Board member Bud Niekamp objected not only to the loan, but to its expense, in casting the only no vote.
"Maybe we need to start planning now for next year so we don't have to borrow this money," Niekamp said.
Dear Bud:
You have been on the school board for years. How come you didn't have this figured out last year?? You do a great job of casting no votes when money is involved but have yet to hear a solution from you. Speak up Bud !!
There is a large group of people in dist 172 that are perfectly fine with Bud voting the was he does.
Bud sits on the board for a reason, because people elect him & want him there. Bud does a good job of doing exactly what his constituents want him to do. If you looking for a solution, don't look at Bud. He's there just to keep 172 from spending everyone's tax money in a follish manner. You want solutions, here's a few. Don't make hundred thounsandaires out of asst principals & mickey-mouse adminstrators. Break that goon-squad of a teachers union. Don't pay a man 120,000 & tell him to leave town. Believe me, people are still peeved about that one. Don't ask Bub for solutions to others screw ups, he's doing just fine, believe me, buddy! You'll here more later.
Good topic, kindly expect your hit numbers to go through the roof, with the same point as the above.
What does "you'll here more" later mean? I assume you meant HEAR! Just what I'd expect from some ignorant hillbilly who supports a mental failure such as Melvin "Bud" Niekampoop!
You missed your calling in life, obviously you should have been a nun and taught grade school!
Bud rules, my parents are retired, don't want them to eat cat food!!!
What would district 172 do if the Catholics didn't pull 60 % of their weight for them. I'm not saying they should be lauded, but where would this district be if they had to do 100% of the educating in the dist? How bad would things be then, they'd really be in the red. You'd hear it on a weeekly basis, "Dicky, we need another 5 mill" "Jody & Co. can't live without more money".
If I spell HEAR right, do I get 120,000$ to leave town?
HEAR me out:
Any idoit can sit on the board and vote "no" to any expence the school has, but it takes a real person and member to come up with a solution. Bud does not. Everyone who pays taxes thinks he's a hero from voting no, but what has he brought to the table???? NOTHING !! Anybody???? Anybody ???? He just votes "NO" and everyone thinks he's saving money...HE'S NOT !!! He is DEAD WOOD for the school board and he needs to GO !!!!
He needs to STAY because he is consistently elected time & time again. Sorry if you're in the goon-squad union & don't want to pay health insurance prem's like everyone else. Sorry if your a candy-ass administrator & want to bankrupt the district more than it already is (and it really is) for your own selfish interests.
You people think you are royalty (teachers union and admin!), that your above everyone else, need to make more than everyone else, piss & moan when you have to ante up for health-care & don't get reaises you didn't earn. Also, these kids come out of 172 and aren't exactly rocket science material, test scores indicated that ! 172's report card stinks. Quit sucking on the public tit and consuming more than you produce!!
Too bad "Bud" gives you a reality check, you overly-entitled pigs!!!
If I do "you're" right, do I get health ins w no premiums!
I think the POINT is Bud offers NO SOLUTIONS to the problems, He just continues to vote NO. I would quickly vote for someone who would vote NO AND come up with a solution. You think I enjoy paying property taxes ????
He's voted yes on a few things, hasn't he. I apologize for him for trying to keep Big 172 in some semblence of fiscal responsiblity. It really is OKAY that he continues to vote NO. I and my whole clan of hillbillies will continue to vote for BUD and BUD only in school board elections. Big 172 needs do a PR campaign or something to show how they can mamange money. I saw Leahy at the Sal Army meeting, maybe Big 172 can get some of that Ray Kroc money that ole Ray didn't put into the San Diego Padres when they were a bad baseball team in the 80's, their loss way back then could be Big 172's gain!!!
Lets all do the Big 172 cry/mantra together: MO MONEY!!!!
Louder, they can't HEAR you in Spring Patch!!!
172 can't MANAGE money, and I can't spell today!
Please just argue the points, i'm always good for typo's, i'll give ya that!!!
Music, sports, and movie referrences are always appreciated as well!
Anyone who thinks Bud knows what he is talking about is probably a graduate of the public school system.
As someone who attended a private grade school and high school in St. Louis, I would think more people would be embarrassed at someone who has no solutions to the board but has the most tenure.
He also is not professional.
Maybe you could go back to "private school" in St. Louis and get in their affairs. I'm all impressed with your pedigree, are you AKC registered also?
How bout using some of your sophisticated St. Lou intellect. What's wrong with someone, anyone, keeping Big 172 in check? Also, the guy keeps getting voted in, is this by accident?
Bud rocks!!!!
You asked Bud to speak, here it is:
To the tune of the "Jeapordy" theme song: "no no no no no no no, no no no no no nonononono"
How bout using some of your sophisticated St. Lou intellect. What's wrong with someone, anyone, keeping Big 172 in check? Also, the guy keeps getting voted in, is this by accident?
Well, it speaks volumes on the people who continue to vote someone in to the office that has NO solutions to problems. Most people are just not that sharp, obviously, or he would not continue to be elected without actually having solutions.
As far as my pedigree, my Dad was in the union and worked night shifts to send me to a private school for a education he never had.
Thanks for asking.
Is Bud the only member of Big 172's board? Are we to expect some solutions from Leahy, or is that too much to ask from him for what he is paid? How bout the ole boy he brought in from Camp Point, does he have any solutions?
Your mad that Bud keeps saying no, how bout a solution other than asking for more money & putting another tax referendum on the ballot! Did anyone hear the governer's state of the state address in 2004 talking about the ISBE?
Their only solution to the problems in our schools – their only solution – is to ask for more of your money.
"They would rather see you, the taxpayer, pay more money in taxes, have less money for your children, less money to improve your home, less money to save for college, they would rather do that – than do things differently, operate more efficiently, work harder and get better results."
Gov Blago 02/04
I think the key phrase was operate more efficiently, that's my solution, I vote for Bud, consider it from Bud!
I used to think Bud was an idiot. when I finally met him in 2002 I did a total 180. Bud is sharp as atack on issues facing the School and County Board. He's the only one on the School Board that would be willing to make a real tough choice that would cause short term suffering but long term benefit. Hang in there Bud. Anyone interested in the solution?
let's hear it, go man go!!
You want the solution? You got it.
Hey School Board- make the damn austerity budget, lay off the teachers, cut the athletic programs, cut lunches, breakfast, before and after school programs. Cut half the administrators and assistant principals making over 100 grand a year. Once the public sees you had the balls to make these tough decisions and stick with them, then maybe you will have earned enough respect to ask and receive the tax referendum you've always dreamed of. Bud would do this.
I would like Bud to propose this.
I would like Bud to propose anything.
I would like to know Bud can say more words then "no".
If that would happen, I would become one of his sheep too.
I' with you, we need to get a handle on BIG 172, it's obviously out-of-control as you described.
We also need to bust that goon-squad of a teachers union. Let em walk out next time, call their bluff when they strike. Hire new college grads who haven't yet formed entitlement egos. Grades K-6 are in reality glorified day-care centers anyway. The nuns taught me, all they got was 30.00 a month and some food stamps. Let the teachers that stand in picket lines next time work at Titan Wheel for Morey & find out what a real job is in the real world!!!!
Hate to tell ya bub, the people at Titan Wheel make better money than MOST teachers. By the way, you have to have an EDUCATION to teach, not so at Titan.
The problem is not eith the teachers. The problem is the School Board showing no backbone. The Unions job is to get the best deal for its members. If the employer can't fight for what they believe is fair then the employer deserves what he gets.
Bub says: It's published yearly in the HW what the teachers make, also in articles about the recent early retirement incentives, a K-3 teacher(in essence a nursery school sitter) making 90 grand a year for the final few years! I'm sure Titan has a set up like that, in your dreams. The point I'm making is that people at Titan (or anywhere else in the pvt sector) EARN their money 12 months a year, and don't have time to do real estate & insurance work in the 3 months they DON'T have off a year.
Sorry, Bub here doesn't brain-wash as easliy as the students you have at your disposal to indoctrinate!
Don't try to sell that crap, missy. Idiots like you are the problem behind Big 172.
The problem with the teachers union is that they think they are some sort of mickey-mouse ROYALTY, and that they are enttilted to raise after raise after raise, free health insurance, retirement and pension benefits out the wazoo, regardless of the ups and downs of the local economy (or lack thereof). The teachers in this town are a bunch of KEPT MICE, forming a union only because they know it will not be broken & that the board or any government entity can not break a union & they are free to place their inordinate demands on the backs of taxpayers.
You panty-waist teachers wouldn't last 5 minutes at Titan. Don't even compare! I'm glad you have to have an education to teach, you know what they say, THOSE WHO CAN'T, TEACH!
You better stay working for the government, you can't make it in the real world, overly-entitled wuss!!! Be thankful the private sector is there for you to sponge off the tax base it creates.
Jump on the teachers, but the 911 board spend taxpayers money like it's going out of style ??? Got some news for ya....It's ALL taxpayer money !!! City wants to sink ANOTHER million into the city hall building ???
Good points made! My concern is that everyone who works for the govt or civil service thinks they can form a union and hold up the taxpayers for more and more money, demand over-the top benefits, perks, etc. BTW, I love the way the teachers union uses emotional blackmail at the expense of the students, also!!!
In the private sector, the ecomony & political climate have to be just right, stars have to be lined up just right, in order for people just to get by, layoffs and closing happen, etc. What about the public sector. No matter what the local economy, these unions keep asking for more money, regardless if the money is there or not(teachers union, news falsh! it isn't!, 5 mill in the RED).
Year after year these "kept mice" unions of public service workers hold up the taxpayers inordinately at every opportunity. They do so because they can, they know that the public agencies can NEVER EVER break their union. Try forming a union on Morey at Titan Wheel, he'd clean out every sign-holder out in 2 seconds, they'd be in line at 3rd & Maine, and he would bring in other workers.
For gosh sake the library workers union at the Quincy public library threatened to walk out a few years ago, remember! What's up with that!
It's time for these people to realize that just because you are in a union you should not bleed the taxpayer funded CASH COW dry!
You can't fault the agencies for not breaking the unions, as a public agency they JUST CAN'T do it, there is no way! The union members & their leadership need to accept full responsibility for the financial woes in certain public entities (such as District 172) , they continue to take advantage of the situation because they can.
You are trying to blame the Union for bad management. It's not the Unions fault the school system is top heavy with 100 grand a year plus administrators. Blame the School Board. If anything, the deal the Teachers Union got should make everyone want to be in the Union. Good job Teachers Union.
I agree with what you say, and yes the admin is to blame also, paying the guy 120,000 to leave & the grossly inflated salaries you specified. Think I'm right about the teachers union too. Problem is John Q Public taxpayer gets caught in the middle. God help us, is this situation really that bad, sad but I guess it is!
Point I'm trying to make is that if the union & 172 administration can't get it together for real, maybe they can work on their images. The union comes off sounding overy-entitled, spoiled, and greedy when they demand family health insurance at no or minimal out-of pocket costs, everyone else is paying out the U-know-what! The admin is top heavy, you are right, voters deeply resent the last two points here, that's why they NEVER will approve a tax increase.
Which get us back to Bud and why we CONTINUE to ELECT him......
Still can't understand how there can be so many money problems with the school district when the private schools in this district do so much of the education & also incur so much of the costs.
What would the district do if in August 2006 all parochial school students registered at public schools in this district. If the district can't manage itself now, what would happen if it had to serve all the students they are by law obligated to serve! Seems the district's mission is greatly, extremely eased by the private schools, yet it still can't operate without major debt & image problems?
Any thoughts. I have wondered about this for a long time, seems everyone likes to private school bash & no one gives them credit for the educating they do & providing a service to the community that 172 can't do even when's it's task is significantly lessened.
We seem to be in agreement that the school system is poorly run. Yet, the voters send the same group of people back to the School Board every election. Then we excuse them by blaming Niekamp for the problems or lack of solutions. There are 7 people on the School Board. Only one of them is Bud.
Again, anyone from the school board clan or teachers union care to explain why District 172 can't even do a half-ass job right be and fiscally responsible, being as how the Catholics do half the educating & take a great deal of weight off of 172's shoulders?
Why can't Big 172 get it together, if half the job is already done for them?
Let's look at how many of these 100 grand plus administrators are country club buddies of school board members. Then look at the majority of school board election voters. I'll bet they are from wealthy districts and they are voting for the guys and gals they know.
Think you're right on track. There is some eliteism involved here. They just can't stand the fact that Bud is the only one who keeps their overly-entilteld asses in check. Honestly, they can't stand him, that's why you here all the BS about "not offering any solutions".
How can you fix this situation when the teachers union and the admin are both so greedy and unscrupulous?
Bud is living up to his end by voting no, that's all he can be expected to do when there is so much greed and self-serving involved on both sides!
Still waiting!!
Again, what would occur if the Catholics didn't happen to doing half of 172's mission?
172 admin, teachers union, anyone got the balls to say something!
The Schools get money from the state based on enrollment. The state would give the District more money. The state would have more money to give because the people that get vouchers would no longer get them. Why do you continue to blame the Union for bad management practices?
My problem with the union is that it is a bunch of non-educated teachers aids and "para-pros" (syn for flunkies) and baby-sitter types that are always in the forefront asking for money.
Trouble is, the union hears what teachers make in Chicago, and they think they have to "keep up with the Jone's) at the expense of the taxpayers.
Jerks like you motivate me more to work harder for Bud when election time comes. Which is not needed, the whole town knows 172 is a crock of shit money-suck glorified welfare system trying to make hundred thousand-aires out of ----heads.
Work on your image, you spolied pigs. Everyone knows the admin and union are OUT OF TOUCH, quit asking the tax payers to give you more money!!!
Anon 3:58
Trouble is, the union hears what teachers make in Chicago, and they think they have to "keep up with the Jone's) at the expense of the taxpayers.
There isn't one SOB in State,City, or Fed. GOV that doesn't sing that same tune. Just last mayors term he was givin' a whoppin' $20K raise because mayors in similiar citys were making this must.
Don't blame the teachers for singing the same tune.
I don't have a problem with a business trying to get as much as possible for its product or service. Why should there be a problem with employees working to get as much as they can?
Anonymous 4;56 Sounds like a disgruntled employee. Perhaps he should join a Union.
Just MILK it dry, buddy. Milk the taxpayers for all they are ----ing worth. Maybe you'll get us back to 1929, you'd like that, you greedy pigs! NOTICE: If you work in the public sector, there is an UNLIMITED amount of MOOLA, COIN, GREENBACKS for all. Unlimited finances. Don't let anyone tell there isn't, the sky is the limit!! Remember, you deserve it cause you're better than everyone else, you all are like royalty here, we should have a queen and king contest! Instead of Camelot 1962 with the Kennedy's and the English Royal Family, our area is lucky enough to have the Big 172 teachers union (just about as productive as the British monarchy). I nominate Jody for King!! See you at the ball, prince and princess!
So it's OK if the city workers milk the taxpayers pocket, but not the teachers...
Gotta start somewhere, the taxpayer funded cow is running out of tits. Just vote no on all ballot issues, referendums. Getting us back to the idea of the original post......
Glad we explained it for, next time will type it out in braille & post it on your screen.
Glad we explained it for, next time will type it out in braille & post it on your screen.
Who taught you braille ?? City worker or a teacher ??
The biggest reason Unions are needed is because of assholes like the previous anonymous poster.
They just asked a question, Why would you call them an "asshole" ??
Do all Unions need assholes ?? Or do Assholes need Unions ?? I don't get what you are saying..
8:38 & 3:53
Now we all know why the state is BROKE!!
The state is broke because of years of Republican mismanagement.
If all employers were just and fair there would be no need for Unions.
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