Ran across this article while reading about Da' Bears.
Seems like we may not be taking a step up.....
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
The Quincy Department of Planning and Development believes flashing electronic message boards clustered along city streets could pose a safety risk for motorists.
"It's simply a matter of addressing what I see as a potential problem down the road," City Planner Chuck Bevelheimer said. "I don't want to wait until it becomes a problem."
With all the future vision this city has for Planning and Development, this makes the front page as your biggest concern?
Apparently no one from the P&D was out on “Black Friday” to see the “smooth” flow of traffic on Broadway. I made the mistake of taking Broadway back from I-72 Friday and was stuck in traffic from approx. from 40th to 30th. It took over eight minutes to make it this distance. If they are concerned about flashing message boards here, I could have read War and Peace while waiting for the lights to change. OK, maybe just the ads for Friday.
I guess this must not be a problem.
If I were to dish out $40K for a EMB, the last thing I want to see is the city police stopping by and telling me that my message lasted 6.32 seconds and write me a ticket.
Personally, I don’t think the Plan commission should waste their time with this one. Let the businesses decide what they put on their signs. If the message is too long, I generally don’t read them.
Most of my time on Broadway is watching the cars around me with the people driving, yacking on the cell phone and weaving in the lanes like they are doing a tire cornering test for Goodyear.
Focus on the current problems please.
Few thoughts for today:
Hope the Mayor is correct in saying they have a strong case. If not, the city could be looking at some high $$ court cases.
More thoughts:
Kinda like having 4 snow blowers sitting in your garage and when it snows, pay the neighbor kid to shovel your drive…….
Final Thoughts:
Monitoring employees' use of company computers, e-mail, and the Internet involve the same basic issues as come into play with general searches at work, telephone monitoring, and video surveillance. Those basic issues revolve around letting employees know that as far as work is concerned, they have no expectation of privacy in their use of company premises, facilities, or resources, and they are subject to monitoring at all times. Naturally, reason and common sense supply some understandable limitations, such as no video cameras in employee restrooms, and no forced searches of someone's clothing or body, but beyond that, almost anything is possible in the areas of searches and monitoring. They have the right to inspect an employee's computer, HD, floppy disks, and other media at any time.
Scary Huh ??
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