Bud. Bud Light. Air Bud.

News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Everybody needs to get off Bud's ass, all he's trying to do is make sure the Big 172 is $ solvent. Jeez,they just got put on the $ shit list by the state.
Funny how the QHW is charging $1.75for the Black Friday edition of their paper. If this is for content then the Monday editions should be reduced to $0.10.
Hey Fire, enjoying that Bears coverage?
Anon 9:47
Telling you it was terrible.
Sitting there watching the whole mess unfold before you on TV.
Team members not having a clue to what’s actually going on.
Entire Team going deeper in the hole as the year goes on.
Head guy in charge looks like he doesn’t have a clue.
Whole city fired up over the team’s poor performance.
Head guy blaming everyone but himself for the problems.
It was like watching a city council meeting.......
...or QPS meeting.
Well, rams and chiefs ain't doin much better. we need more vikings coverage.
Anyone think that RH tainted the jury pool with his Sunday story in the Whig today?
Absolutly. The girl that killed her will never get a fair trial. Might as well send her to the electric chair now!!!
"Family. That word is spoken a lot in this place"
Game, set and match for the SA office.
The story had nothing to do with how Lesa Richmiller died.
Might want to check this link here too Web Warriors ....
Because the link is a lame excuse of what happened.
I find it amusing that the Herald-Whig chooses to milk these stories to death, but when it comes to a multiple DUI offender/public official, they turn a blind eye.
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