I usually don't bother with the Whig on a Saturday.
I can sports in a gazillion other places and the dead tree is nearly as thin on Saturday as it is on Monday. Take out sports scores and the real estate listings and there's not enough left to cover the bottom of the birdcage. Maybe if you took Saturday and Monday's papers and put them together...
But I wanted to see how they would cover a story about a local hero, a Purple Heart winner in PFC Kevin Gerding.
I should have known better, but even I didn't think the Rag was this bad. They ran a picture on Whig.com of Aaron Schock handing Gerding his medal, but the story was all about Schock. NOTHING on Gerding and what he went through as he earned that medal defending our country.
Doug Wilson can pick up the phone anytime to talk to Schock about issues. I'm sure they have him on speeddial to badger him about highway bullshit. But the story started off with how all of the Chamber of Commerce crowd laughed at Schock's witty banter over tea and crumpets and, naturally, there was the obligatory part about highways that the Obama administration has put off some transportation plan until next year.
Really? Why not build more roads? Get out the credit card. We're flush with cash, bitches!
Nothing in that story about Gerding. These fuckers suck off every politician in the country every day but they can't give any column space to a real local hero? My God, even the TV stations got this right.
Some might give The Whig credit for at least running a photo because they are so used to their mediocrity, or they are just shills for them.
And we're glad to see the boys read Fire. The city is really having trouble finding someone to write them a check for about $70 million for hydro when they don't have a license? Shocked. Fire pointed this out a couple of weeks back.
If you haven't already sworn off these asshats, now would be a great time.
How sad,the hydro project is sinking!No hydro = no union jobs paid for by the taxpayer?=No way to bribe the workers to vote democrat!Their reign is coming to an end.
I am going to give up the Whig and get a subscription to GRIT!
So just because Costanza did a story on it and the Whig taglined the same photo op that makes QNO the superior brand? Look through Costanza's last four Monday headlines and his product is just paper thin as the Whig's edition. Unless there's murder in town, Costanza's a copy/paster too. Hypocrisy much?
Here's the deal... I don't care for any of the media outlets in this town. They've all got their weaknesses. But any attacks at QNO around here are taken personally, while QNI-bashing is the norm. Again... hypocrisy much?
If you enjoy reading self serving articles that only serve the QNI interests, then by all means keep your annual $160 check pumping into the Whig offices. The article the Whig did totally missed the point. For all the touchy feel-good stories the QHW does, they could have at least devoted this one to a local hero.
And QNO copy and paste? I have yet to see that. They do have links to stories on their web site, but in all fairness, look at the Whig and count just how many articles are from local writers. Most are copied from AP and other sources. If the Whig did links in the papers, it would be the size of a gum wrapper. Why do I need to pay to read something I can read for free?
Finally the attacks? Really? If you want to attack this blog, feel free to do it. The comments are posted and most the time not moderated. We do reserve the right to edit and or delete any that we please. QNO has posting that is moderated but very few are not posted. Why not go over to QHW and leave a post for them? …..Oh that's right, they DO NOT allow posts on their website. Every wonder why? They don't give a shit what the public wants or has to say. They want to spoon feed their readers and only report on what their interests are. Hence the Durbin and Hare ass sucking they do. Two elected officials who don't give a shit either to answer to those who voted them in.
But hey,
Thanks for stopping by.
Comments welcome always!
"QNO copy and paste? I have yet to see that."
Monday headlines:
City Council Agenda
Real Estate Transfers
Do I keep going on?
Don't forget School Board Agenda,
County Board Agenda, weekend blotter..... all part of a balanced copy/paste Monday breakfast!
And the Whig turned their commenting off because the real asshats are the teabaggers bashing away in the polls section. If you want to see a proper way to comment on a QNI poll, go look at the NJ Herald. Isn't much OBUMMER IS A MUSLIM NAZI WHO IS GOING TO TAKE YOUR GUNS AND SHOOT YOUR BABIES WITH THEM BECAUSE HE DOESN'T WEAR A LAPEL PIN crap there.
One more thing... the word verification below this comment box wants me to type: goperoding
I love it!
Boy, 9:42's not a QNI inside job comment is it? WTF is an NJ Herald?
Sure blotters and agendas are cut and paste, but I don't see any byline's on those things, unlike the constant Herald-Whig staff byline's on cut and paste jobs from press releases and police reports.
Plagiarize much?
I agree with 10:42 on one thing. I don't care for any of media in this town.
It's either kids who leave if they have any talent, people who are here because they have no talent or people whose daddies own the company.
Which sums up just about every business in Quincy.
Never worked for QNI, never will.
Never subscribed to the paper, never will.
If you anons & bloggers want to pretend to be so well versed in what the newspaper does wrong, at least know what other products their corporation is involved with.
What I'm saying is that the Quincy community is so infatuated with hating the media and their politicians that they get diarrhea of the keyboard and spew their angry biased shit wherever they can. I used QNI's other paper as an example of a community that can have a worthy conversation on the polls. Grow up.
In all fairness, commenting is not welcome on the Hannibal Courier-Post's site either.
And the Whig turned their commenting off because the real asshats are the teabaggers bashing away in the polls section.
Spoken like a true Dem ass kissing, whig reading, spring sucking city worker. It's always the teaparty.
6:57 don't blow a fuze man
Holding back it is bad for your blood pressure
Step up to the plate man, tell us everything you know.
Oh, you already did
Dick Head!
Nice pants, JJ!
"Gazillion" other places? Get over yourself, hero.
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