Have ya' read the story of Seatbelt Tickets in the City of Quincy?
You can read it here over at QuincyNews.
(Way to go Bobby G.)
If my calculations are correct:
Odds of getting a seltbelt ticket in.....
Decatur - 1/5000
Springfield - 1/1700
Quincy - 1/250
Wonder if the State offers grants to catch these people?
You are absolutely right, the primary role of the police is to protect the citizenry from criminals. A state program to protect local residents who don't wear seatbelts FROM THEMSELVES is nothing more than a waste of our tax dollars. As in most things involving the government, more money gets wasted on B.S. programs than functions that are essential to successfully running a city, county, state, or country.
Remember when they said "we will never pull you over for just not wearing your seatbelt"? (John Wood campus argument) That was after it first went into effect. Now it is the first reason to pull you over and then to search the car or do stupid human tricks on the side of the road before you blow. They can hide behind "it's the law" or "filling the city coffers" with money from seat belt and speeding tickets is not part of the agenda." I think it is clear what the agenda is from the the amount of tickets written compared to other cities where the citizens are not nearly as policed as we are.
OK ,
Here is my take . The City cuts the budget for QPD every year . Some how QPD has to pick up the short falls . They do this by GRANTS . These GRANTS equal a SHAKE DOWN of John Q Public.
The worst outcome of this is our DA's are finding it harder and harder to get a Jury that likes, believes , or trusts QPD.
Stop with the Grants. Start moving back to the QPD of old.
Used to be growing up folks would buy a beer for off duty QPD guys. Folks would wave to them , and they loved them.
Now with the grant money the GREAT OFFICERS we have , do not get the same treatment .
The short run of money is a DEATH BLOW in the 5 year run to real law enforcement .
My Lawyer didn't win my TRIAL , QPD lost it because frankly that entire JURY pool hated the cops .
Also it didn't hurt that "my cop" ..........well lets say he told his side and we rested .
Just another city jobs program.
I am going to start a local chapter of Seatbelts Anonymous. Maybe I could get the local gig as the person to be sent to for evaluation like Recovery Resource.
You could clean up if you expanded to include Sound Amplification Anonymous and School Zone 3 Miles Over The Speed Limit When There Aren't Even Any Children Around Anonymous
Well my Lawyer did have a "lil" to do with it .
I bet he had a couple of zeros behind it on his bill.
See that the dickheaded oracle has tagged you and the the Pundit as "Spring hatereds"
Too bad they don't owe their loyilitly to the city.
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