One small fire in one classroom and the entire district is off?
Fire Department officials report the fire was started by a light bulb in a storage closet. The heat from the bulb apparently set fire to books and papers in the closet.
Who stacks flammable crap in the closet so high that it touches the light?
Didn't I read in last nights QHW that how well the QPS was doing on saving energy?
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs !!!!!
13 days, 252 seat belt tickets for QPD
Did you read the herald whig's account of why school was cancelled? seemed to make sense to me.
CFL barely puts off enough heat to melt butter.
Anybody want to guess whether or not they would have taken the day off if it was without pay?? NO SCHOOL - NO PAY, that includes administration too. Hundreds of families messed up because the administration can't adapt to a small emergency.
wait a min. a threat is on the bathroom wall at Jr. high and NOTHING is told to parents!!! thats not right, as a parent of a student there I should have been informed. Lemon is a Lemon, he needs to go back where he came from.
ask him why he left QND, it wasn't for the new job.
what out for your daughters.
Ask him how Jilly V. is.
WTF!!! Why was there a closet light on at 2AM? That is some real energy saving!
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