Saturday, October 03, 2009

Get one for your car today!

"For hire shall mean and include an acceptance of any consideration of any kind".


  1. Maybe if Jeff Scott was not a arsonist and forger he may have been able to run his venture with no hassles. If you are not in control of your own life how you can have the lives of others entrusted to you. Especially people that are drunk... I say run this criminal out on a rail. He needs to be locked up like his worthless brother.

  2. The guy and his lawyer are getting national legs . Kill the messenger died when Clinton became an Ex President .

  3. Sorry Johnny, but you're an idiot.

    Jeff/Jonathan went to prison. He served his time. He paid his debt to society.

    He IS in control of his life now, and kudos to him for straightening it out. YOUR kind of attitude belongs--oh I don't know, how about in the middle ages? Or at the very least, in a cell with a big hulking, horny cellmate. You can be his bitch since you're obviously already a whore for Nazi-style "never forgive and brand em as slime for life" facism. Wow, you fit in so well with the current administration in Washington, head on out there I'm sure you can get a job.

  4. Tookie, are you going to pay for your ride today? If so, I can turn him in.
