News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Most of the individuals who post here are some of the best and brightest. The opinions expressed here, while probably right and certainly smart, are their own, and are not necessarily reviewed in advance by anyone but the individual author. Sometimes, the author is audacious and decides to post an opinion without a buddy reviewing it, and at other times, he/she may seek counsel of a friend. Regardless, these opinions do not necessarily reflect the view of Quincy Fire or any other person or company. Quincy Fire might agree with them - or might not.
Great guy ........
Even if the guy hadn't done everything he did for the YMCA, QU, QHS and youth sports in general, he introduced Quincy to the Quarter Pounder with Cheese and the best fries in the world.
He used to run a McDonalds special, in the late 70's, for Hawk basketball, Hawks win by 10, a free soda, Hawks by 20, free soda and fries, Hawks by 30, free soda, fries , and burger! I remember, after a few QC blowouts, everyone would be at McDonalds, including players! What great times, he will be missed!
I will have a quarter pounder today in honor of Dick.
Too bad it took 20 minutes for me get a freakin SALAD at 13th & Broadway yesterday. I made a scene...if you were there, you know who I am.
this is in honor of a man who helped make Quincy great, why don't you recognize that and keep the problem between you and management. If you don't like the service, go elsewhere or make a salad at home
You have just proved yourself to be a TOTAL ass.
Thanks for the good post, Fire. Indeed....
Does bg like his salad tossed?
You are a hero!
Walk into Micky D's on a day when they lost their founder and bitch about a freakin' salad.
What did you do after that?
Slide over to the Vets Home and bitch about the time it takes to cross the street?
Uh huh. Because I'm sure all the 18 year olds were just bawling away when they made bg's salad.
You guys are just mad he posted something negative on a positive spin.
thanks man for making quincians so flabby! what a great way to be remembered!
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