Ran across this article while reading about Da' Bears.
Seems like we may not be taking a step up.....
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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I say abandon cable! Go satellite. Local cable sucks balls. ...Balls, people!
I hear Comcast throttles your speeds as well. They also dont like torrent traffic
it's the Holidays
Happy Holidays
I'll be watching the game on DISH, I pay less for DISH w/NFL network than for cable w/o NFL NW. Also, DVR is the best invention known to man, besides the "Chill Wizard" portable beer/beverage can instant chiller. They used to sell em at K-mart, till this dumb-ass friend of mine bought em all one day. Coarse he needed em, he was an alcoholic.
Now if those union goon writers would just do the right thing and quit their pussy ass strike, I may get to watch Leno and Letterman. Fuckers.
Stop! Smell that! Clean air a coming!
Clean air at last, clean air at last!!!!
Good God almight we'll have clean air at last!
Sound like another person pulled their head out of their ass.
Stop! Smell that! Clean air a coming!
Clean air at last, clean air at last!!!!
Good God almight we'll have clean air at last!
Everyone is happy! Bear fans got to see their Bears loose, again, and we Rams pulled one out at home Sunday. All is well!
Seems to make the Bear fans happy when they get to see da Dears fall further under 500!
The city has listed at least one of the positions that recently became available.
Bears are a lot closer to .500 than the Rams are.
You've got 3 wins. Woo-Hoo.
Arizona, here we come.
Wow! A Rams fan!?!?!? I didn't think there were any left. They all came out of the woodwork when the Rams went to the Super Bowl. Now in true StL fan fashion they are no where to be found.
I just think it's funny as phuck the Bear fans were all whining "why ain't the Bears on, they win, Rams always lose, and they're on instead".
Yesterday we got to see em both, and Rams were triumphant. Bears can't even win with 4 turnovers against "pick 6 eli". Rams win with bums they found on the street to play the OL.
Bears suck. Too bad you don't have NFL NW, you could watch em lose Thursday, and enjoy it.
Bears suck?
Tell us something we don't know, mf-er!
Tell me you stupid fuck, just how long have you been a Rams fan?
Oh and....indoor football is for pussies, like you!
Nice to see all the anons getting along so well during the holidays. It's the holidays, and that's what matters.
You're a loser from QHS, who wasn't even good enogh to play for an 0-8 team.
How do you come to such a stupid conclusion?
I went to neither of the Quincy high schools.
I guess my assessment was right, you are a stupid fuck.
Sure. You'll have clean air. Keep telling yourself that.
BG - Hate knows no holiday.
So what reform school did you drop out of? You sound like the GED retard you are. Good luck with that extra chromosome.
Though I didn't go to either Quincy high school, it is easy to tell you went to QND. You are self proclaimed "better than everyone"
Go to your "fuck you in the ass" priest and confess your sins boy.
Just better than you, like everyone else.
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