Word out of City Hall is.........
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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No pic for city hall.
That's what is should look like after the $$$ the taxpayers have been pumping into the building....
Fire ,
Charlie is waiting on his phone call telling him what to do and how to vote !
It may be a while
God forbid one of those fucking monkeys at the Whig do a follow up story, maybe put a little pressure on the corrupt city officials.
Maybe UMR could ask one of the grownups they brought in to handle this one while the city legal staff
is busy doing...continued education at the Chicago Hilton.
City had to bring in outside counsel...School Board had to bring in outside counsel on the tort suit...See a pattern here, folks?
Listen...the sound of YOUR tax dollars getting flushed down the toilet.
But that's okay...Life is Good.
Why are they posting up city employees at the Chicago Hilton? Don't they realize how much that costs?
This is getting ridiculous.
Can anyone describe what exactly the lawyers at city hall do to earn an enormous part time wage with full benefits? They are employees of the city whereas this Gorman fella I assume doesn't get benefits from the district.
They don't care how much it costs. It's not their money and nobody holds them accountable.
Hey Spring, use Motel 6, they'll leave the light on for you.
A hotel room looks the same at night with the lights out, just like Vodak says.
Spring and city crew "checking in" at the Hilton:
What's up with it, Vanilla face? Me and my homie Azamat just parked our slab outside. We're looking for somewhere to post up our Black asses for the night. So, uh, bang bang, skeet skeet, n----. Just a couple of pimps, no hos.
You're right. They could care
less. 4 star hotels, why, we deserve it. Each one of those "dept heads" makes nearly 80k with a 40k/yr secretary to tell callers that their boss is in a "meeting".
Will any of the dept heads whose people are involved in this "scandal" be called on the carpet?
No jobs are available at this time.
Word is the fire chief is retiring next year, but they wouldn't have done anything to him anyway.
They most likely won't do anything to any of them.
Has there been a story about the Fire Chief's retirement in the Whig?
Rockin Funion will do follow ups !
Never fear with him ! If it was Ed-tard or Che Wilson they hug too many balls at City Hall to follow up a story they never would have written !
bout time some editors at the Whig realized they did not have to sit to pee !
"Gorman fella I assume doesn't get benefits from the district."
Why would a lawyer need "benefits" whey they have the ability to print their own money? People always rubber stamp payments for legal fees to the fucks at SRNM.
Posting anonymously? Tell them who you are and GET IN THEIR FACE!!!!
Rodney Hart is busy trying to figure if these firemen were basketball players at Quincy High before he will write about this story in the Herald Rag!
Look at today's article about the sentencing of Quinton Watson and tell me what the significance of Watson being the starting center for QHS last year really is.
By the way guys, the article is in the CITY section.
When you get done figuring out that one, let me know why 2 of the "exec dir" of QND BOTH made it into the 20 under 40 rag that came out Saturday.
I think it goes back to Fire's statement that the QNDHW favors QND and bashes QHS every chance it gets.
If this ain't the point maybe someone could give some insight into why it's not?
Only one of them is the executive director. One was a misprint. Incompetence overtakes favoritism on this one.
With all the constant buzz about Quentin Watson, I'm surprised the morons over at the Whig didn't consider him or Everette Abbey as a reputable candidate for the 20 under 40 ass-kiss-fest.
anon 9:15,
Give me a break you fucking, low-life scumbag. QHS has always been favored by the H-W staff. Why, I don't know? QND produces better students, better athletes, and better community leaders....and whining, sniveling little pricks like yourself are evidence enough!
"Give me a break you fucking, low-life scumbag"
"QND produces better students, better athletes, and better community leaders"
LIKE YOU??? Great example!
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