Tell us what REALLY burns your ass......
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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How about all these speeding/seat belt tickets that the city is so proud of? It really gets me when the ISP and QPD start using the people of Quincy as an ATM card!!!
Know why I haven't recieved a seat belt or speeding ticket?
Cause I follow the law.
Want to change the law? Petition the government.
Don't want to do that?
Pay the fine. Or obey the law.
I have no problem with that. I wear my seatbelt and I don't usually speed. But what gets me is when you have 3 Cops within a block of each other using radar on 4th street when people are going to work. Also sitting on top of the parking garage clocking people as they come accross the bridge (while still in Missouri). I don't think people going 8 miles over the speed limit is as big of a problem as meth and other drugs in this city. Also, the school speed zones that are set up. You are supposed to go 20 when school children are present, well tell me with activities going on at all hours, how are you supposed to know when kids are there and when it's a 20 limit? It's using the people of Quincy as an ATM card to build funds for the city. And a percentage is supposed to go to the schools where the ticket is issued? Well I know tickets have been issued at the private schools in town, but they have received $0 as far as I know. Where's this money going?
I've always wanted to see a family tree of the city of Quincy. I know one blog tried to get the info but was bogged down with idiot comments. I'm sure the "Blue Ribbon" Panel the mayor put together has not even met yet. If so it was not open to the public.
What burns my ASS?
Blog posters and their misuse of the word "there" when they're posting their comments.
Don't ask me why, but this bugs the s**t out of me.
Thanks for letting me get that off me chest.
Quincy School Distict holding up the taxpayers. Anyone who works for the state/local govt thinks there is an unlimited supply of $, and that economics don't apply to them, the good ole taxpayers will always be there as a cash cow to suck dry. Such gratuity!
From the moment the first Mercedes-Benz CLS four-door "coupe" was introduced to the public, other German luxury automakers hit the drafting board. According to the German auto experts at AutoBild, Audi is just over a year away from unleashing its own cleverly packaged sedan.
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