Three city of Quincy workers will face disciplinary action after using city equipment to pour new concrete on the north parking lot of the Spring Street Bar, 1631 Spring, during the week of November 1 for a private, for-hire construction job they did on their personal time.
Other Bars that have lined up for this service are:
Instant Replay
North End
I know you're not trying to be a reporter, but your picture for this story is misleading.
The three idiots used concrete forms and barricades belonging to the city.
They didn't use city concrete, a city concrete mixer, a city backhoe, or anything else belonging to the city.
But your picture implies that they did.
Again, they're idiots. The policy was pretty clear--you can borrow for your OWN USE but NOT "for-hire". Again, you're not a reporter.
But try to avoid stuff that is implies things that aren't true, otherwise we have to discount *anything* you post, and since your posts are usually so much fun, We don't want to have to do that.
rumor is, they were on the city clock when they did the work. go figure!
its kinda of funny that you start your comment with "rumor is" its people like you that shouldnt own a computer
Thats whats wrong with Quincy "rumor has it"
Holy crap anon 10:37
Lighten up!
I thought the picture was DAMNED funny !!
Would you be surprised if they were not on the clock. I would be.
Anonymous doesn't speak for me:
"otherwise we have to discount *anything* you post"
Must have a mouse in his pocket.
That's not what's wrong with Quincy. What's wrong is city workers doing side jobs on the taxpayer's dime.
I guess it's not a rumor anymore that Beebe was boinking the Reis girl.
Wonder if they got a permit ?
Wonder if they claimed the income, you know, paid taxes like the rest of us suckers.
You need a permit to boink a Reis girl?
Typical of those city worker union-turd types.
Hey Rhode Island, did you get a deal on a parking lot?
It's not Rhode's fault that these guys did what they did. It is more important that they could undercut other bids by using items they did not own. It isn't a level playing field. Another concern should be how they took a union brother's job since these are union members. It irks me to hear the political ads that say the code words "working families" Most of us know that means union. Unions only make up 14% of workforce so they are insulting the rest of us as if we don't work. The union member who put in years in what ever trade before retiring can now only produce junk or crap since he is no longer a union member. How bogus is that.
Does anyone know whether or not these guys were on duty with the city when they did this job?
Tspud is right. It's alot like owning a restaurant and running it full time while having a job with the city that covers about $70,000 year and health coverage. That gives that person a pretty good leg up against a restaurant owner who doesn't have a job they can phone in that pays full time salary and benefits.
In a larger sense, this is what is wrong with the idea that government health care will somehow create "competition" with private plans. Crap.
If I had a salary and benefits with access to free storage and tools, I could own and maintain rental property pretty well, too.
I think there is a claim being made that since city employees have to take 3 "furlough" days off before the end of the year, these guys worked part of the day for city and then came to pour concrete in their city shirts for a half a day. My guess is this time off would have to have been set up in advance to make sure not too many city employees furloughed themselves off on same day. As a city resident, I do not know how far in advance this time has to be scheduled and if this time can be taken in partial days but I think if powers that be wanted to dig into this we might find out. One potential problem is there are too many people related or friends at the city and the CYA may be swinging into action. In other words, nothing will happen.
I worked for my old man for a couple of summers way back when. He noticed me running 10-15 minutes late a couple of times and then checked my timesheet. I had written 8:00 on each day. He explained to my dumb teenager ass that that was STEALING.
I think these city folks are stealing. Just like my old man taught me years ago not to do.
kind of like IT playing golf a lot in summer
It's all the local democrat party, they hire relatives, campaign on the job, then call their friends and get them to vote D..... It's the local democrat party that's behind all this nepotism and fleece the city crap.
Here's the problem, though. By next election, nobody will care anymore. To you and I, this is annoying and it pisses us off. To the nepo-demtards, it is their livelihood. Some of these guys could never earn the kind of money and benes they get from the city if their connections dried up. We need to make it so these morons are cooking your steak at TGIFridays in three years.
Believe me, if this would have been women city workers, rather in the union or not, they would have been terminated! They were covered under the "We got the Last Name" insurance policy.
Many employers allow employees to use equipment for personal use.I would consider this incident a "rookie" mistake,but the senior emps had to know and still let them use the equip? I applaud anyone who would work two jobs to make extra $, but do it with your own $ and tools.
JDH, what about your union brother whose job you took? Job had to have done below standard if it wasn't done by expert union workers. Only union workers know how to pour concrete.
NOT defending the union boys, just pointing out that lots of people do this,but they should only do work on their own homes or vehicles if they don't pay rent on the equip.I'm not a union man,but I KNOW FOR A FACT,if the union knew about it, THEY CONDONED IT. Go figure.
You are probably correct and that's why nothing will happen.
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