When asked how long it will take for a decision, Palmer said, "Hopefully within the near future."
The three firefighters, all men, will be paid more than $50,000 combined while on administrative leave before the investigation is finished.
Good Job RH on keeping us informed.
just don't decide on Valentine's day , that shit would be just wrong !
Be Mine : ps your fired
It's the Holidays ya'll the Holidays
Hey RH you did a good job with the guys but do you really want us to believe the figure you had printed for the overtime used to cover these three men. This is easy, take the total spent on the men and add time and a half. They say they have only had to fill these spots from time to time but let’s be serious here. You can get that information the same as I can and I would be willing to bet the city has easily paid guys to work extra at least half the time. Serious money being spent on this investigation. Let’s go a step further, when these men get fired, and I hear they will, and get their jobs back, and I hear they will the city will be well into the red. One more step and you have probable wrongful suits. People lets be realistic. All of this over e-mails. Rumors run wild but facts are facts. Lets hear them.
Hey 8:38,
Couldn't agree with you more. The City has well spent over $100,000.00 on this and it keeps going up, up, up! What has the City really proved through all of this? Ridiculous! They said it all started with a complaint from a supervisor and an investigation ensued. BS! Do you know how many complaints come into Department Heads or the Mayor's office weekly? I'm sure they get much more serious complaints than using email for personal use.
I would hope by the end of the week, this has taken far too long.
A decision by the city doesn't mean the end of this. Past history shows this is long from over in time and dollars. The mayor may have taken a bigger bite than he can swallow.
come on people, it was more than just personal emails. yeah I know this is Quincy, but still all this expense just over that?
don't be ridiculous. they were naughty
Who said they were "naughty"? What did they do? No one knows.
they used video cameras for their naughtiness and adultery
I see. And what does that have to do with computers? Where do you come by your information?
"Naughty"? Nice word petafile. Everything I have read stated computers were misused by means of email. I would like to see the city email policy. Can anybody post that or provide a link to view this. I would be willing to bet that there were more than six people that have misused or violated that policy. Listen to this! I heard that there was a commissioner that seemed to have a hard time staying awake during this city hearing / dog and pony show earlier in the week. If my job and family's future was on the line I would be a little upset. I don’t know who the commissioners are but I would like to know why one of them was so bored with this hearing that they had to rest for a while. At least give the guys a little respect before you fire them. Truly Unbelievable.
Everyone is spulating and all have opinions. I think the powers that be were looking for something, then stumbled across this minor email bebacle and had to do something to justify the original search. The person who filed the original complaint should have the balls to come forward & admit their mistake. Sounds like something a kid does, when it looks like trouble for them, they create a situation to put the spotlight on another. Grow up already
Dear Naughty,
You don't sound too intelligent. If you had any wisdom at all, you would have some backing to your "video camera" allegations. Ya gotta love gossip.
The City screwed up and the tax payers are the ones to pay for their poor judgment.
The three girls did not deserve to be fired as the crime certainly did not fit the punishment. The three guys careers are up in the air. This whole thing is nothing but a a group of Leaders playing with peoples lives, and at who's expense? Not their's. A slap on the hand would have been sufficient enough. The six would have their careers that they've worked years at, and the tax payers would be a lot wealthier. It's just funny that during budget time every year, severe budget cuts are made. I guess it's so they can throw away money like they are now!
The City of Quincy powers that be are a friggin joke and this mess proves it!!! What a waste of time and $$$ for all involved (except the lawyers) not to mention the embarressment all involved and their families have had to endure. They already lost 3 employees on this #$%& up and now stand to lose 3 good fireman. None of what they did had any bearing on whether they could do their jobs or not! Slap them on the wrist in the chiefs office and and get on with life!! These are three men who are more than qualified to serve and protect our city. There are thousands of $$$$ invested in all of them and they have the promotions behind them to prove what kind of firefighters they are. It would cost big bucks to replace these guys not to mention the trainings bringing in a new guy would cost! Hasn't Quincy tax payers paid enough for this political screw up! Get these guys back on the trucks and move on to more important things! Like replacing our Board of Police and Fire Commisioners. Wouldn't it be smart to get a qualified group in that area in the unfortunate event something like this ever happens again. Obviously these jokers aren't qualified to handle such a situation and can't make a decision in less than 4 months.
starting to sound like a spin control for the jobs here.
FOIA will explain a lot !!!
FOIA would explain a lot to people who don't have any business knowing. What I have run into in the past was that due to this being a personal issue this information will never be released. I have seen lawsuits come from this type of information being released. What good really comes of it? The people were disciplined and fired; now you want to air their business for all to see. I just think it's wrong. If we want this information then let’s also ask for emails and inet usage records from all city workers. Let’s get cell phone and land line records and have our own trial for these six, which is basically what you’re doing, and see just how different the rest of the city is compared to these six. Understand you have to have a credible reason for requesting these emails and depending on whose family will be affected will determine if you actually get anything.
I am amazed at the stupidity shown by some people on here. These city employees obviously did something that put their jobs on the line. Yet, to listen to some of the mental defects on here, they did nothing more than send a harmless email or two. Give me a friggin break. Are you people really that naive? Whether or not you're a conspiracy theorist, have a bone to pick with city hall, or are best friends with one of these employees, try to use the common sense that god gave you and realize that what these people did goes well beyond a few harmless emails.
"Whether or not you're a conspiracy theorist, have a bone to pick with city hall, or are best friends with one of these employees, try to use the common sense that god gave you and realize that what these people did goes well beyond a few harmless emails."
We're pretty sure is WAS . i think the email thing was a NICE "catch all" , that would not hurt them in pursuit of other jobs .
If i was a betting man I would say using the email and the hell that has broken loose post that , is an unintended action.
Dearest 12:13,
I'm amazed at the stupidity of you. There are people that actually know what they are talking about on this blog. You apparently are not familiar with the ways of City Government. Get educated and you will be able to know which posts are factual and which are not.
I can understand you having a hard time thinking that it has to be more than just emails and phone use. Listen to what Cheapseats had to say. That poster knows what they are talking about. Sounds like an experienced voice. Thanks Cheapseats, you always make common sensical posts.
I am JUST PISSED that even begging won't get Fire's identity out of a certain Whigger
Cheap Seats talks out of his Butt Cheeks.
"FOIA would explain a lot to people who don't have any business knowing. What I have run into in the past was that due to this being a personal issue this information will never be released. I have seen lawsuits come from this type of information being released."
If it is only simple e-mails and phone messages, then why not release them?
He made sense?
No drug testing at work huh?
"I can understand you having a hard time thinking that it has to be more than just emails and phone use."
I do. I bet 80% of the workforce that has access to a computer is guilty of "personal use". Why were just these 6 picked out of the entire city workforce? 3-Male 3-Female sound stange, or just coincidence?
"You apparently are not familiar with the ways of City Government."
I am familiar with state employment laws. The first three have applied for unemployment and were denied because the city had just cause. If these harmless e-mails are all that happened and everyone at city hall does the exact same practice, I should expect to see a huge lawsuit in the near future.
You seem to be on damage control posting here and trying to protect someone or the bunch.
tookie....identity = CHIP
That is one of the Tookie's ......
There are ALWAYS more
Tookie is the only one whose identity I have figured out. Well, beside UMR.
Anonymous said...
Tookie is the only one whose identity I have figured out. Well, beside UMR.
1/30/2008 01:25:00 PM
Hey Mr Brains : Rodney Hart is Funion it says so on his blog !
Oracle doesn't hide much !
U/G is outted more ways than one
Senor been out for years
Don't feel like the lone ranger ! Pisses me off not knowing , esp when some Young Whigger says she knows BUT refuses to tell
Young whigger? I am getting to be an old woman. If Fire wants you to know, he/she will tell you. (I assume.) Please, no threats.
Just bring my damn pen tonight . Then we may not waterboard you.
Even though I vote for waterboarding !
28 is still a PUPPY
it's jimmy scholz damnit. how many times do i need to say it. Cats out of the bag now.
02:23:00 PM
What the fuck makes you think I even look at Funions blog. I can see his shit in the Herald Rag.
It's not like I have been looking at these things very long and Tookie and Fire are about the only ones I ever look at. Oracle on occasion and UMR on occasion. That's about it.
I look at Tookies for the entertainment value and Fires I post on occasionally. I am in a position at work where I cannot voice my opinion around the community about community affairs or I will be slicing my own throat. In other words, I have to act like I can take no sides and I am on everyones side. Kind of sucks, but gotta do what I gotta do!
Who the F*ck is Jimmy Scholz ????
tookie is not chip...fire is I believe
One tookie sometimes goes by "Chip"
others do not , but they might just know a Chip
One tookie may also go by Gates
I can 100% tell you there are ZERO Gate's
But I do know some of them . Great people !
Tookie, you too are a great person.
No Great people are the Ole Skool type like Anne Mays ( I did scrape their windows tonight )
Bob and Anne , the Black family , Knap , maybe some Gates's , the Lindsey's
If one gets the chance to meet a Gardner .......
We are blessed to have folks around here . Some of us Web Warriors may be jaded at the Nepo machine but Quincy has made some GREAT people .
Hell look at the Scholz's as a whole !
UMR is a pretty damn cool guy if you know him ( he's a mfer as a YMCA baseball coach ...thinks we're all to be Dominicans )
It's not that bad of a town , we just need to wake up from TAO's slumber .
Some how the last 6 months the Whig is waking up on it's own .
Thank god for Funion and JL Sachs
tookie=bob gough
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