too much for me to keep up on.....
- The Quincy Police officer connected to the investigation of possible violations of police department polices and procedures has resigned. QNO was on this. (QHW has in on the NEXT to last page today)
- Three Quincy firefighters will have their arbitration hearings over the next two days regarding discipline they received after being accused of violating city policies and misuising city equipment. QNO on this.
- upgrade 461 light fixtures in public safety buildings (at $38.00 each), $8,500 for a new, wider door for the airport's emergency station - Havermale asked, "Didn't anybody measure the truck or the door before we bought it?" ( Havermale asks the questions I frequently think why no one asks?) - QNO with the hat trick here too !
- Main Street Tap reopening ???
Anything Else ????
The truck fits through the door but it is very tight. It was a brand new $600,000 truck that the city paid under $100,000 for. You don't measure, you just say thank you.
From Maine Street's Myspace page:
"The news is wrong, Maine Street Tap has not been sold yet. An excited prospect jumped the gun."
29 years old
QUINCY, Illinois
United States
How many times does one need to wreck the truck to find out the door is too small? At least two apparently.
Leave the damn thing inside. I doubt they've ever needed to use it.
Tookie covered the "excitement" over at city hall. Since when is the name of someone who applies for a liquor license confidential? ...and "MIGHT"
is news?
QNO wasn't "on" the QPD story. I read about the resignation on 2 other websites first.
QuincyNews.org was most definitely "on" the QPD story. It was posted there early Monday...well before it showed up on others.
If you want news quickly, subscribe to QuincyNews.org's RSS feed. You can get updates every minute if you want.
Don't re-open Main St. tap, the place is a shithole. Make it a soup kitchen instead, we'll need one after Ameren raises rates on nat gas this winter. Trust me.
Anyone believe the rates will go up only 20%-30%?
Meanwhile, we'll surely being paying the inflated hospital bills for when the dog took a bite out of the flatfoot's ass. You bring a mean as phuck german (Belgian, I know, same) shepherd to a bar fight why....?
Bring him UFC at the Oakley-Lindsey next time, see if mad Max don't get fired up there.
Bring Mad Max to Maine St. when they open it back up, he can handle "security".
I saw the resignation story on the Whig site yesterday. Went to QNO and there was nothing. Just like the retraction on the story about the computer store closing down.
QNO broke the story on the investigation. The Whig was just a passenger on this news bus.
There wasn't even a byline on the original QHW story. It looks like they just copied off the QNO site.
I would even go so far as to say that
the Whig wouldn't even have reported this if QNO hadn't forced their hand.
I love it when the Whiggers get on the blogs to defend their stale-ass newspaper.
They read the blogs to find out what the fuck is going on.
I saw it on CNN
What sucks is that the Whig and WGEM/QNI only report what Spring, Copely, Big 172, and the other powers that be deem it is "okay" to report. You think QNI didn't have the name of the officer? fing print it, report it? QNI placates the powers that be too much, it's obvious.
Good for QNO for at least being willing to get down to the real nitty gritty. I like the way Bob G & co has shaken things up in the local news media climate! It's been a long time coming. Not everyone has a fried in city hall, nonetheless they have a right to be informed. And no, I'M not RB!!!! LOL
QNI is too worried about their own interests to tell the whole story.
69 grand a year, on our dime, what did this guy allegedly do? We have a right to be informed.
You'd think for 69G a year , the guy could follow the rules,take an occasional shepherd bite, but then again we have cathouse/firegate, good timing with this one!
didn't the QNO guy work for QNI? What happened with that?
It's (mostly) all out now on both sites, he "allegedly" bred the police dog and tried to sell the puppies online.
Like $68k is not enough money that you have to use city property to moonlight a couple of extra dollars.
Yea, I left some low fruit to be picked, don't you think QNO is forcing now the QNI/GEM-ers to report more? RH is a bulldog, but they tend to keep him penned up, I suspect, or they did until now. Maybe they fell it's time to let him loose! I don't see this story by RH coming out a year ago, w/o QNO! A little competion never hurts, like i said , interesting to see the effect(good) QNO is having on the local media!
But it could be a positve, at least the guy work(ed) for the govt and had an idea on how to make money (besides seatbelt tickets)! Just like Geoge c. Scott said when he caught the guy sleeping on duty in the Patton movie:
"Get back down there, son, you the only son-of-a-bitch in this whole god-damned outfit that knows what the hell he's doing"
which one of the Reis boys drives that truck?
EX QFD/QPDers Bigelow, Oitker, Dean, and Kent: All caught screwin dogs! Way to go guys!
Nice to know our public servants can "screw the pooch".
Them's going to be some mean ass pups, cause I seen that Max in action (not after me, thank God), he's a mean mf-er, for sure!
In regards to his future, I can attest, he'd be a damn good junkyard dog, he has the right "disposition".
Meow! Meow!
$85K a year to pound on a keyboard all day writing a blog and when something comes up, hire an outside service to do the work.
Only in Q town.
You beat me to it, but we love UMR, nonetheless!
I told him to use tape & scratch paper stead of post its (425 on office supplies?) on Tookie's blog to save $, we'll see if we can't piss the ole boy off, all in good fun.
Get q-town police & fire depts some ethics training so it will save us on money spent to hired gun lawyers. Or put saltpeter in the chow at the fire station and in the pooch's dog bowl, something, anything.
Does anyone NOW have any reason to wonder why the sick six were fired/demoted?! Thanks QNI for finally telling the story. I feel bad for the innocent families having to look at the "mugshots" of the preverts but the story needed to be told. Bet their kids and parents are proud! No heros in that bunch.
I think a few looked good and I can't blame them for doing what they were doing. If it was so good at home why did they go looking elsewhere. Get over this story it truly is old news. Everybody knew and the Quincy Tabloid is running a pretty one sided story. ALA SPRING
keep it coming Qcy tabloids
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