Thursday, November 09, 2006

NO SH*T ????

British Man Injured After Lighting Firecracker in Buttocks

LONDON — A 22-year-old man suffered internal injuries after lighting a small firecracker he had inserted into his buttocks, paramedics said Thursday.

Ya can't make this stuff up..........


Anonymous said...

That pic is how I feel ! Two mother F***ing days in a row QPD has run my plates while I am driving to work .

I really wanted to follow the "officer" and give him my info so he can POST it at HQ . There are no warrents and everything is up to date.

I guess I need to trade in the Nazi ride and get a hooptie so they leave me in peace. It goes to show if you rag on QPD and their " $ grubbing ways " , they will sooner or later find a reason to pull you over.

What chaffes my ass is there is ZERO reason nor cause to run my plates. To me this is a violation of civil rights ( even though the Repubs have erroded those pretty much ) . I have a new car with proper plates , stickers , seat belt on , and driving 30 mph .

WHAT F***ing reason does Barney Fife have for running my plates ? If he wants to f*CK me , maybe he should call me and ask me to dinner.

UMRBlog said...

His troubles are all behind him!

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