It's the Local Dem machine feeling around for that last dime of yours from just voting for a tax increase.
Finish This:
City Alderman and the Mayor will save the taxpayers money by....
The city would make enough money to cover the bond repayments for 50 and provide power for city services and residents. Repaying the bonds could cost $2.6 if one plant was built and $8.5 million if three plants were built.
"When we looked at this in 1983, there wasn't the public support for it," Klingner said. "Now we have interest from the utilities to buy power from us. We looked at windpower, but the utilities weren't interested and that's why it wasn't feasible."
Repaying the bonds over a 50 year period would cut into the gross revenues, which could reach $13 million annually.
Each plant will has $675,000 in operational, management and maintenance costs built in. Alderman Steve Duesterhaus, (D-2nd Ward), asked if the hydropower plants would be a major permanent job creator for the city, besides the jobs created in building the facilities.
"I don't think it's too soon to talk about how we hold this asset," Duesterhaus said.
“Those two (Clarksville and Winfield) have even greater potential because they have much more drop (in water elevation) than the ones we’ve been entertaining,” he said. That could translate into even more production of electricity.
What, then, is ethics?
Ethics is two things. First, ethics refers to well based standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Ethics, for example, refers to those standards that impose the reasonable obligations to refrain from rape, stealing, murder, assault, slander, and fraud. Ethical standards also include those that enjoin virtues of honesty, compassion, and loyalty. And, ethical standards include standards relating to rights, such as the right to life, the right to freedom from injury, and the right to privacy. Such standards are adequate standards of ethics because they are supported by consistent and well founded reasons.
Secondly, ethics refers to the study and development of one's ethical standards. As mentioned above, feelings, laws, and social norms can deviate from what is ethical. So it is necessary to constantly examine one's standards to ensure that they are reasonable and well-founded. Ethics also means, then, the continuous effort of studying our own moral beliefs and our moral conduct, and striving to ensure that we, and the institutions we help to shape, live up to standards that are reasonable and solidly-based.
In the fictional universe of Star Wars, a Jedi mind trick is a Force power. Jedi who know the power can, by using the Force, influence the actions of other "weak-minded" sentient beings.
Jedi typically perform this ability with a wave of the hand and a verbal suggestion. If the trick is successful, the victim will reply by restating the suggestion and will immediately think or do whatever the Jedi suggested.
The hand wave may not be required to use the power.
Gough: I have never misquoted you. Spring: Well...you twist things and...you'd better watch yourself.
SPRING: ................ Call me. I'm in the book. Nobody has taken me up on that.
Spring: I also don't appreciate you call my police chief on a Sunday and asking for my private number. (Stresses on the MY's)
We like to be as transparent as we can
QuincyNews.org requested Spring's travel information on Jan. 22 and did the story last week.