Six city employees sending personal e-mails on city's time.... IS HOT !
IT Manager hosting a personal web site on the city server....IS NOT!
Double Standards?
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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The United Soccer website is gone! The City is good at concealing and deleting evidence all except for the lies they told about the 6 fired employees. They are made to be examples, but nothing happens to the head of IT when he has wasted lots of City time and lots of City resources to kiss ass to the soccer club that all 3 his kids played on. Don't worry IT director, Springer and team wont touch you!
Oh, they can't delete ALL evidence. They can't control the internet.
QNO is on it.
that's a case of asking the fox to guard the chicken coop
Admin Name:Jim Murphy
Admin Organization:City of Quincy
Admin Street1:730 Maine Street
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Quincy
Admin State/Province:Illinois
Admin Postal Code:62301
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.2172213675
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin FAX:
Admin FAX Ext.:
Admin *************@quincyil.gov
Tech ID:GODA-16996404
Tech Name:Corey Dean
Tech Organization:City of Quincy
Tech Street1:730 Maine Street
Tech Street2:
Tech Street3:
Tech City:Quincy
Tech State/Province:Illinois
Tech Postal Code:62301
Tech Country:US
Tech Phone:+1.2172213675
Tech Phone Ext.:
Tip of the iceburg folks! But no one really thinks the "King" will bring down his court do you?
Maybe this will get someone to step up and run against him.
murphybefore.jpg was taken with a blackbery 8310 on 9/24/08 @ 12:50 pm
murphyafter.jpg was taken with a blackbery 8310 on 9/24/08 @ 5:10 pm
The thing about city hall and its moral hazard generating lawyers is that no matter what you do, they'll just brush you off and say "so, what are you gonna do about it".
Self Pursuing Demigods
Also, they can control the Internet Archive in reference to the wayback machine url.
all they have to do is add a robots.txt file to the root of the domain that contains:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
keep a look out for that using change detection, siteuptime.com or update scanner.
In the United States, cyber attacks are under the jurisdiction of the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD), Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The NCSD was established in June, 2003 and given the mission of improving the United States defense against cyber attacks.
any body worth their salt in the USA , DOES NOT hack post 9-11
Quincynews.org has requested emails and phone records for Murphy under FOIA. Does anyone really think the city is going to release his info as fast as they did for the other 6? King spring wont allow it!
the www.quincyunitesoccer.org site is back up
Police Chief Rob Copley issued this statement Wednesday afternoon:
"Increased seatbelt tickets would have prevented this hacking into the city's server"
Quincy City Attorney Tony Cameron said QuincyNews.org will have an official initial response from the city in a few days.
He is awaiting instructions form Chicago attorney James Spizzo.
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Admin ID:GODA-26996404
Admin Name:Jim Murphy
Admin Organization:City of Quincy
Admin Street1:730 Maine Street
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Quincy
Admin State/Province:Illinois
Admin Postal Code:62301
Admin Country:US
Admin Phone:+1.2172213675
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin FAX:
Admin FAX Ext.:
Admin Email:jmurphy@quincyil.gov
Tech ID:GODA-16996404
Tech Name:Corey Dean
Tech Organization:City of Quincy
Tech Street1:730 Maine Street
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Tech Postal Code:62301
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For what it's worth, the city of Quincy knew of, and approved the city server hosting the Quincy United Soccer website. It promotes youth soccer, which in turn generates revenue from traveling teams playing in Quincy. Whether one agrees with that or not, the bottom line is that Jim Murphy DID NOT use the city server illegally or for his personal use. Also, as someone who has frequented the Quincy United website on many occassions, I can tell you that Jim Murphy's listed email address on the site was always his personal email account. The website was hacked and his email address was changed not once, but twice. It was only after the second time, that the website was taken down. There was no effort to conceal or delete evidence, it was simply to protect the web site. If anyone knows a Quincy United parent or supporter, please ask them if what I'm telling you is not true. Finally, lets remember one thing, these 6 employees engaged in over a year-long campaign of adultry, improper emails, lying to superiors, and wasting tax payers money. There is no debating that, regardless of whether you agree with the punishment or not. When someone routinely cheats on their spouse and/or children, they have lost all benefit of the doubt and have proven to be the most untrustful of individuals. Finally, remember that one of these six worked in the IT Department, set up password protected accounts to hide their activities, and has detailed knowledge of the city's computer system/server. Should anyone really be surprised that a website hosted on that server, and involving that ex-exployee's supervisor, ended up being hacked?
CLEARLY the email is his City email .
Or did that get "hacked" way back then .
CLEARLY the email is his City email .
Or did that get "hacked" way back then .
So your saying someone hacked into the city server to change Murhpy's email address to his city email account to set him up. Pull the other leg and it plays jingle bells.
anon 1:14,
What is there about hacked that you don't understand? Someone went on the Quincy United website and deliberately changed his email address! Hmmmm, wonder who would have the knowhow AND a grudge to do that? Certainly not one of the poor city employees who cheated on their spouse, lied to superiors and sent thousands of inappropriate emails (including those printed in the QHW which clearly showed that they knew what they were doing was wrong). The Quincy United website has been in operation for years and never listed Jim Murphy's work email address. Funny how it suddenly got changed after these city employees were caught wasting our tax dollars and violating city policies. I realize that many of you have a hard on for John Spring and Quincy city government, but don't you think that if Jim Murphy had been using his work email address on the Quincy United site for all these years, someone wouldn't have noticed? Come on people, not everything is a conspiracy. Why not focus on a subject in which there is no grey area....6 city employees carrying on illicit affairs (including one with her husbands co-worker), lying to superiors, sending sexual explicit emails, and wasting our tax dollars. Where is the outrage in all that?
Glad you have musical ability. I'm sure that comes in handy at parties. To answer your question, yes. I've frequeted the Quincy United website for years. Jim Murphy's email was never his work address. Why are people so quick to give these ex-employees the benefit of the doubt, but yet are ready to pounce on Jim Murphy, who I might remind you has been accussed of no wrong doing by anyone affiliated with the city. people can believe what they want, but it wasn't Jim Murphy that got caught cheating on his spouse or sending x-rated emails.
Let me get this straight.
Server was hacked and his PERSONAL e-mail address was changed to his City address. Then hacked again and changed back to his personal account?
AND...you blaming this on a fired employee?
Employee that was fired was quite some time ago. Why wasn't the passwords changed ASAP when they were fired?
Why are you turning this on the figegate 6? They were caught and have paid the price.
Fun there is no official word from city hall on this?
I’m told in the firefighter's hearings before the incompetent commission as well as the arbitrator Murphy readily admitted he used his work email as a contact for the website. The hacking deal is another cover up attempt at trying to clear up a protected one. The fired never said they didn't do anything wrong. What people are saying is hold Murphy the director who wrote the policy that calls for no personal usage accountable. He states there is a little room in the policy for personal use but the policy reads no personal use is prohibited. There are plenty non-for profit organizations who don't use the cities server but would gladly accept any offers if they were made. What’s worse is spending countless hours on the cities dime managing and maintaining the web site while often times using IS staff to assist. There is proof the email address was there long before your hacking fantasy. Do you drink a lot? Lets go one further and ask Murphy about everything he has covered up in the past. I can tell you of one offense that was discovered by Mr. Murphy that is a federal offense. It would make anyone who has kids sick. How about the lingerie business that was being run from a city computer on city time. What happened to that person? Didn't see the Whig report on that one. You want to talk about the six who were allegedly having affairs. I say this because you have only heard one side in the Whig. I do agree they should have been punished but not to the extent of what they got. There has been past practice that affairs were covered up. Look into the police department, central service, or near the top with the administration. There have been firefighters in the past having affairs with dispatchers. This is not new and is no shock. Then there’s my all time favorite. The city dogcatcher, whose father was lets just say working for the city, was pulling vehicles over imitating a police officer and even carrying a loaded gun with out authority. Loses that job and is moved to another department with a different name before getting a girl pregnant and leaving town. Lastly for the record, the estimated $150,000.00 is nowhere near the total spent on what the city has spent on these six. That is just the attorney and that figure was not even to date. He will be over $200,000.00 before they are done. Add to that the extras of calling firefighters in to cover for those off on paid leave at time and a half in addition to still paying the suspended their salaries for four months. Bottom line is this. Don’t get caught up in believing everything the Whig or the city tells you. They are masters at cover and conceal. You’ll see the evidence is there if it is ever released.
Quincy, Illinois sucks!
How about the lingerie business that was being run from a city computer on city time. What happened to that person?
Can we get a name on this?
City Hall is too busy pissing their pants over this and the Fire 6 .
Hacked is a big boy word , not to be tossed around .
You Anons need to go back and get your information straight. Murphy has ALWAYS had his City email listed on the Quincy United website. Why would he hide it? It was common knowledge throughout the entire City that Quincy United was his part time job. Being soccer club god took precedence over being City IT director. How else did he not know what his staff was doing? How many times was Bower seen coming up to meet with Murphy in his office? How many times did Murphy use his staff to help with the Quincy United website or various little projects during the season? How many emails went out from his City account to Quincy United members? When is the City going to comply to FOIA and give quincynews.org what they requested? And when they do give that information up, how many emails and phone records will be missing from the reports? It has happened before. King Spring cannot be humiliated and will do whatever it takes to protect Murphy. Why wouldn’t he? Murphy was the City’s puppet. He went above and beyond producing emails to bring down the City 6. How can those men sleep at nights?
If all of this is true , why didn't the City just come out and say so ? If the City says this is approved and fine then there would be no story .
Blah, Blah, Blah! First of all, Jim Murphy's work email WAS NOT listed on the United website, not until it was hacked that is. Saying it on a blog does not make it so. Like sheep following a herder, continue to believe that there is a conspiracy by those evil Democrats. As for Jim Murphy producing emails to bring down the SexRing 6, could you be any more naive. Good god, it's like trying to reason with Bud Niekamp. I don't think it was Jim Murphy who carried on illicit affairs and sent sexually explicit emails on city computers. It wasn't Jim Murphy who password protected sites to cover up these activities (that would be the former IT employee who cheated on her husband with HIS co-worker). But, despite the overwhelming evidence (or should I say facts), that show what dishonest, immoral people these 6 city employees actually were, there are still people who feel they were wrongly targeted and disiplined. What a sad state of affairs this is (and not the type of dirty, back-alley affairs these 6 are so adept at).
Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go!!!
Hey Chicago, what do you say? Cubs got their asses handed to em yesterday!
anon 4:59,
You must be Sarah Palin's debate coach. You toss a lot of accusations and non-facts out, but provide no substance what-so-ever.
Let's see.....
* You were TOLD Jim Murphy admitted personal email use
* He covered up a federal offense
* Lingerie business being run on city computers but overlooked
* Firefighters having affairs with dispatchers
* etc, etc, etc.
I see a lot of bluster, but no real substance. Why not toss out a "betcha" or "darn right" as well? Seemed to work for Palin, when she was unable to provide facts vs. Biden. The bottom line is this....you and your ilk have nothing better to do than dream up these conspiracy theories against a city administration you obviously have it in for. Well, just as the public saw how shallow Sarah Palin's answers were last night, anyone with half a brain sees the same thing with your weak attempt to create controversy. Think I'll go have a drink now!
Apparently ADD has taken over the comments here.
Why the hell do you anons give reference to Palin and The Firegate 6?
It's about using city property and trying to cover it up!
I am not sure it is even about that . I think it about good Government and coming clean .
I think the City should say " Our servers are open to all Non Profits "
I think I.T. needs to say "sorry"
But do nothing and hide creates a monster.
>First of all, Jim Murphy's work
>email WAS NOT listed on the
>United website, not until it was
>hacked that is.
Then how is it that if I go to one of the web archive sites (as shown in an earlier post) for *2006* it shows Mr. Murphy's city email address on the United Soccer website?
So the account was hacked in 2006 before any of the Firegate sh!t hit the fan and was only recently changed back?
Whatever you're smoking, you could at least share with the rest of us.
You've been proven wrong. Why should we believe anything else you have to say?
People hear about a story and rush to a new website in defense of their club. It is obvious they either didn't read the above posts or didn't bother to put the website in to see what the Utd site said in Aug 2006. If he had just said he had permission this would have blown over. Now with the changes in the website host and emails, the bogus claim about a nameless bogeyman hacker is just that, BOGUS. The sheer volume of emails and time spent on Utd business can not be hidden so why claim it didn't happen. The Freedom of Information Act will prove that his email address was indeed used. Just have some other QcyUtd people check their saved emails for past emails. By insisting it wasn't clearly shows some here have a closed mind and want to turn a blind eye to the problem at city hall. Others here don't have a problem saying what it really is.
Self Policing
Ya know, I don't even mind that Murphy may have been doing club biz at work...as long as he was doing his job. And as long as he was frickin' HONEST about it.
But this whole thing, which should have been a minor issue easily and relatively painlessly dealt with, has ballooned BECAUSE OF THE BEHAVIOR OF CITY ADMINISTRATION AND TOP STAFFERS.
Mayor, Chiefs, Department Heads...YOU chose to make a BIG issue of "Firegate" and now it's coming home to roost because you set the standard--and you're not living up to it with your covering of Jim Murphy's ass.
Don't play the game if you can't handle the results that go against you.
All of this speaks volumes about the city and it's railroading actors...
...that's if it really happened.
nice forgery of the pdf BTW
cursors don't appear after you render a host address
"nice forgery of the pdf "
Which pdf ? If your talking the link pics , they are jpegs off a 8310
Still nothing from the City regarding the FOIA request? Folks can you smell the BIG COVER UP?
QNO has a story up today with one of the emails. The city must have handed over some of the stuff requested.
QNO is not a real news source.
Go Cubs Go!!!
Go three and out again!
anon 11:22,
Thank you for stating what needed to be said. Some guy with an internet web site does not make a legit news source. I can wear a Celtics jersey and shot hoops in my driveway too...doesn't make me Kevin Garnett. And what really kills me, is that when Bobby G worked for WGEM, he was routinely butchered on these very same blogs.
Drudge Report
Huffington Post
Yahoo News
The 90% Net only Sporting news
All are Net only .
So anon your riding a Model T and watching black and white T.V.
What's not legit about it? I think it's a good alternative to the feeble reporting the QHW, KHQA and WGEM.
Anon: 11:22 & 12:00
Since you are both experts on news organizations, please enlighten us on what a "real" news outlet does?
One that attempts to hide news from city hall like this one?
Since many of the news stories QNO has broken have made it on to your news source, how can you honestly say it is not news. Hell you are posting on this thread and this story was brought out by QNO. If you like your news spoon fed to you or covered up then just ignore the site and stay ignorant. Apparently the ads on the site must be appearing by magic.
Tspud1 is correct. OTOH, why do you suppose none of the others have picked up on a story that could lead to the termination of a city dept head?
anon 12:00
Bobby G is 6'11" 253 and can run and jump like a deer. Welcome to 2008.
Bob Gough sleeps with a night light. Not because Bob Gough is afraid of the dark, but the dark is afraid of Bob Gough
QNO is awesome! It's real, or they would not have the adds they have. It is obvious why QNI doesn't want to report the truth, or why KHQA doesn't report the whole truth, even though I will give KHQA credit, they have long dropped the firegate story, old news, they didn't drag the families of the 6 through the mud and make up lies after the fact. But it is obvious why they don't report what is "wrong" with city hall, just look at the money the King Spring campaign spends with them for political adds! City hall ownes the mainstream media!
Quincy News is now reporting the FBI is involved. Still not a single word from the "legit" news sources.
I don't mind that the city hosted the web site so long as the people updating the site were not working on the city's dime at the time. Will someone tell us how much time was spent by city employees on the web site?
And using his city email for occasional Qcy United business is not so bad, but posting that address on the site is dumb especially since city policy prohibits personal email.
So Murphy says the site was hacked? OK, then we need to question his ability to protect confidential city records.
If the former IT staffer is guilty, then Murphy is guilty of not practicing common sense by ensuring that she had zero access to city servers after her termination.
I know for a fact that he used his city email account for United business, because I exchanged messages with him. That's wouldn't be a big deal if he hadn't pushed for a strict policy against that. I suspect QNO will be getting copies of messages from Qcy United folks showing Murphy's address, and then Bobby G can see if those messages show up in the FOI material.
What other city servers have been compromised?
Did he report the earlier hacking incident(s) to anyone else before the QNO article?
Qcy United is good group of people, but they need to examine whether they want Murphy leading their group.
Nothing at all is about Quincy United , it is about tax dollars and Government workers.
FYI don't write anything negative about gough on here. Your comment will be deleted.
Quincy UTD is indeed a good group and there is no way the rank and file would have any knowledge of Murphy's use of site on city server.
If the last poster knows for sure about the emails because they had exchanges then that shows even more proof that earlier posters here did NOT know what they were talking about. Why cover up and lie then? The question "Will someone tell us how much time was spent by city employees on the web site?" will never be answered because that would make city hall look bad. The fact that last poster had contact Murphy thru city email shows soccer business on city time. Look at the times and dates on emails. QcyUtd members need to ask themselves "How many times did I contact Murphy by email or phone at his job? It's like asking the fox to be in charge of hen house if certain people loyal to Murphy are asked about his soccer time on city time.
Oh, now the "legit" news sources are reporting it.
How could QuincyNews.org scoop the Whig on this...or anything else for that matter?
I mean after all, the Whig is a "legit" multi-million dollar corporation with dozens of "legit" reporters and the full backing and support of the City of Quincy.
"Any personal remarks and attacks may be deleted."
If you have a beef with Bob, please don't air it out here.
Thanks for stopping by.
Vote for John Spring , QNO and the blogs would suck with out him
"If you have a beef with Bob, please don't air it out here."
Hold on, isn't that what blogs are about. If you want to be this way then shouldn't you be in the same catagory as "The Whig".
why r post not being posted???? THIS SITE IS AS BAD AS QNO!!!!!!
Do you think the FBI would find intresting the federal crime that was covered up in the late 90's if they do decide to invetigate? This just got real folks!!!!!!!!!!
Whig don't print shit that they don't want you to hear.
Sheeple is what the QNI wants.
If we're going to compare QNO to other local news sources, I think they got whipped by every one of them on the dead veteran story. Still not much there on that one, even now.
I head about the vet on the noon news first!
Boy, you are right. Why can't one guy single-handedly beat The Whig, KHQA and WGEM on every story? Man QNO sucks.
Still waiting on KHQA and WGEM to decide that the city's computer server getting hacked and the FBI being called in is news.
From today's Whig editorial:
"Energy efficient lighting and traffic signals have the potential to save money for Quincy taxpayers, while making things safer and brighter. The environmental benefits of lower power usage are an added benefit."
Another hard-hitting Captain Obvious editorial by the Whig braintrust.
anon 10:11
It's pretty sad when someone uses the news of a accident of a veteran to establish the threshold of news standards for local media.
My dog got loose yesterday and no one from any media source reported it.
anonymous 10/2/08 2:24pm is very wise. The hacker is obviously trying to set up someone else so the spot light will be off them. Laying
blame on any other person will NEVER diminishthe total screw ups of firegate 6. They need to stop trying to shift blame and own up to
being low lifes
Oh sure a faceless "hacker" who changed an email to what it was changed to later ? How's the Kool Aid in Jones Town ?
umm, anony 10/14/08 9:24. Looks like you are wrong again! The post you referenced says the 6 fessed up to wrong doing. When is Murphy/City going to do the same and face the same results? You don't happen to send annonymous threatening letters to QNO do you? You come across as the same 5 year old that has been trying to help Jimmy out.
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