The Southern.com had a good article on the true profits Ameren is making.
Whats your guess on the outcome of todays hearings?
News from Quincy That Burns Your Ass...
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Big utility will grease the politicians, and old Sully & Tracy will come up with a clever excuse as to why they whored for em.
My price-per-kilowat went from .069 to .100
I used 1/2 as much 'lectric as I did MTD last year but my bill was $20 less. Go figure.
I remember, yrs ago, a client of mine telling me, "I can pay my electric bill long as my wife doesn't run the dryer". I remember thinking, how pathetic!
Now, I can pay the electric bill as long as I don't run the dryer. LOL
Can you imagine how much gasoline will go up, if Bush even drops one hand grenade on Iran, let alone the massive air strikes he is undoubtedly planning? No day trips for me this spring & summer.
Sullivan has recieved money from Ameren ever since he was elected. Clearly he is in the pockets of Big Electricity!
That bastard!
The QHW only seems to ask Jil Tracy about the rate increase. Where's Sullivan? Under his desk? Under Emil's desk more likely.
The only reason rates jumped so much is that 10 years ago politicians froze rate increases at an unrealistic level. Now that the bill has sunset and energy companies are once again charging what they need to, the same politicians are wondering why there was a sudden increase. They'll probably pass another rate increase freeze bill and then go through the same brouhaha in 2017.
charging what they need to??
WTF? They made like 600 million dollars last year. That don't sound like bankrupt to me. Maybe be if they didn't spend all the profits on greasing politicial officials we wouldn't need more rate increases.
Fucking whores, Ameren & the politicians, they're all whores.
More Ameren Crap
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