Interesting Letter in the QHW Wed night.
A pro-smoking ban reader writes in and expresses his opinion on smoking bans. Several "false" and hypothetical facts are stated and lead the readers to believe that his opinion is the correct one. Let me help "clear the air".
First, If there is evidence of businesses NOT suffering from a smoking ban, PLEASE post it here. I have posted several links here and will do the same if opposing sites are found.
Second, Give the "it's for the children" a break. Last time I was in a tavern, the drinking age was still 21. This argument is getting a little old and fails to support of whats good for the tavern owners.
Third. It's stated that "smokers will still go to taverns even with the smoking ordinance". How do you know? What great vision you must have to lead the small business owners in this city to trust a statement like that. How about putting your money in what your article states? How about you personally guaranteeing each and every tavern and restaurant owner to cover their losses during a smoking ban based on your theory? Checkbook handy?
Forth. Non smokers will be tempted to patronize non-smoking places? I doubt it. I can almost guarantee it. What you fail to see (or experience) is that a lot of neighborhood taverns have daily repeating customers. Your semi-annual trip to the tavern to visit will not make up a fraction of the business they will lose. If you think Quincy will support a non-smoking tavern, please feel free to open one yourself. Seems like you can pretty much forecast the future for everyone based on your article. There's a vacent building just north of the railroad tracks on North 24th thats just the right location for you.
Best wishes and I look for your Grand Opening !!
( I try to cover the "choice" issue later)
Crazy thought, but let me get this straight, we are arguing about smoking in bars.
The purpose of a bar is to serve drinks and serve fried food. Now I think the majority of individuals drive to and from the bar. Sure, there are a few people who may walk, but the majority drive. I wonder if smoking should take the back seat to drinking and driving? Which is more dangerous to the community?
If we really analyze this thing, drunk driving is much more dangerous to the city then smoking.
True Mr Rocky
It also has been proven that talking on your cell phone is just as impaired as DUI.
Why should we be discussing anything of this magatitude with addicted people. It’s obvious they can not make a rational decision because they are not objective. They are under the influence of their addiction. Smokers are not smart or else they would not smoke. They are rude because they do not care about anyone else. They are inconsiderate and litter our community with their filth. Then they get on here and try to justify their “right” to smoke by comparing it to alcohol, fat foods, cell phones or what ever. My consumption of alcohol while sitting next to someone doesn’t affect that person who might only want a glass of water. But the smoking crowd can’t seem to get it. But, then again they are ADDICTED!!!
I agree, addictd people will minimize, rationalize, BSize to no earthly end!
Ever watch "Intervention" on A & E?
It's really a selfishness issue, plain and simple. As anyone in the know will tell you, the core issue of the addicted personality is the exaggerated sense of self, selfishness (AA's Big Book "self will run riot). The addicted care only of themselves, they are fundamenatlly incapable of sharing, showing empathy, or even basic consideration, for that matter.
At the council meeting, what did you see? A bunch of pub owners who pander to the addicted, including the Quincy atty who spoke on their behalf. As the addicted go, so they go as well. Their own livlihoods are threatnened if they can not spoon feed the addicted. So they care nothing about the health of others. They put their own interests above everyone else's health, including children. But they can do nothing else, for they are incapable of taking any one else's perspective.
Smokers are like a bunch of big babies, kids who never grew up. Try to restict their smoking, and all the sudden they start crying, bitching, pissing, and maoning all over the places, throwing fits. A lot like a 2 year old child throwing a temper tantrum when he/she can't get wants he wants from the adult supervision present.
Kinda like the pub-owners (pro-smoking lobby/goons), anytime adult supervision is required in their pubs, they have to call the police.
Smokers, think of the anti-smoking crowd(ACHD, Lung Assoc, etc) as the adult supervision you obviously need in your lives.
Here goes the f'in CHILDREN stories again.
also quit posting then patting yourself on the next post a hole.
Screw you, go get yourself a case of beer and a Tombstone pizza, then line up and kiss F. Donald's ass with the rest of the pub crawlers.
Fire, this blog is getting to be about as relevant as the idiot that has bitched for years about QNI! Find some other things to bitch about, hopefully something I agree with you on next time! LOL
like oricale ??
You have to give the girls over at the Boracle some slack. They both have overpaid jobs they cannot possibly replace in the real world that their Daddies got for them.
It is their duty, dare I say their means of survival, to blindly follow whatever any dumbass democrat says or does...that and they have allot of free time at work.
Screw'em all FIRE !
Let the smoke free asshole piss and moan, call the bar patrons names and cry "it's for the children".
When their favorite bar or restaurant closes down, we'll hear then whine "What Happened?"
Businesses will vanish into clean air...
People who support a smoking ban are fucking idiots.
Who goes to a bar for a glass of water? If you do... you are an idiot and a pussy. Get drunk or go to church... but leave those that like to enjoy themselve occasionally the fuck alone.
How bout this? Restaurants and bars smoke free, night clubs:smoke em if ya got em? How's that, Senor, will you work with a mf'er on that, you bastard?
Play ball with me, Senor. You just pissed cause if you smoke in any S-field joint, they'll kick you out on your scrawny ass.
You get your bitch ass off this blog! LOL
Just kiden, Senor, you aint queer!
The state is going to ban smoking, looks like, so screw you, hillbily pub owners!
Wish the state would ban dickheads like 8:52.
Don't ask the state to do what you can't do for yourself, you little bitch. Lets get together and discuss this in person, you panty-waist. Or can't you break away from your cigs & booze long enough?
Grow up!
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