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The Anti Vegas baby ..........
What about Police on Police crime ?
I mean if I kicked that dog ( and kept my leg) I would be charged with assault on an officer .
I wonder how they figure out "who started the fight"
Hey Spring/Walker, here's a thought. The fireman that want to be "reinstated" after being canned. Make them pass the test required before a firefighter is initially hired. See if Oitker can pass the physical agility test and Dean pass the polygraph/lie detector. Not likely for either. The department has been through enough. Don't make us deal with these idiots again and trust them to help save ours lives if we need it.
How about the stupidest commercials the local Honda dealer is running?
I think Shottenkirk deserves an honorable mention and their shit runs 12 months a year. Man, I would drive 500 miles to do a deal to avoid Shottenkirk. I hate to reward stupidity.
That moron that heads most of the Honda commercials ran me off of a vehicle buy with his stupidity and arrogance when he was at another dealership years ago. I'm in the market for a new Honda. I wonder if moron can figure out where I'm NOT going to be purchasing it?
I wouldn't purchase from them ever again...they go back on ALL promises and i think they are on the unethical side in my opinion, I imagine there are many more like me who have bought once but never twice.
Don Chapel can kiss my ass.
Shottenkirk is a sorry excuse for a car dealership. I hate to go out of town but I will not buy from them. Five lies in three minutes from the salesman. Three more lies in two minutes from his manager who wouldn't give me his name.
by locally from Gem City Ford....go talk with Kevin Shuckman, he at least doesn't lie to your face....at least to me he hasn't, plus if the deal is good, he can buy you one at The Scoreboard
Hey fire, how about posting up a topic whereby we can inform the blogging public about commercial/retail outlets where we have previously done business and will not return due to lack of courtesy, product support, customer care, stupid clerks, etc. Give us the venue to spread the word. Go for it man! Think of the good you would be providing for your fellow man.
Think that's called Angies List
How about Quincy News reporting a business closing when it is actually just relocating...Is there gonna be a retraction or apology?
I wondered if anyone was going to point that out...But doubted it, since it seems the majority of the bloggers think Quincy News walks on water and can do no wrong....But I thought that was really irresponsible. Other media makes a mistake and is immediately attacked. Quincy News looks like it makes a mistake, deletes it from the site, and no one says 'boo.'
"Because Accuracy Matters" also reported the business was closing its Quincy location
Which business?
I thought I saw that on KHQA in quick, quick passing while channel surfing. I don't even think about that station when it comes to getting my news, though.
Yes, what business, It ain't like a lot of establishments don't close every damn day round here. We all can't be Elders (good food,btw) or Maid rite (West, anyway, East had good food).
Elders closing, that would be news.
Elders sucks
What does that have to do with anything? It was a computer store. QNO had it on its Web site that the store was closing down. So did KHQA and WTAD. Then the Whig has they aren't closing, they are moving. It was then deleted off QNO's site without a retraction or correction.
Why would you assume that WGEM is right and all the others are wrong?
I didn't see anything WGEM, personally. I saw that on QNO and I also read the story in the Whig, the Whig was the only place that had that owner person whatever his name is on record. I think its interesting.
Sorry, I meant the Whig not WGEM. They also reported that there would be a fourth flight to St Louis, which turned out to be not true. Don't know that I'd bet the house payment on the Whig being accurate on this one either.
So, are you saying the owner - who only spoke to the paper, I guess - is lying, and he's not moving his company to that building he talked about? And that he really is closing, but made up that story to tell the newspaper? Hmm. That is an interesting theory.
For a minute I thought this was about the report of Great Lakes leaving.
Or...and stay with me, his "company" is still in business, but without his employees, which is not really a business any longer. It does get interesting, doesn't it?
ok i have read numerous comments on this topic and ETC. Everyone has mentioned that they feel the customer service sucked...well if I was the owner, I would of fired the employees too. But since noone on the blogs/internet can fathem the fact that some people just suck at their jobs. Except of course for the POLICE...everyone on here feels that they suck at their jobs. I am sure tspud would fire anyone at Comstack for not being able to do their job.....but sorry for ETC for doing what they needed to do to keep their store open...maybe relocating to a smaller store, lower rent cost maybe they can lower the prices....
Mike Hilfrink can kiss my ass.
I think it was "computing made easy" and not ETC .
That guy (i think it was computing and not etc?) let a few people go...no matter what, from what I can read, he isn't closing his company. If he is closing his company, why didn't QNO keep it up on the website? It came down the same day the Whig reported it was staying open and relocating.
Prob because it's a non story . No one seems to give a rat's ass except you . I just looked at QNO you can write a complaint to bgough@quincynews.org
Proper journalism is supposed to retract statements, not remove them.
True story, my friend. Not very responsible journalism. Maybe QNO should work harder on checking facts and worry less about "scooping" the whig.
In the meantime, the Whig can work on not plagiarizing.
I don't read QNO for the "scoop", I read it for the news they bring that QHW does NOT report.
The best story I have read is the amount of seatbelt tickets the QPD is writing.
Ed NEVER questions the status quo at City Council and Douggie NEVER disses the dem's locally.
Quincy news NEVER disses the rep's locally.
What a waste of front page space in todays Whig. "Rum sweat said to have bennefitted Honest Abe after debate" I wonder why we still subscribe to read crap like this!
Fire -
Is that a picture of Les' and Sachs' keyboard and computer up in flames?
I think so.
Must be typing up a REPORT on what was SAID at a city council meeting.
God knows they would ask any QUESTIONS !!!
What a freaking bunch of ass sucking d$cks.
Either have the stones to ask the QUESTIONS or just read the freaking teleprompter.
Dont say your a NEWS station when you just REPEAT what was said.
Ed has Springs vote. Otherwise he would not be invited to the Mayors Christmas Party.
What a waste.
Any Abe Lincoln admirer/researcher in the World would be fascinated by the rum sweat article.
It was great, "new" info off Primary resources.
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