arthritis Foundation. Now she has achieved free agent status.
Good for her! I am sure she is making a lot of the QNI staff envious. Now if she can start out without any political bias, that would be just too cool.
And highway stories...we're real fucking tired of highway stories
So what did happen to laura and tyler?
Tyler and Laura both left for Monday - Friday jobs. Can't blame anyone for that!
And why Bobby G thinks Nora's move to KHQA is top story worthy in his "Business" column is news to me. Nora left WGEM because the news director (at the time) sucked. Big f'in deal.
I don't know who wrote that but from what I heard they definitely didn't leave on good terms. I don't think anyone does around there.
I don't know + what I heard + I don't think = typical Quincy gossip process.
03:55:00 PM,
Fire: If you knew the REAL reason Midwest AgNet died your fingers wouldn't be able to type it fast enough to tell the masses.
The Local Q is only about 5% of the reason.
But I ain't talkin.......
Me think you all full of crap, merely tossing shit to inflate your spline-less egos
I have a spine, but no spline, so you are correct. I have a spline-less ego.
The Agnet woman is married to the GM.
I also heard that Tyler and Laura didn't leave on the best of terms but isn't that pretty typical at QNI/WGEM? Did anyone ever find out what was up with the mysterious disappearance of Katey Walls?
also heard = good time to gossip
If you guys are so desperate to seek the truth, why don't you call Tyler and Laura? Their numbers are listed at their new jobs. DUH.
Katey's contract was up and she moved to a bigger market. Getting married to guy with St. Louis ties too.... big mystery there!
I never knew her, nor have I worked for QNI. The internet can be used to do research too people... Try it for something other than all this "I heard...." crap.
Oh come on. All three would have gladly stayed.
Tomlinson is teaching at Culver and assistant coaching women's hoops
went down past the new "old folks' home thurs nite BACKWUDDERS... i saw all the skank hoes from the harrison pub, sweaty , caked makeup running, for some reason the seagulls were circling them, hhmmmm..... all to see bret michaels, wow bret at backwaters, next he'll be doing a MTV unplugged at the Elks. From new york to quincy il, next he'll be in maywood mo. its just so sorry that quincy makes a big deal out of something like this, a washed up performer, watched by a bunch of washed up , used up, dried up , wannabe hoes again, they should have saved the ticket price and just met at the pub , they could,ve met up with another washed up person ............you know who that is , do i even have to say it..
Anon 4:25
Please see the latest post and move your comment up there.
i would but how do i do it
I copied and pasted it for ya...no extra charge.
Full Service Fire
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