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News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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There was a note posted to the machine at the downtown post office warning of its removal as well. Said something about cost cutting measures...
Maybe Dicky Durbin can have them put back in?
You're bitching to the choir, Fire!
That totally sucks, they should at least have a stamp machine available. Nice service, or lack thereof! I'm gonna call the post master and bitch at him today, thanks for reminding me.
Soda machines every god-damn where, and they can't even set up one stamp machine?
Even it they added a few cents onto the cost of the stamp to cover the cost of installing the machine.
They could even make the machine an exact replica of Durbin. Put in your $.42 and punch him in face, out comes your stamp.
Interesting- I don't feel quite so bad now. They took out the vending machine in Macomb about 2 months ago and show no sign of replacing it.
Thats what you get for allowing that dirty communist Ben Franklin and his cronies socialize parcel delivery! Where are our freedoms????
I say make the machine in the form of Steve McQueen. Put in a penny, kick him in the nuts untill you get 42 cents put in. He is a fuck stick, ass hat and all around dick wad.
Fuck anyone that has served in the military. I propse a "spit in the face of a soldier" day. Anyone with me?
I am with you, meet me at Washington Park during the next Blues in the District. I'll bring the American flag and you can set fire to it. Then you can punch as many vets as you want. I doubt you will last very long.
Great idea. Post your address and we'll have an organizational meeting and distance spitting contest and your house.
Please visit our site.
No Thanks.
Man, they be pistol-whippin mf-ers, up in the hood, man. An robbin dem to!
Man, they be pistol-whippin mf-ers, up in the hood, man. An robbin dem to!
Man, sorry bout dat double click, man, my bad.
Man, I hopes i don't be runnin inta dat Python, on 24ff St, an Payson, sheeiit, man, for real, you see a mf-er runnin, fo sure!
Mr karl marx or should i say misses since your obviously to much of a siss to defend your country. Me and 169 other soldiers leave for Iraq in less than 3 weeks..we appreciate your support..we are proud to defend your right to say stupid S**T like that..because we are proud of our country proud of what we do to defend it and proud of all the real americans that are in this country...Thank you to everyone else that has a brain and supports your troops
I think Karl Marx was just trying to get a rise out of someone...which they did... congrats, would you like to buy a bridge in New York?
Then again, KarlMarx could just be an unmitigated ass.
Your call. :)
I hope I don't get bit by that Boa Contractor (Gary Busse line, from "Gumball Rally")
In the movie, he says Contractor instead of Constrictor. I've always called them Contractor's instead of Constrictors ever since, and some petty little bitch always tries to correct me.
Nothing petty about getting bitten by a contractor!
I think Marx was trying to ruffle feathers. Still in really really bad taste.
"I'm onno go down to the reptile house in Houston and get my hands on one of those Boa Contractors"
What a dumb shit that dude was for letting that thing get loose, i'm still scared to open my f-in windows. Hope they catch that thing, or someone, preferably a BFI truck, runs it over. Sheeit.
Have they caught that Boa yet? I'm afraid to go out of my mf-in house!
Lord, Mercy, hope that Boa don't get me, Lord have mercy!
Lord, thank you Jesus, they caught that Python, thank you Lord!!
I'm back with the BEST BLOG IN QUINCY! This one all others pale in comparison.
Good Grief hasn't that guy embarrassed himself enough
Just be glad they caught that Python, it may have come after you. Or Joe. Thank you Lord, and Jesus.
Count your blessings, man.
It's a Boa, but just as dangerous or not dangerous, unless you're a small child or a midget.
Hey Joe,
I see comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author.
This site operated by Dues ?
If he leaves it open without moderation, people will make him look like a dumbshit.
Because... he... is... a... dumb... shit...
Site not operated by dues... site operated by douche.
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
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