My subscription to the City Hall Daily is coming up and I don't know whether to renew it or not.
So, like anything else I do, I will weight the pros and cons of it:
- Weekly Ads
- Starts fire for grill.
- Recycles
- Protects floor while painting.
- Can get ads on-line.
- Mondays edition often blows of the porch with a slight breeze.
- Often "in bed" with city hall.
- Tired of seeing the same people every week.
- Too many "feel good" page fillers.
Your Thoughts?
I read it religiously for decades. Everything stopped each evening when the paper arrived and heaven and earth were moved to get it if the "paperboy" failed to produce it. I got real busy over the past winter and started missing reading it each night. After a week, or two, I quit reading it entirely. That has been as least five months. We still get it. My wife reads it every night for the ads, gossip, obits and other crap. She doesn't read it for news. I pick up the ads on a Sunday morning to take with me to the bathroom. That's it. To renew, or not to renew...hmmmmmm.
ReplyDeleteHarold Rag sucks, QNI are a bunch of stooges, they're too afraid to do any real reporting. They don't want to rock the boat. They usually fall right in line with what the powers that be want them to do. RH is the exception, he'll get in there and do a good story once in a while.
ReplyDeleteNice pants, JJ!
ReplyDeleteAnything worth reading locally is either on their freebee version or on the free Quincynews.org
ReplyDeleteI think each product has their respective strengths and weaknesses, but between the two, there is really no reason to have the dead tree version dropped on your porch anymore.
Found my QHW tonight soaked on my front porch.
ReplyDeletePlastic covers must cost more.
Mike Hilfrink is a piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteI forgot I have an RSS feed for the QHW. It hasn't been updated since March 13.
ReplyDeleteWhen a LED Stop sign makes the front page....ya got to wonder.
ReplyDeleteCome back Wednesday to read about the school zone signs.
State to spend more money on the big white elephant at 3rd and york. This is a big sinkhole that taxpayers will never fill
ReplyDeleteYou need to get the print edition. It has the little ads for the Wilson and Husar blogs. This will remind you to go and read what they had to say 3-4 weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteThe QHW is a good paper...to poop on.
ReplyDeleteIt takes me 5 minutes to read the HW. By the time I read anything in the HW, QNO has it on the Web.
ReplyDeleteI get all my news from Fox/QNO, and that's all I need
I like the Ad/Sales, but the main reason I read QHW is to find a Gun for sale or some ammunition for sale.
No luck. (went to Wally World today- no 9mm-.45,.22.223.357.--
Thank you Obamagod, you have helped ant least one industry.
And I like cutting down trees for the paper.
And I like to keep the paper boy employed.
And I like to have something for my dog to do, ( fetching the paper off the porch).
I don't know, I would buy a paper occasionally, but driving Ayerco is a pain in the butt.
Probably keep the Subscription.
If you like things that suck, then you should most definitely re-up.
ReplyDeleteOK Fire, what's the verdict? What did you decide? Tell us, then put up a new post.
ReplyDeleteLet's put it this way.
ReplyDeleteThere is a pile of papers in the corner here that haven't been read or opened since Sunday.
Think it time for the open bitch session that I call Wild Fire....
Thanks for stopping by.