Smoking Ban Grades
Grade: D
KHQA - Pro-smoking Ban coverage
Grade: D
QHW - Pro-smokin Ban Article
Grade: C-
Glenn Bemis – Explained the chambers stance on the issue. Let the business owners decide which direction the business will take it. 50 businesses in Adams Co. that are smoke free.
Grade: A
Dr. Kathryn Arrambide, MD– Most of the information well known and can easily be found on the web. Stats. Stats. More Stats. Just guess coming from a Dr. makes it sound better. Read prepared stats from sheets. You can find equal contradicting information on web also. Did differ with Smoke free Coalition on taverns !! Hospitals and children locations need banned.
Grade: C+
Iris Nelson – Could only hear about 1 out of 25 words she said. Quincy making choices for Quincy?? She presented council with what to appeared as a life-sized Hallmark card full of signatures with about a total of 30 names in 2” font.
Grade: Incomplete
Mary Kallner – Touching stories about family members who have died from smoking. Seems like she’s on a personal vengeance rather than seeing the big picture of economic damage it will do. Says “it’s for the children”. (no children in bars) Said would like to see restaurants ban smoking, but does not go out for drinks so that would not bother her. Restruants, children's places, but no good reason for taverns. Would like to see smoking banned altogether, but will take “anything they can get”
Grade: D
Interruption: City Councils microphone support breaks.
Grade: F
Kathy Drea – Hired Gun brought in from
Grade: F
Steve Riedl- No Show. Jim Perry presented council a stack of petitions opposing the smoking ban.
Grade: Incomplete
Don Heck – Shot from the hip. Only person who stood up for the bar business. He knows what a smoking ban will do to the bar and tavern owners from their side of the business. Most alderman were sitting up in their chairs and listening when he spoke. He also covered both sides of the issue.
Grade: A+
As someone who enjoys a fine cigar. At some point, the distinction between cigars and cigarettes has to be made clear, because being inextricably linked together by default is a no-win situation.
It has to be more widely publicized that the difference in the cancer risk, according to the American Cancer Society, of a non-smoker and a cigar smoker is statistically negligible: 1.00 vs 1.02, while a cigarette smoker's risk is assigned a 2.45!
A cigar burns at about one-quarter the temperature that a cigarette burns at, thus expelling much, much less in the way of carcinogenic gases.
A cigar smoker DOES NOT INHALE THE SMOKE; and with all the draconian smoking laws already in place, no one else is getting exposed to it second hand, either.
The list of businesses does not include numerous professional businesses.
As someone who works in a professional enviroment, we went smoke-free a number of years ago and there might be 1 person a year who asks if they can smoke.
Also, out of the office staff of 20, we have no one that lights up now, so the transition was a nonevent.
Revised grades:
Bemis - F (killing people with 2nd hand smoke is good for business?)
Drea - A (put the ban in, or the city will get sued)
Blessing oncologist - A
Heck - F (if you put the ban in , the bars will close. Hooray!)
Flunky from the other vice association - D- (No show, no guts no glory )
Some people believe that laying on your parent's couch with no pants on while putting lipstick on your ass eating Cheetos with a big ass spoon
watching Hannah Montana is a vice too. But nobody is trying to pass a city ordinance denying you your
Pub owners mob that presented at the meeting: F
Please, you all, take showers before the next meeting. Please.
Also, the Dr. from Blessing could have maybe set you all up with appointments for your smokers hacks, which were heard clearly throughout the entire meeting.
And, Spring had to smack you down on one occasion, behave yourselves! The city council meeting isn't held in a 5th Street tavern, show some respect next time.
Ay, when that's done, it's done in pvt! And besides, it's Doritos, not Cheetos.
And the cable co dropped my Hannah Barbanah!
Ay, when that's done, it's done in pvt!
But the childrens! What bout the kids?
Make you a deal, Nancy. You stay outta my bar and I'll stay outta your parent's basement.
You forgot to grade the aldermen.
What bar do you own, Swetty Betty, I'll stop in, and we can discuss ways you could make a living without pandering to people's, or should I say sheeple's, vices.
My guess is it is on 5th St.
Fire, you forgot to grade the 3 uniformed QPD officers it took for "crowd control" for the pub owners mob.
Does it always cost the city overtime to pay for QPD officers to work crowd control when pub owners congregate? Think of how much it way save the city money if these shabby pubs were shut down, not having to pay police to clean up fights, murders ( quite a few around 10th St, all in one year, a while back). I see , can't have these wonderful pubs closing down, with all 2nd hand smoke,underage drinking, stabbings, murders, and shootings taking place in pubs. No siree, we don't want to loose commerce, not when we have such fine, reputable establishments such as pubs that provide us with murders, stabbings, assaults, DUI offenders, children being orphaned due to parents being in taverns all the time.
Other industries may come and go (they used to make TV's here once, didn't they, amongst other things, remember the early 80's), but for God's sake we have to protect the "pub crawling" industry and all the good things it brings to this city!
What a dick.
Not everyone can be as perfect as you.
Was Hitler in your family tree?
No, but why is such a big deal the the "pub" industry is threatnend. All you ever hear about with the pubs is all the problems they cause.
I'll quote F. Donald Heck loosely, at the meeting he said people may end up buying a tombstone pizza and a 12 pack and going home with em. What's wrong with that? Good idea, F. Donald! If they want to socialize, let them go to each others homes and drink, smoke, and eat their Tombstone Pizza's (which may be banned also, for trans fat content).
Maybe the pub owners could open up conveniance stores, if they have to close their precious pubs.
What I want to know is, who's gonna pay when the city gets sued by some ambulance chaser lawyer (F. Donald-type)to pay for someone's lung transplant? Will it be you, with your pissy-ass 5th St. tavern? Will the Abbey, or Kiegers, or Fridays pay? Hell no, it'll be on the backs of the tax payers of the city to pay when some butt sucker sues the city after sitting in a tavern smoking and drinkeing all his god -@#$@ed life.
You should have spoken in favor of the smoking Tali-Ban at the council meeting. You have with words way. DUMBASS!
Have you ever been to a pub? Come on in sometime, I can hook you up with someone who will help you with puttin that lipstick on your ass. He'll bring the cigs.
Just save some of your cig money & instead buy soap, deodorant, and pay your water bill, you pub owning scum. & for God's sake use it when the ban smoking in bars. Bar scum, what are are we gonna do with ya?
most bar scum I know works at _____ ______ !
Teet suckers
What big net muscles everyone has here!
Here's an idea. Ask your mommy for a few bucks, pry your ass of the couch, and hoof it on down to the local tavern. Walk in and voice your opinion as you have here.
You will be happy Quincy's finest will be there ASAP to help remove the barstool from your ass.
I mean, If your gonna be a REAL MAN, why not walk into the Lion's Den and prove it ??
A pub is a good place to find someone who might want to bathe with you also.
I can hook you up. He'll even help get that hard to reach lipstick off your ass. And those annoying orange fingers you will get sharing your Dorritos with him.
You've got to be kidding me. Pubs create violence? I tend to think people would be hitting and stabbing one another, regardless of whether or not Hooey's is open.
As for all of our rabid anti-smoking people...you know what else kills? Driving. There are plenty of horrible drivers out there, endangering you and your children each and every day!
I propose we enact a city ordinance immediately, banning all motorized vehicles inside the city limits. Lives are at stake here, people!
You've got to be kidding me. Pubs create violence? I tend to think people would be hitting and stabbing one another, regardless of whether or not Hooey's is open.
As for all of our rabid anti-smoking people...you know what else kills? Driving. There are plenty of horrible drivers out there, endangering you and your children each and every day!
I propose we enact a city ordinance immediately, banning all motorized vehicles inside the city limits. Lives are at stake here, people!
Don't bad mouth Hooey's, you jerk. Best Mexican in town, Yo will hook you up.
And I have voiced my opinion in bars, and no one got upset. Seeems the pub crawlers have better manners than you al "owners decide " bloggers.
And you are wrong about the couch, lipstick, cheetos, and Hannah Barabarah. And I'm not getting defensive about it, and would admit it if if I were, but it's just somethin that I'm not into. But if the weather stays cold & things get even more boring ......
What occasioned you to walk into a bar and voice your puritan position? Did you stand up and tell everyone they were wife beating, patron stabbing absentee parents? They were cool with that?
Also, what the fuck were you doing in a tavern? Does that mean you are unwashed and a drag on society... or doesn't that assessment count when it's you in bar?
I have never seen such ignorant comments in my life regarding an issue of health and just simple manners. Only a moron argues that smoking is good for you or has no ill effects or those near by. What this community needs is for all non-smokers to stay away from the smoking places for one night and show the impact we can have. The bar owners always cater to the smokers and yet most patrons are non smokers. The smokers cause more maintenance due to the smoke. Clean air will come! Soon I hope.
Senor, we just hade a dude kill a gal at a 5th St tavern, we had a dude shoot another guy dead at 10& Washington, A guy stomped a dude to death at 10 th & Hampshire a couple of years back, the owners of a club on Main st beat a brother down, they had it on video tape. We don't have classy joints over here like yo do in Springfield, they're all "knife and gun clubs" here. Come out we me sometime, I'll take you on a slum bar tour in Quincy. Bring your kevlar vest.
What this community needs is for all non-smokers to stay away from the smoking places for one night and show the impact we can have
Make it a year. We want to get some good numbers.
most patrons are non smokers
Where is this ?
Never Never land ??
"I'll take you on a slum bar tour in Quincy. Bring your kevlar vest."
HUH???? I've probably been in every bar in this town at one time or another!! Especially those with pool tables. Granted there are some that I don't frequent but that is because I have places I enjoy more than others. Can't say that I have ever fealt threatened???
What kind of behavior are you performing in these places that would cause you to have to wear a "kevlar vest"????? Just curious?
Now Spr is another beast all together. I've fealt a little threatened in a couple bars just east of the railroad tracks.
p.s. Applebee's is definately off my list of places now. Can't even sit at the bar, have a drink, and smoke a cigar.
p.s.s. Better head back down to Isa's and get me one of those famous cheesburgers. I'm sure they'll let me burn a stogie in there!
You mow-ron. Everyone knows you git the Tenderloins at Isa's.
Seriously,even Mayor Scholz, at the time, addressed the murders/violence that piggy-backed at the taverns a few ears ago. And I not saying I'm a strange in the pubs, it's just that I don't like to see the pub owners stand in the way of public health concerns (pictures of health that they are!).
Waht's your favorite slum bar? Mine is 10th and Maine.
What's everone doing tonight? On F. Donald's advice, I'm getting a case of beer, a Tombstone pizza, and a pack of 00's, and going home.
Just heard the mayor on Mary Griffith
talking about the proposed smoking ban. After the central services family members called in to tell him what a fine job and hard workers they are, Spring took no position on the smoking ban. He said they are listening to everyone. No balls.
You all ned to get a case of beer, a bottle of SO DEE, a Tombstone Pizza, and a pack of Benson and Hedges, and go have a party. I here that's the thing to do now days!
Yes, needed items for this weekend: Cigarettes, case of beer, Tombstone Pizza, SO DEE pop, lipstick, Cheetos, Hannah Babannah videos, hotel room, shaved monkey, people to have com-wad-a-wee with.
Great letter in today's Whig
I’m a smoker and I don’t like to eat
in a smoke-filled room either, but banning smoking in restaurants and bars is not the business of the anti-smoking crowd and especially not government’s business. It’s called personal freedom to run a
business as a free American wants to
run his business. Tobacco is a legal substance and the Constitution guarantees an individual’s right to be “secure in their persons ... and effects.” (Fourth Amendment) In other words, an individual
has the right to be secure in their
personally owned private business andrun it as he sees fit. A citizen doesn’t have a constitutional right to go into a private business, but is being invited in by the business owner. If you don’t like a restaurant that allows smoking, then
don’t go to that restaurant and if you don’t like working in a business that allows smoking, then don’t work there. The anti-smoking peiople and government have no right to tell a business owner how to run his business. It’s called freedom.
What’s next? The animal rights
crowd will demand that no meat be
served in restaurants and the anti-alcohol crowd will demand that no alcohol be served? The anti-smoking crowd can lobby the restaurant owners not to allow smoking in their businesses, which is fine with me, but these same
people don’t have a right to tell restaurant and bar owners to ban smoking by the force of a dictatorial fiat. Those tactics
are un-American and as far as I’m
concerned unconstitutional.
You may applaud these people’s
efforts now, but wait until they come after you or your business and autocratically demand that you do something that you don’t want to do. Individual freedom is too precious to allow groups or government to dictate how you live your life and run your business. Government and busybody liberals are slowly eroding our personal and constitutional
freedoms and we are allowing
them to do it. America better wake up.
Phil Featheringill
What's with this right wing nutjob that keeps writing to the Whig. He's a nut. He says support bush and warrentless wiretaps and any other other infringement on our liberty. Then he bitches about anti smoking laws. make your mind up Phil. Do you want government looking out for you or not. One other thing Phil. It's the Democrats on the City Council that have stopped smoking bans each time it's come up. What the hell are you waiting for with your horseshit letters anyway. A medal from Dick cheney and Karl Rove. They got troubles of their own now.
Phil, just get a case of beer and a Tombstone pizza........
A recent study from the American Cancer Society reports cancer deaths are on a downward spiral.
But the number of cancer cases diagnosed in the Gem City are higher than the national average.
Dr. Raymond Smith, Director, Medical Oncology Blessing Cancer Center said, "There is no shortage of theories. We're a farming community. Dr. Childris has been very active in trying to identify reasons why we're downstream of certain toxins and radioactive elements that may have come in this area."
"Lung Lady" from Springfield will tell you it's from second hand smoke.
Lung Lady looked pretty good, though. I'd do her.
"The Govt shouldn't tell you what to do!" That's right, I agree.
Now, if you'll excuse me , I have to get in my emission-controlled car, put my seat-belt on, drive 20 mph through the school zone, pick up a hunting and fishing licence that tells me exactly when and where I can fish and hunt, go to Home Depot to pick up smoke and carbon monoxide dectors, park in a non-handicap space, and pay the appropriate taxes on the items.
"Smoking is something that is clearly deadly, not just for the people that choose to do it but for the people around them as well," said Lance Armstrong, who has been a member of the anti-smoking panel since 2002.
If Lance said it, it must be true and relevant. Who would argue with Lance, our beloved Amrican Hero?
Ban smoking in public places in Quincy, in the name of Lance! For God's sake!
You cain't smoke around the play equipment in the parks now! Hooray for our side, another victory!
And don't let them catch your dog crappin there, either. Cig smoke is lumped in with dog shit, what's that tell ya, you idots?
What's that tell me?
If dog poop and smoking is a victory for you, you need a life, buddy.
See the article on WGEM about outside air quality ? What you gonna do about that ?
When you call someone an idiot, at least spell it right, you fucking IDIOT.
That's a victoy for all of us, you asshole! Is that spelled right?
Go to "Beer City" or "Ports" and smoke you ass off and die! And feel free to step in some dog shit on the way out.
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