Tookie took another swipe......
I have to go for the hat trick !
....Q Pundit jumps in too !

(Job Application)
The City of
RELATIVE - includes parent, grandparent, spouse, domestic partner (a person of the same or opposite sex who lives with a City employee under circumstances in which they have agreed between themselves to be responsible for each other's welfare), child, brother, sister, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, step-parent, step-child, any other person so related through marriage, and any other person so related to one’s civil union partner or domestic partner.
Does anyone related to you as described on the list work for the City of
Relation: Name:
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If you filled in at least one relitive in the above lines, please wait at least 5 days while a job is created for you.
If you did not fill in any relatives in the above lines, We currently do not have any available openings.
You need a few more lines for names if a Reis is going to able to apply.
Also add a few more lines for any Grussenmeyers, Brassfields, Vahlkamps, Cantrells, or Springs.
"please wait at least 5 days while a job is created for you."
Best line ever hahahahaha
hey who is chad tuzzo related too since he got a job at the sewer treatment plant? Oh that's right, he's related to JJ via the brown bottle
Umr is about to explain how tuzzo's hiring was on the up and up over at his blog.
UMR won't comment on shit.
He cannot defend a hiring policy when there is none.
It's more like a "what we would like the public to think we do" policy.
Kin, your in, baby!
The city open positions page might as well say
"This job requires more talent than the current in-breeds can muster"
As you go to pay your property taxes today, especially those of you who recently lost your jobs, think about Spring and the bunch of thieves down at City Hall who get to use your money as their personal checkbook.
If you're on a break from sticking needles in your eyes, go over and see Umr dance around the issue.
Agree with everything you say here except that Quincynews said anything about it. All I see is something about how to apply for a job. I guess they expect the readers to play finish-the-story.
I bet Quincy News is far from done with the story
Looks like UMR closed his blog and went home.
Is it me, or did he NOT answer one question?
Plead the 5th UMR.
Umr knows he's wrong and it's fun to watch him type many words and say nothing.
As you go to pay your property taxes today, especially those of you who recently lost your jobs, think about Spring and the bunch of thieves down at City Hall who get to use your money as their personal checkbook.
This is an interesting comment. Lets think about this. Where is the money coming from to pay the Chicago lawyer who is trying to cover up the cities screw up? I hear from a reliable source that the mediator assigned to this appeal has agreed to give the "fired" a new hearing. From my dealings with the city this is huge for those who got fired. All money spent to this point has been for nothing. Look I know one of the firemen and yes there was wrongdoing but it was on a personal level and is still being done at city hall to this day. Springer is going to have his you know what on the chopping block shortly and you may also see some early retirements. My only thought on this whole mess besides "please can we get over this" is when will the tax payers decide they want some action and put some type of consequence in place for the "City Leaders" to be held accountable. They have burned a lot of tax dollars for something that will likely be reversed. When will our alderman step up and say they want some answers. Hey Fire, I read your blog daily and love the feedback and have never commented on anything but this mostly because I like to read and view from a distance but I know these guys and have had dealings in the past with the city and can only feel obligated to speak up since nobody in a high up position will demand answers. This is Quincy and we are definitely small town politics but I must say the response of the city alderman has me baffled. I mean you have a Commissioner, from what I understand, was saved by firefighters as well as EMTs in a motorcycle accident about a year ago and doesn’t have the decency to stay awake during a trail put on by the city to decide the fate of these firefighters careers. When will we get some answers? I haven’t seen anything in the news regarding this huge win for the firefighters. Probably because the city doesn’t want you to know they know have to go through the whole hearing process again only this time the neutral party wont be paid council for the commissioners. It will be a federal arbitrator who is probably well versed in right and wrong. Lets see some dollar amounts to date. Does Rodney still have the scandal calculator going? While it was never close to the real dollar amount involved I bet it will be a figure to make some people want to know more. Wake up Quincy!
What huge win??? Just a rumor that there might be another hearing? If it was against the rules then why would it be okay now? I wasn't for the penalties that were handed out because others are doing similar things and not being punished but do you think the powers that be will want to be exposed or made to look like fools? They will spend our money again otherwise they wouldn't have in the first place. They are used to the public being sheep.
Cheap Seats, you are very wise. Your previous dealings with the city give you great insight as to what's coming. It appears that the water is starting to boil again. But what lurks in its depths? I can't make it out, but it appears to be a federal mediator that isn't tied to the good old boys. Springer may sound like a screaming lobster before he hits the pot this time. I doubt he's going to like it when an outsider comes in and tells him his personal morals don't apply to union contracts. I've already bought my tickets, I can't wait to watch the show!
What's up with these damn seat belt arrests? 200 in a month? Springfield had under 100? WTF?
That is such bullshit. This is a police state!
Now since three women were fired Mr. Cheapster, why is it that three men in management positions should get multiple chances to win their job back. In the real world outside of government jobs and union jobs, a fuck up like what these firemen did would result in instant firing and no appeal. Claims to "but its their livelihood are invalid". If they truly cared about their jobs, careers, marriages they plain and simply would not have acted like a bunch of horny teen-agers. Considering there are over 80 bars in Quincy were a dumb drunk male ( of either political party ) can make a male chauvinistic sexist racist ignorant fool of himself, why do it at work and blow your career.
Mr. Rogers, you need to look up the definition of a union. Better yet lets think for a minute, were they all fairly terminated as the city claims? Show us evidence. I think we'll leave it at that. You show a hint of ignorance when you don't educate yourself before making an uninformed post.
I guarentee you WHEN this infomartion becomes available to the public via the "freedom of information act" everyone will understand exactly why the city did what they did to the oversexed six!!!! Their only saving grace will be that the newspapers and media can't actually print or say the filth that these idiots exchanged via the city's computer system. It's not only the quantity it's the content and to put it mildly this stuff is absolute raunchy, perverted filth. I hate the thought of familes and friends of these losers having to hear the gross details but and I hope this all comes out so anyone still defending them will finally see what was really taking place on company time and the truth will actually be revealed once and for all. If I were Spring and Co. I would demand this stuff come out! That is the only way people will truly understand the reasoning behind the terminations!!!
SSSSOOOOO true, why don't they just get the details out and let people see what it actually was. If the city doesn't reveal it to the taxpayers people are forever going to be coming to their own conclusions and telling stories true or not. Let's see the guts of this thing and get on with it! From what I hear it is comparable to porn. What are we waiting on people??!! Share!
There were similar happenings in Florida where I moved from about two years ago. There were police officers suspended and eventually fired. Here is what the final ruling was. The women were given their jobs back and they were paid back pay. While all information wasn't released the basic understanding was that the city was wrong in the way they handled a personal matter. They targeted a select few and did not have the information or emails from others to show they were the only ones sending these emails. On a personal note, if you want to read the emails so badly your not far from the accusations your making towards the fired. If the job was getting done and there were no criminal actions taking place it should be handled on a personal level. That is why the city is back peddling.
Sounds like somebody got their feelings hurt. You seem to know a lot about what will be released. You must be one of Springer’s mafia. Please share what you want released but what you don't what families to see. You need to make up your mind and decide one way or the other. The other option is to get over it so all the losers that keep this alive will go away. Come on "fire" filter the garbage and "junk mail".
So you mean to tell me that as long as it wasn't "criminal" these people should have kept their jobs and what was going on never addressed! BULL@#$%! Think about that statement. Just because it wasn't criminal action does not mean their behavior needed to be allowed or tolerated. They got what they deserved. They all broke major rules and regulations that they were all aware exisisted. Every employer has rules, not just the city. These folks knew what they were doing was not allowed. You don't need an employee handbook to know it is not acceptable common sense should have kicked in at some point!
Could not agree more, I have been trying to gain employment in Quincy for over seven months now. I have two certifications in computers with over a decade of experience. Do you think I can get a job????? NOPE!
Either over qualified (ok that makes sense...not) or not qualified in the right area (so show me what button to push).
I'm always asked for references that live in Quincy, Why do I need to know anyone here to get a job?
I am however getting a nice collection of "Thanks but no thanks" letters from employers.
Thanks Quincy, your job market really knows how to help out its residents.
Hey Spring/Walker, here's a thought. The fireman that want to be "reinstated" after being canned. Make them pass the test required before a firefighter is initially hired. See if Oitker can pass the physical agility test and Dean pass the polygraph/lie detector. Not likely for either. The department has been through enough. Don't make us deal with these idiots again and trust them to help save ours lives if we need it.
Why won't those loser firefighters and their slut girlfriends just go away. They have already cost the city a bundle of money. Not to mention the bad rap they may have given to our remaining men in uniform who are for the most part
decent hard working men who actually love and respect their wives and children
I have seen the involved emails and the perverts that sent them should be happy that being fired was their only punishment. They should not be allowed to live among the general public, especially innocent children. The punishment failed to fit the crime in this situation. I can't imagine
the 2 fireman asking to be reinstated would actually be able to return to service where they would have to face coworkers who once considered them friends.
Here's an idea idiots. Quit worrying about the fireman and what they say and what they do and what they can pass or cant pass. They will have a hearing before someone other than a paid city puppet. I know one fireman won't come back even if the arbitrator says he can. Have been close to those that make up the department I can absolutely assure you they are far from decent people. They sit all day on the cities dime and then work on their days off taking money from hard working people trying to provide and insure their families. As for the physical and the lie detector, line up the ones still working and lets see what happens. I'm told there is no evidence on one and the other is going to be reinstated after the hearing. Slut girlfriends? I thought they were all still married. I hear one was pretty hot. Wish she would email me. Later losers. Get a life and quit hating.
Hot? In which country?
Sounds as if anonymous, 7/25/08 at 10:06pm is one of the losers that doesn't have the guts to take his job back if offered. They may all still be married but one of them is soon to be divorced. Everyone who knows the soon to be divorced
are still trying to figure out why a really good looking, intelligent
woman with a great personality would marry a big, dumb and ugly
jerk with no personality. Maybe it was a pity deal.
Oh let me speak on the soon to be divorcee’s be-half. I know the not made for each other couple and I can tell you, you have some major typos. Really good looking, intelligent, and great personality is a serious misprint. I could truthfully correct those misprints but I will leave her out of this and I don't think there needs to be much more said on that. Why would anybody want to work some place where they were railroaded in a massive publicity stunt by the city to convince the taxpayers this was in the best interest of the city? I can talk for hours about different city workers with equally boring stories and if put under a magnifying glass they would also be left out in the cold. The true idiots are the ones who believe an ounce of the accusations being made. There are some people out there who try to keep the story going but the reality of it all is that the accused have moved on and from what I can tell are very happy with their new paths. In the mean time I'll continue to enjoy the ridiculously uneducated posts from those who need the attention. “Big Dumb Ugly Jerk With No Personality". Now that is what I’m talking about. When the truth is boring make something up. I think I heard my niece say that about her neighbor friend the other day. She is six, need I say more?
I guarentee you WHEN this infomartion becomes available to the public via the "freedom of information act" everyone will understand exactly why the city did what they did to the oversexed six!!!! Their only saving grace will be that the newspapers and media can't actually print or say the filth that these idiots exchanged via the city's computer system. It's not only the quantity it's the content and to put it mildly this stuff is absolute raunchy, perverted filth. I hate the thought of familes and friends of these losers having to hear the gross details but and I hope this all comes out so anyone still defending them will finally see what was really taking place on company time and the truth will actually be revealed once and for all. If I were Spring and Co. I would demand this stuff come out! That is the only way people will truly understand the reasoning behind the terminations!!!
Yeah, I agree! But lets be fair unlike Springer, Inc. Lets go back to all the emails and internet usages and see reports on ALL the employees and not just the 6 that were fired. I think City Hall would be withouth staff if that could ever happen. Yes, what the 6 did was wrong but what was even worse was that everyone else got away with it. Oh, wait, I forgot we were talking about the City. If you are under Spring's umbrella then you are safe. Apparently the 6 fired did not do enough for him!!!!
It really doesn't matter what anyone else on the city payroll did or did not do. The sick six are guilty and deserved much more punishment than they received. Pointing out faults and wrongdoing in others will not diminish the flagrant breaking of rules these 6 committed. There are other communities they could locate to that may not know about the scandal
created in Quincy.
The three will be reinstated. Thank the Union.
I hear one won't take the job back IF offered. I hope there is a lynching by the union who helped pay to defend him if he doesn't take it back but there may be one if he actually goes back. Not a real popular guy with QFD.
Maybe the woman involved that was supposed to be proficient in computers kind of set them all up so her loser boyfriend would finally have to tell his wife so they could move on together. Kind of backfired when the firings began
I'm sure the one your referring to could give a crap what his co-workers think. I'm a retired firefighter and will leave it at that. I know everybody involved some better than others and let me tell you this is nothing compared to what has been going on in the city for years. I glance at this site from time to time and end up leaving due to the ridiculous posts I read. When I read how someone says they won’t be popular my first thought is to laugh. I worked with some real assholes and there are some still active. The average person doesn't realize there is a different fireman behind the closed doors. Its worse than old ladies at bingo night and I am not proud to say I was one. Listen; rip this post apart when I'm done but remember this. Most people could care less and the firehouse is included. There are a few who will have a problem with it and I would be willing to bet they have problems with most things. Good luck Local 63 with this fight. It’s not about the two firings and one demotion. It about the union staying strong and I hope these young members realize that. Let the city win this one and your all screwed. Quit beating these guys up on this website. They are paying for their mistakes much much more than anybody in the past and when and if they go back on the job they will continue to pay. Cut out the nonsense and lets see some encouragement.
Yes, unions are there to protect workers, but it would be sad if any union could or would help people with a blatant disregard for rules made for all to follow.
What anyone else in the past or currently doing has little or nothing to do with the three being judged now. These three have no feelings or compassion for anyone other than themselves. It's hard to imagine they were ever in a position to help or save anyone other than their own selfish butts.
Ok emotional attached. Save your feelings for the beauty shop. With regards to a union, past precedence is everything. What people did and are doing and how they were and are currently being dealt with is what has the aldermen's attention here. The city fathers have become extremely interested in this and while they never take action they may feel the push from the voting taxpayers when election year rolls around. How are you related to the accused "8/07/2008 04:12:00 PM".
This whole mess needs to be put to rest before information reveals the
sick six to be unfit to be around anyone except each other
Blah Blah Blah. How bout everybody get over it. The real losers are those who cant comment on anthing other than this crap. How about this, THE END!!!!!!
The END is close
Maybe the public will never quit hating. One would think the six perverts would at least try to keep out of the public eye instead of constantly showing up in every place in town with their boyfriend
and or girlfriend. God help the children thrown into the middle of this mess.
One anonymous post says they are paying for their mistakes. I have seen one of the infamous couples out and about many times enjoying
themselves. I guess they are in this mess they started together and
no one else wants to be associated with them
You should watch closer. I have seen them out as well. Why wouldn't they be? It looks to me like they could care less what the haters think. How about the ones who can't accept that unlike themselves they are actually happy and all the hype makes them stronger. Ha, I say go for it!!!
p.s. I would pay money to see the video of those two.
Looks like the noose is beginning to tighten for some.
Do you actually think any of the sick 6 learned anything from all of this? It appears that all six are going on with their lives as if nothing ever happened. Now at least 2 of them get rewarded with getting their jobs back. These people have affected the lives of every citizen in Quincy even if only indirectly. At least the biggest liar of all is being denied
the return of his job.
Isn't it time to stop referring to Dean as Lt Dean?
Interesting story you got here. I'd like to read more about this matter.
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