Waltrip using a fuel additive.
Gordon's car too low.
On another note, Wal-Mart will be empty Sunday from 1pm until 5pm for the Daytona 500.
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Wal-Mart is NEVER empty! Go out there at midnight, anynight, and it's White Trash R US.
I just hope Tony Stewart doesn't win, that asshole! Go Carl Edwards, the pride of Columbia, MO!
That's the whole original spirit of NASCAR, shine runnin an gettin over on the man! If you're not cheatin, you're not tryin! Doin what you have to to win!
Trust me, white trash will be home watching the race !
Some trash will be at the Race , but the rest will be at home slurping cheap Bud products like Nat Lite and cursing their wives !
Today will see a huge influx of "Calvin pissing on auto symbols"
Is at the Race !
I am sure of the following :
1. a trip to hooters
2. large consumptions of Busch Light
3. some sort of red neckish convo about simple things ( see County song lyrics)
Maybe like the Wise and Worldly David Allen Coe said " Momma , trains, pick ups, getting drunk, trashmen , jail , SO DEE, rain , hot wings , and insert whatever stupid hot issue here"
You forgot a Tombstone Pizza. How could you?
Anyway, to settle the story, was at Walmart at 1:40 p.m. yesterday, it was PACKED FULL of WHITE-TRASH!
Got home in time for the race, what a finish? To quote ESPN, going over the finish line upside down on fire in the Jack Daniels car brings back old time NASCAR. The Chitwood bros would be proud!
only eats jack's Pizza ( 3 for $4)
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