Really? Getting up and walking out of a school board meeting when your the president of the board?
The school boards function is to help the school district and the children, not act like one !!
Didn't Bud take an Oath when he was sworn in as a school board member? He should have, it's now law. Copy is here.
It says:
Although most school boards traditionally marked the seating of new members with some form of ceremony, there was no official oath of office required for school board members until Public Act 94-0881 was enacted into law in 2006. This law requires that school board members, before taking their seats on the board, take an official oath that is in substantially the form presented below.
"I, (name of member or successful candidate) , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of member of the Board of Education (or Board of School Directors) of ( name of school district ), in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and the laws of the State of Illinois, to the best of my ability.
"I further swear (or affirm) that:
"I shall respect taxpayer interests by serving as a faithful protector of the school district's assets;
100% on this one here. You have voted "NO" more times even when it benefits the school system. NEVER heard any hint of a suggestion of a solution....Just "NO"
"I shall encourage and respect the free expression of opinion by my fellow board members and others who seek a hearing before the board, while respecting the privacy of students and employees;
Fail. Fail, Fail. You fail to recognize any other opinions except yours. And on the latest QNO story you mention the hiring process of an employee that offended you. Nice respect of the employees. Wonder why they think so less of you?
"I shall recognize that a board member has no legal authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a public board meeting; and
More Failure here. You seem to be drunk with authority and think as board president you can have unlimited power.
"I shall abide by majority decisions of the board, while retaining the right to seek changes in such decisions through ethical and constructive channels."
Here's one you need to make into a label and tape it to your makeshift gavel claw hammer. Walking out of a meeting does not fall into the "ethical and constructive channels"
Grow up Bud, It for the children of the School District. You and your clan have an underlying agenda and have done less than Obama has for this country.
Time to grow up or get out.
Next time Bud walks out, Lock the door behind him !!
Just to clarify, Mr. N did not "get up and leave" from a meeting in progress.
They met for about an hour, then broke for dinner.
Bud did not come back from dinner to the meeting that lasted another 2 1/2 hours or so.
That doesn't excuse the action, but it is inaccurate to say "he got up and left" as if he walked out in the middle of a session.
How about this:
Bud goes to lunch.
Doesn't come back.
Hasn't Bud--who seems to be a pretty nice guy, to give him his due--pretty much been out to lunch since he got on the school board?
Leave Bud alone and let him do the job he was elected to do by both the people and the board.
You people have not a clue as to Bud's dynamics. STFU
Bud has dynamics?
Bud always votes no, whether or not its good for the kids. His sole goal is to spend no money on education.
But yeah, he's a nice guy. I'll even grant that it's not so much HIM that's the problem than his idiot advisors, who if they had their way we would have all our kids still crammed into 100 year old, unrefurbished school buildings...
And we'd have had 200 kids dead in a fire to put the Our Lady Of Angels Fire in Chicago to shame.
Sorry Bud, but you're a failure as a school board member because in 20 years you've done NOTHING.
Usually when you say "no" and sit in that kind of position you need to say "Let's try this instead..." But you just say "No, quit spending money."
District 172 should sell popcorn, soda, and hotdogs during tonights board meeting. What a great oppurtunity for the financially challenged district to make money!!!!! Plenty of entertainment to be had!!!!
Or have one of their patented "Spaghetti Dinners" before the meeting.
Make you some money, 172, quit asking to raise taxes.
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